Opening Day 2018 MBA Home Run Derby

at MHS Veterans Field

Round 1: Each player will be given 10 outs. If a player hits (1) or more home runs, he will automatically be entered into the Final Round.

Round 2: Each player will be given 5 outs. If a player hits (1) or more home runs, he will automatically be entered into the Final Round.

Final Round: A player must have hit at least (1) home run to qualify for the Final Round. With the start of the final round the score resets to zero. Each player will be given 5 outs, the player with the most Home Runs in the Final Round wins*.

Official 2018 MBA Home Run Derby Official Rules

1.  Each player must be in full uniform and supply his own helmet & bat.

2.  USA, USSSA and Wood bats are allowed.

3.  “Out” - Any “non-home run” will be charged as an out: A non-home run is any ball that is not hit over the fence in fair ball territory e.g. swinging strike, fair or foul hit ball, 5 cumulative takes will also be recorded as an “out”

4.  Take” - Each player will be charged with an “out” for each 5 cumulative “takes”. A player will not be charged an out until his fifth take and an additional out for each fifth take thereafter.

5. The player with the most home runs in the Final Round will be named the winner.


*If no one hits a home run in Round 1 or 2, a third round (Round 3) will be used for qualification in the Final Round.

*Round 3 (if needed): Each player will be given 3 outs to advance. If only one player hits a home run after all players have hit, he becomes the winner with no Final Round needed.

“Sudden Death” Round 4 at Judges Discretion: In the interest of time, Round 4 will be the same as Round 3 and will continue to repeat, except that it becomes “sudden death” with no Final Round needed. The first person to hit a home run starting with Round 4 will be named the winner.

Official Judges: Kyle Heitkamp, Dave Maurer and Pat Becker

***Official Judges will be the final judge if any clarifications are needed ***