Physics Review FALL Name

C - Mechanics

9 analyze straight-line motion both vertically and horizontally (GPS, HSGT) (SCPH_C2005-9)

9a - calculate average velocity, instantaneous velocity, and acceleration in a given frame of reference (GPS)

1.One car travels 50 m due north in 5.0 seconds, and a second car travels 80m due south in 8.0 seconds. During their periods of travel, the cars definitely had the same ______.

A. average velocity B. total displacement C. change in momentum D. average speed

2. An automobile traveling at 10 km/hr, accelerated to 82 km/hr in 9.0 seconds. What is its acceleration?

A. 8.0 km/ hr/s B. 9.0 km/ hr/s C. 10 km/ hr/s D. 82 km/ hr/s

3. An object is accelerating when ______.

A. its direction changes B. its velocity changes C. both a & b D. neither a nor b

4. An automobile changes its speed from 0.92 km/sec to 0.20 km/sec in 8 seconds. What is its acceleration?

A. 0.8m/s/s B. -0.09m/s/s C. -0.14 km/s/s D. 11.11 km/s/s

5. Determine the average velocity if a car travels 150 km in 15 minutes.

A. 0.1 km/min B. 10 km/min C. 15 km/min D. 165 km/min

6. If a skateboarder is traveling 3meters/s. How many seconds will it take for him to travel 100 meters or about the length of a football field?

A. 0.03 sec B. 0.3 sec C. 33.3sec D. 300 sec.

7.You are driving down Pike Street heading toward Chick-Fil-a for a quick snack after school one afternoon. You are stuck behind a slow car causing you to stay at 15 m/s. Naturally, you would like to pass this car so that you can drive the speed limit. You push on the car's accelerator and begin to pass this car. Your rate of acceleration is 4 m/s/s and you accelerate for a total of 3 seconds. How far did your car travel during this time of acceleration only?

A. 63 m B. 18 m C. 51 m D. 27 m

9b - create and interpret position-time graphs, velocity-time graphs and acceleration-time graphs (GPS)


1.  Which graph would best describe a skier accelerating down a slope?

2.  Which graph would best describe a car stalled at the end of a driveway?

3.  Which graph would best describe a car traveling at a constant speed?

4.  Which graph would show unbalanced forces acting on a block of wood to move it?

5.  Which graph would show balanced forces acting on a toy car?

6.  Which graph would show a body in free fall before reaching terminal velocity?

7.  Which graph would show a body in free fall reaching terminal velocity?

8.  Which graph would show a battery operated toy car traveling at a constant velocity and hitting a wall?
Use this graph of a battery operated car to answer the next 3 questions.

9. What is the instantaneous velocity of the car at t=4sec ?

A. 2m/s B. 5m/s C. 20m/s D. 25m/s

10.What is the average velocity of the car for the entire journey?

A. 2m/s B. 5m/s C. 20m/s D. 25m/s

11. What is the acceleration of the car?

A. 0m/s2 B. 2m/s2 C. 20m/s2 D. 25m/s2

12. During what time interval is the car traveling at a constant velocity?


13. During what time interval is the car having positive acceleration?


14. During what time interval is the car reducing its velocity?


15. What is the velocity of the car at 8 seconds?

A) 100 m/s B)200 m/s C) 300 m/s D) 400m/s E) 500 m/s

16. What is the distance the car has traveled during BC time interval (9 sec)?

A)0m B)312.5m C)500m D)4500m

9d - perform laboratory investigations of free-fall motion to determine acceleration of a body in free fall

9d1 - explain free fall acceleration is independent of mass

1. All objects in the universe accelerate ______.

A. downward

B. in the direction of the largest force acting on it

C. in the direction of the vector sum of the forces acting on it

D. opposite the direction of the vector sum of the forces acting on it

2. Two rocks are dropped simultaneously from the same cliff. The larger rock has a mass of 100 kg and a weight of 980 N. The smaller rock has a mass of 10 kg and a weight of 98 N. What is the acceleration of each rock?

