Application for a permit to take DRF fornon-departmental managementoperation


(Pursuant to Section 23F of the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950, as amended)

  1. Scientific name(s) of DRF to be taken: (if more than one taxon please list all)

  1. Date(s) of the proposed activity which will result in taking of DRF:

  1. Location of proposed activity: (please attach a map)

  1. Nature of the proposed activity (for burning indicate likely fire intensity and relevant information):
Note: “to take” also refers to inadvertent or accidental impact to the DRF and surrounding habitat.
If renewing a DRF permit, also include details here of what was taken under the previous permit & why you require the permit to be renewed.
(a)Purpose of and need for the proposed activity:
(b)Consequence of not carrying out the operation:
(c)Cost of alternative measures:(eg to exclude DRF from burning; include any change in fire risks)
  1. DBCA Population Number/s of the DRF (if known):

(a)Total number(s) and condition of plants in DRF population(s) subject to the proposed activity (include reproductive maturity):
(b)Number(s) of plants and parts of plants likely to be taken (e.g. leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds on ground, stem, roots, above ground plants, whole plants) at the time proposed:
  1. Total number of populations, number of plants and condition of the species:
(a)in the local context:
(b)on all lands if known: (attach a table if necessary)
  1. Detail regenerative characteristics of the DRF as applicable to activity, e.g. recovery after fire:

  1. Detail proposals for monitoring the effect of the activity on the DRF:

  1. Other relevant information:(eg discussion with DBCA District staff, Species and Communities Branch or Research Division; whether the proposed activity is going through any other approvals process e.g. clearing permit application, POW, Ministerial Statement)

  1. Additional comments in support of application:(eg discussion with local District)

  1. Applicant Details (Name of the individual to whom a permit is to be issued):

Title: / Surname: / First name:
Address (postal): / Postcode
Associated Research Institution/Company/Group (if applicable) / Daytime phone number:
Previous Permit No.
Expiry date: / Email Address:
  1. Signed:
/ Date:


•"to take" in relation to the Wildlife Conservation Act includes to gather, pluck, cut, pull up, destroy, dig up, remove or injure the flora or to cause or permit the same to be done by any means.

•Applications to take Declared Rare Flora must be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the "taking" of the species.

•All applications must be referred in the first instance for the attention of the Flora Administrative Officer, Species & Communities Branch, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983. A submission will be forwarded to the Hon Minister for Environment (or their delegate), based on this application.

•Applicants must complete all sections. Contact the Department's Flora Administrative Officer 9219 9513 if further information is required.

•It is a condition of a DRF permit that a Threatened and Priority Flora Report Form is to be completed for each population of DRF that a collection is made. Report Forms and the field manual on how to complete the form can be downloaded from DBCA’s website at

•The WA Herbarium guidelines on collection of specimens can be downloaded from the WA Herbarium’s webpage at

•Information on the location of DRF populations can be requested through Species and Communities Branch by emailing

•A list of the current DRF can be obtained from DBCA’s website at


Revised: July 2017

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