Directors of Leadership Learning – Division of Responsibilities

August 1, 2014

Mike Barbero

  • Student Engagement Project
  • CASS has been contracted by Alberta Education to coordinate an expansion of Student Engagement opportunities across the province.
  • Alberta Council for Environmental Education (ACEE) Task Force
  • Represent CASS as ACEE works towards developing curriculum in environment and energy education to integrate into the curriculum redesign
  • Alberta Assessment Consortium (AAC) - Instructional Leadership and Assessment Committee
  • Represent CASS on this committee, which meets three times per year. AAC is assured funding for this project for one more year.
  • This committee supports the development of instructional leadership
  • Online Professional Growth Web Service Committee
  • CASS is represented on this committee, which is hosted by the ATA.
  • Professional Practice Competencies for School Leaders
  • Represent CASS on this committee, which is hosted by Alberta Education. The Committee will be reconvened in 2014/15, after having been dormant for the past two years. It is anticipated the committee will meet 3 – 4 times in the year.
  • Deputy Ministers’ Dialogue on Teaching Quality,
  • The Director is one of six CASS representatives on this committee, which meets 2 – 3 times per year.
  • A Guide to Support Implementation: Essential Conditions
  • The Director represented CASS on the committee, which is led by the Learning Consortiums, and which developed the ‘A Guide to Support Implementation: Essential Conditions’ document in 2010. It is intended for the committee to reconvene in 2014/15 in order to refresh the document.
  • Provincial C2 Committee
  • The Director represents CASS on this committee, which includes representation from all education partners. The committee has organized the provincial C2 meetings.
  • Work with Superintendents - Instructional Leadership
  • Currently involved with Zone 4 superintendents, with support from Dr. David Townsend and Dr. Pam Adams from the University of Lethbridge.
  • Work with school jurisdictions – School Improvement
  • The Director has been invited to work with school jurisdictions to assist with school improvement.