A. 98000 m/s/s; 980 m/s/s

B. 100 m/s/s; 10 m/s/s

C. 9.8 m/s/s; 9.8 m/s/s

D. 0.98 m/s/s; 0.98 m/s/s

3. A rock falls off a cliff and is in free fall for 13 seconds. When will the rock travel the greatest distance?

A. 2nd second B. 3rd second C. 8th second D. 13th second

10. analyze the motion of an object moving in two dimensions (GPS, HSGT) (SCPH_C2005-10)

1. If you launch a ball horizontally, moving at a speed of 2.24m/s from a table that is 0.77m tall, how far out from the base of the table will the launched ball land?

A. 0.001m B.0.9m C. 3.17m D.8.5m

2. If a ball lands 0.45m from the edge of a table that is 0.77m tall, what is the horizontal velocity of the ball?

A. 0.5m/s B.1.12m/s C. 3.6m/s D.12m/s

Use the following diagram to answer the next 5 questions. Each picture of the ball represents a one second time interval.

3. What do the arrows in the diagram show about the horizontal and vertical components of any projectile?

A. they are the same length B. they rely on one another

C. they are always the same direction D. they are independent of one another

4. While the ball is following this trajectory, what is its vertical acceleration?

A. -10 m/s/s B. + 10 m/s/s C. 0 m/s/s D. it varies

5. What is the horizontal acceleration?

A. -10 m/s/s B. + 10 m/s/s C. 0 m/s/s D. it varies

6. What is the horizontal velocity of the ball at point B?

A. 0 m/s B. 2m/s C. 5m/s D. 10m/s

7. What is the initial vertical velocity of the ball at point A?

A. 2m/s B. 5m/s C. 10m/s D. 40m/s

11 explain and apply Newton's Three Laws of Motion (GPS, HSGT) (SCPH_C2005-11)

1. The net force acting on an object is ______.

A. the arithmetic sum of all the forces acting on the object

B. the largest force acting on the object

C. the vector sum of all the forces acting on an object

D. the average of all the forces acting on an object

2. The greater the mass of an object, ______

A. the less inertia it has

B. the faster it will accelerate for a given amount of force

C. the less momentum it has

D. the greater its resistance to acceleration

3. A constant net force of 40N acts on a mass of 8 kg. The mass will ______.

A. move at a constant velocity of 30m/s

B. accelerate at a constant acceleration of 5m/s/s

C. accelerate at a constant acceleration of 30m/s/s

D. slow to stop in 5 seconds

4. The vector sum of all of the forces acting on an object is zero. The object CANNOT be ______.

A. motionless B. moving at constant velocity C. moving at constant speed D. accelerating

5. An object is speeding up in a straight line across a table. We can conclude that ______.

A. weight and normal force must not be equal in magnitude

B. friction must be greater than the force it opposes

C. all forces must be balanced

d. the vector sum of the forces acting on it must NOT be zero.

6. In order to accelerate forward, a car must ______.

A. pull itself forward using kinetic friction

B. overcome the normal force supplied by the road

C. push the road backward

D. exert a forward force on the road greater than the weight of the car

12 analyze forces in static and dynamic situations (GPS, HSGT) (SCPH_C2005-12)

1. The weakest of the four fundamental forces in the universe is ______.

A. gravity B. electromagnetism C. weak nuclear force D. strong nuclear force

2. An object resting on an inclined surface feels a normal force _____.

A. straight up B. straight down C. parallel to the inclined surface D. perpendicular to the inclined surface and up

3. Two students push on a box at right angles to each other with forces to 3 and 4 N. The net force applied by these two students….

A. 2 N B. 3N C. 5N D. 7N

4. A crane is attempting to lift a 50,000N crate. What is the normal force supplied by the ground when the tension in the crane cable is 42,000N? A. up 8000N B. down 8000N C. 46,000N up D. 92,000N up

5. What is the mass and weight of a 75 kg astronaut on the moon ( the acceleration of gravity on the moon is 1.6 m/s/s)?

A. 75 kg and 120 N B. 75kg and 735 N C. 75 kg and 0 N D. 0 kg and 0 N

6. A box is sitting on a uniform inclined surface at the maximum angle that static friction can prevent it from sliding. If the box is given a push so that it begins to slide, the box will _____.

