Coastal San Luis RCD Board Meeting Minutes
January 27, 2017
UC Cooperative Extension
2156 Sierra Way, San Luis Obispo, CA
12:30 PM
I. Call to Order – President Neil Havlik called the meeting to order at 12:40 PM.
A. Directors Present: Neil Havlik, Linda Chipping, Rob Rutherford, and Cheryl Lenhardt
B. Directors Absent: Dave Alford and Jean-Pierre Wolff
C. Staff and Associates Present: Associate Director Ron Munds, Staff Members Jackie Crabb, Della Barrett, and Jen Nix
D. Guests: None
II. Public Comment Period – None
III. Election of Officers – Postponed until February meeting. Neil mentioned he is willing to continue to serve as President.
IV. Approval of Minutes of December 16, 2016 – Rob mentioned some comments he had made during the December meeting that had not been included in the Minutes. Della agreed to add them. On a motion by Cheryl, seconded by Linda, the Minutes of December 16, 2016 were approved as amended. Ayes were Linda, Rob, Cheryl, and Neil. Noes: None. Abstentions: None.
V. Financial Report
A. Ratification of Disbursements of January 15 and Approval of January 27, 2017 Disbursements – Cindy had e-mailed the Check Disbursement List earlier. Jackie reviewed them with the Board and answered questions. On a motion by Rob, seconded by Cheryl, the January 15 Disbursement List was ratified and the January 27 List was approved. Ayes were Linda, Neil, Rob, and Cheryl. Nos: None. Abstentions: None.
B. 12/31/16 Financial Reports and Finance Manager Report –The Board discussed the financial statements that Cindy had e-mailed earlier. Jackie answered Board questions. Cheryl suggested that, rather than take the time to do an excel version of the Active and Awarded Grants report, Cindy should just use the Quickbooks version.
VI. Discussion and/or Board Action Items
A. Selection of Alternate Representative on Water Resources Advisory Committee- Linda explained that since Kathie Matsuyama’s resignation from the CSL RCD Board, there has been no Alternate Representative on the WRAC. Rob volunteered to serve as Alternate. It was the sense of the Board to write a letter to the Board of Supervisors requesting that Rob be appointed as Alternate Member representing the CSL RCD.
B. Selection of Conservationist of the Year – Jackie reviewed the draft of the criteria for selection that she had e-mailed earlier. Board members made suggestions for minor revisions. For this year, based on his long involvement in conservation, the Board approved John Swift as the 2017 Conservationist of the Year. Jackie will coordinate the presentation of the award with the county Supervisors’ meeting schedule.
C. Discussion of the ARP Program – Neil reported on the meeting he and Jean-Pierre had with Supervisor Bruce Gibson. Linda reported on the Board of Supervisors meeting where the Supervisors received the Staff Report. The draft program will go to the Planning Commission February 23rd and to the Board of Supervisors on March 21st.
D. Discussion of Future Grant Opportunities and Board Member updates – Jen listed several items in her report, discussed in Item VII.
E. Discussion of Corbett Creek/Clark Contingent Purchase and Sale Agreement – Neil updated the Board regarding the current escrow status.
D. Future Board Meeting Dates - February 24 and March 24, 2017. Both meetings will be at 12:30 pm at the UC Co-Op Extension.
VII. Report Items
A. & B. Conservation Programs Manager Report and Project Manager Report – Jen reviewed her report item by item. Board members were pleased with the new format. After Board discussion, and in view of the shortage of Engineers, Cheryl recommended doing the necessary vetting and then preparing an on-call list of Engineering Consultants. On a different subject, Jen and Board Members discussed trespassing problems on the Los Osos Wetland project. Jen reviewed all her projects and Board Members commented. Rob mentioned an innovative and inexpensive creek restoration method, and the workshop describing it that he had attended. He will get more information, as there may be some engineering help through that group. Jen reviewed the rest of her projects and grants, including work Hallie is doing at Oso Flaco Lake. Neil and Rob asked about grant funds, upcoming expenses, and timing of work. The Board also discussed the District expenses described in Jen’s report.
B. Natural Resources Conservation Services– No report
VII. Meeting Updates
A. CARCD and NACD – No report.
B. ALAB, Edna Valley/Pismo Creek Watershed Group, and RWQCB – No report.
C. WRAC – Linda reported on the January meeting, where Planning Department staff had made a presentation on the draft Ag Pond and Oak Tree Protection ordinances. The WRAC voted to form a subcommittee to review the daft Ag Pond ordinance. On a different subject, Mark Battney of UC Extension made a presentation about his technical analysis of the Paso Robles Basin.
D. Zone 9, LAFCO, and CSDA – Neil mentioned the work being done by Zone 9 to deal with flooding.
IX. Other Business – None.
X . Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Della Barrett, Board Secretary