Vineman Charity Grants Recipients

Vineman, Inc. is a California Public Benefit Non-Profit Corporation (501.c3). Our purpose is to support health, fitness and the well-being of our community. Barb’s Race/Vineman Charity Grants support organizations that provide services and programs that promote healing and wellness for women with cancer. To maximize the impact of the money we donate, we give to organizations and programs where our contribution directly benefits the cancer patients.

Vineman Events bring many racers with their family and friends to Sonoma County. Because of the impact of the races on this area, we like to give back to the community. So for the most part we donate the funds we raise within Sonoma County. However, in some instances, we do contribute to organizations outside of our area that provide support to women in Sonoma County and/or have a personal meaning to our Vineman family.

So where does the money actually go fromthe Barb’s Race/Vineman Charity Grants Fund? Here are the organizations we have supported over the years and the reason Barb has chosen them.

Sutter North Bay Women’s Health Center - Integrative Health and Healing Services

Integrative Health & Healing Services (IHHS) provides complementary therapies for women undergoing cancer treatment. Therapies such as massage, acupressure, acupuncture, Reiki, Touch Therapy, Naturopathy, Feldenkrais, guided imagery and other stress management techniques help support women through their treatment. Services are free of charge for those with low incomes and for those heavily impacted by out-of-pocket medical expenses. It started out with a Susan G. Komen grant funding breast cancer patients only but has continued to grow and expand to women with all cancers with the funds we donate from Barb’s Race and our Vineman Charity Grants. We are the major source of funding for this program.

Complementary therapies were vital to Barb’s healing process so that is why she chooses to support IHHS.

Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital - Cancer Support Groups
Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital provides support groups for people who have been newly diagnosed with cancer, are living with advanced cancers, as well as for families and caregivers. We want to support their commitment to maintaining and improving the health of the community.

Barb attended a support group here and wants to ensure that this program continues as it was so valuable to her healing process.

Commonweal Cancer Help Program
The Commonweal Cancer Help Program (CCHP) is a week-long retreat for people with cancer that helps participants live better and, where possible, longer lives. The Cancer Help Program addresses the unmet needs of people with cancer including finding balanced

information on choices in healing; mainstream and complementary therapies; exploring emotional and spiritual dimensions of cancer; discovering that illness can sometimes lead to a richer and fuller life; and experiencing genuine community with others facing a cancer diagnosis.

Barb attended a week-long retreat at Commonweal and it was transformative so she wants others to have access to this incredible program.

Women’s Cancer Awareness Group (WCAG)

The Women’s Cancer Awareness Group is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to creating support programs for cancer survivors, and increasing awareness of the risk factors and symptoms of gynecologic cancers.

Barb’s cancer was a gynecologic cancer, and she knows how empowering education can be in making informed decisions about treatment, as well as the value of support groups.

Past Recipients of Vineman Charity Grants:

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Research
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the world's largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services. The mission of LLS is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.

Members of our staff and race committee have family members affected by Leukemia. Barb wanted to honor them by supporting their research and patient services. LLS Team in Training members participate in our races as well as volunteer at all of our events. We’ve donated $33,500.00 to LLS over the years.

UCSF Gynecologic Oncology Services

Gynecologic oncologists of UCSF are committed to meeting the complex needs of women with cancers of the reproductive tract.

Barb was diagnosed with metastatic endometrial cancer and underwent treatment at UCSF. We have donated to their research into possible treatments and cures for gynecologic cancers.