Nortroll CableTroll 2350 FPI Overcurrent/Earth Fault Test Form / Document Number: ECP 11-0521a
Version: 6.0
Date: 05/01/2015

Nortroll CableTroll 2350 FPI Overcurrent/Earth Fault Test Form

Substation Name
Substation Number
FPI 1 Circuit
FPI 2 Circuit
FPI 3 Circuit
Manufacturer / Type / Serial No
FPI Settings
CT Ratio / Timer Reset / OFF / 3h / 6h / 12h
Overcurrent Threshold* / OFF / 250A / 375A / 500A / 625A / 750A / Remote Output / Fleeting / Latched
Remote Reset / Yes / No
* Use test form ECP 11-0521b for FPIs with earth fault only
Preliminary Checks / (ü or n/a)
1 / 2 / 3
Inspection satisfactory (no visible signs of damage etc.)
Check 500/1 phase CTs (if used) have been tested with switchgear
Check 500/1 phase CTs (if used) shorting-link is opened
Configuration / (ü or n/a) /
1 / 2 / 3 /
Connect battery
Press internal Battery Reset button (all LEDs will flash twice on release)
Press Test button on front of unit to check earth fault and overcurrent LEDs and battery
Set overcurrent threshold** / LPN Non-interconnected network*** / 625A
EPN, SPN network / 625A
EPN, SPN rural network beyond pole mounted reclosers where NOP fault level ≤25MVA / 250A
Set timer reset (6h)**
Select CT type (500/1, 60/1 or 40/1)**
Check earth fault enabled**
Set remote output to Latched if required**
Press Reset button on front of unit
Record actual settings selected above
** Dip-switch options are given on the next page
*** Use test form ECP 11-0512b for LPN interconnected network
SW3 / 1 / 2 / 3 / OC Threshold / SW3 / 6 / Earth Fault Indication
0 / 0 / 0 / OFF / 0 / Enable
1 / 0 / 0 / 250A / 1 / Disable
0 / 1 / 0 / 375A / SW3 / 7 / EF sensor
1 / 1 / 0 / 500A / 0 / 60/1
0 / 0 / 1 / 625A / 1 / 40/1
1 / 0 / 1 / 750A / SW3 / 8 / Sensor Type
SW3 / 4 / 5 / Timer Reset / 0 / 500/1
0 / 0 / OFF / 1 / 40/1 or 60/1
1 / 0 / 3h / SW4 / 1 / Output Relay
0 / 1 / 6h / 0 / Fleeting Contact
1 / 1 / 12h / 1 / Latching Contact
SW4 / 8 / Output Relay
0 / F Relay (no H label)
1 / H Relay (H label)

Primary Injection Tests (500/1 CTs) / Operate Current (A)
1 / 2 / 3
Earth fault test
(should operate at approx 50-60A) / L1-E
Secondary Injection Tests (500/1 CTs)
RN2c/RE2c/SE6* / VRN2a** / Operate Current (A)
1 / 2 / 3
Overcurrent test
(should operate according to the table below) / D110 - D130 / C410 - C430
D130 - D150 / C430 - C450
D150 - D110 / C450 - C410
* The terminal designations shown are for ring switch 1 on an RN2/RN2c/RE2c or for an SE6. For ring switch 2 on an RN2/RN2c/RE2c the D110/2, D130/2 and D150/2 should be used.
** On some early VRN2a it may be necessary to short together terminals C510, C530 and C550 for this test.
Setting (A) / 250 / 375 / 500 / 625 / 750
Approx Secondary Operating Current (A) / 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 / 1.25 / 1.5
On-load Tests / (ü)
1 / 2 / 3
Zero sequence current test satisfactory
Load current test satisfactory
Final Checks / (ü) /
1 / 2 / 3 /
CT shorting-link opened
All connections secure
Front cover secure
Complete asset data form and submit to ART
Test Equipment
Purpose / Make/Type / Serial Number
Certification / (ü)
All tests have been completed satisfactorily
Commissioning Engineer / Signature / Date

This test form should be left on-site in a plastic wallet and in a secure location.

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