A. slow down and come to a stop

B. slow down and then slide at a constant speed

C. continue sliding at a constant speed

D. speed up as it slides down the surface

7. A rocket has a mass of 1.2 kg. The engines provide an upward force of 36 N. The acceleration of the rocket will be most nearly ____.

A. 10 m/s/s B. 20 m/s/s C. 30 m/s/s D. 40 m/s/s

8. An object is swung in a horizontal circle by a cord. If the mass of the object, the speed of the object, and the radius of the circle are all doubled, the tension in the cord will ______.

A. remain the same B. double C. quadruple (x4) D. increase by a factor of 8

9. As a car goes around a curve, the passengers lean away from the curve. This occurs because of _____.

A. centripetal force B. centrifugal force C. inertia D. Newton's Third Law
Please use the following graph for the next question.

10) Consider the graph above showing the how the force between two objects changes as the distance between them increases. This graph can best be explained using which of Newton's Laws?

A. 1st Law B. 2nd Law C. 3rd Law D. Law of Universal Gravitation

11). To measure the static friction between an object and a horizontal surface, we need to ______.

A. measure the force needed to drag the object at a constant speed across the surface

B. measure the force needed to bring the object to a stop

C. measure the maximum force needed for the object to just begin sliding

D. measure the force needed to accelerate the object at a rate equal to the acceleration of gravity

12). Centripetal force always points ______.

A. toward the center of the circle

B. away from the center of the circle

C. tangent to the circle in the direction of motion

D. tangent to the circle opposite the direction of motion

13. Consider a 2 kg object and a 4 kg object in the same location.

A. The 2 kg object will weigh more, but it experiences the same acceleration of gravity.

B. The 2 kg object will weigh more and it experiences a greater acceleration of gravity.

C. The 4 kg object will weigh more, but it experiences the same acceleration of gravity.

D. The 4 kg object will weigh more and it experiences a greater acceleration of gravity.

14 explain the relationship between work and power (using narrative and mathematical descriptions) and apply to realistic situations (GPS, HSGT) (SCPH_C2005-14)

1) Torque can best be described as .

A. Circular Motion B. A Downward Directed Force C. A Twisting Force D. A Measure of Power

2) A machine is supposed to have an IMA of 20, but after testing it is determined to have an actual mechanical advantage of 15. What is the % efficiency of this machine?

A) 100% B) 1.3% C) 15% D) 75%

The drawing below represents a wrench. The left end of the wrench is attached to a bolt. Four equal forces of 200 N are applied as indicated in the drawing. Answer the following 3 questions using this diagram.

3) Which of the four forces exerts the greatest torque on the bolt?

A. Force A B. Force B C. Force C D. Force D

4) Which Force from the diagram above will generate the least amount of Twisting Force?

A. Force A B. Force B C. Force C D. Force D

5) Which Force can be called a perpendicular Force?

A. Force A B. Force B C. Force C D. Force D E. Both A and D

6) Actual Mechanical Advantage can be calculated from which of the following relationships?

A) Effort Force / Resistance Distance

B) Effort Distance / Resistance Force

C) Resistance Force / Effort Force

D) Effort Distance / Resistance Distance

Please use the following for this question.

7) In this diagram , a 20.0-newton force is used to push a 2.00-kilogram cart a distance of 10.0 meters. What is the work done on the cart?

A. 40.0 J B. 100 J C. 150 J D. 200 J

Please use the following for the next question.

8) Two children sit on a seesaw that is balanced horizontally. The child on the left has a weight of 200 N and sits 4 m from the fulcrum. If the child on the right has a weight of 400 N, how far from the fulcrum should he sit to balance the seesaw?