Together Everyone Achieves More

Tel: 01246 850289


Newsletter No 20Term 3

Monday February 7th2011

School Parliament News

Please come and support our “Teacher’s Got Talent” on 11th February. Bring your purses and wallets. It’s for a really good cause!

From Jason Northage & Alex Healey

Prime Minister ICT Minister

Red Nose Day

We are selling red noses at morning break from tomorrow. They are £1 each and will be on sale until Red Nose Day on 18thMarch.

Shokk Gym coming to school 28/2- 4/3

The shokk gym equipment is coming to our school for a week, kindly provided by BolsoverDC. The gym will be open every day between 8:00am and 8:40am for children in Years 3-6. Those wishing to attend must come for an induction on the Monday morning. Trained staff will be running the club!

Bringing and Collecting Children in Cars

Could I please ask all parents to drive extra carefully in the village and make sure you are extra vigilant for children and parents who are walking to and from school. Thank you.NB We had two complaints last week despite this notice!

Teacher’s Got Talent

Some of the children are teaching the teachers how to perform a skill or talent in assembly on Friday 11th February at 9am. If you would like to come and watch us make fools of ourselves please feel free! We are charging 50p (or any donation) to watch. The money raised is going to VSO (a charity the children chose to support). If you are unable to attend but would like to donate, then please send the money with your child and we will collect it – Thanks.

Chinese New Year 3/2/10

We had a fabulous time last Thursday. It made it even more special because we had so many parents and visitors coming in to help and support – Thanks very much to everyone involved.

Friends of School News

The Friends of School have been taking stock after the Christmas Fayre. You were so generous with your gifts in December that we still have some fantastic raffle prizes for future events. However, we can always do with more and we also need prizes for stalls like the tombola and hook-a-bag. So, if you have any unwanted Christmas gifts or any good quality toys you no longer need, we’d be delighted to receive them.

The committee will be meeting tomorrow at 9am on Tuesday 8 February to discuss ideas for future events and ways we can use our funds to benefit the school. If you have any suggestions please let us know, either by telling a member of the committee, by putting a note in the suggestion box at reception or we would love you to come along to the meeting!

KS2 Whitehall Trips May & June 11

In order to help spread payments, you can send in any money with your payment card at any time. The full amount needs to be in by the end of March. – Thank you.

Extra Curricular Clubs

MONDAY: Keep fit for adults and film club for all children 3.30 to 4.45pm

MONDAY: Y2-Y6ECO club fortnightly 3.30 to 4.30pm

TUESDAY: Y2-Y6 Glee Club 12.30 to 1pm

WEDNESDAY: KS2 Netball 12.30 to 1pm

KS2 Football 3.30 to 4.30pm

FRIDAY:School Parliament12.30pm Fortnightly

Term Dates and Dates for your Diary

7 February 2011 / Basketball competition at Bolsover
11 February 2011 / Teachers showing their Talents in assembly!
18 February 2011 / Break up
28 February 2011 / Children Start Back
28/02/11 to 04/03/11 / Shokk Gym in school
18 March 2011 / Red Nose Day
4 April 2011 / WholeSchool trip to Derby (except Nursery)
20 – 22 May 2011 / Scott trip to
24 May 2011 / Choir Festival at South Normanton
17 – 19 June 2011 / Cook trip to Whitehall
22 July 2011 / Extra day off in lieu of the Royal Wedding

PLEASE NOTE: There may be additional or amended dates to your yearly list of diary dates. Please check future newsletters.

NB: if you have any items you want to sell £1 per advert – money to school funds!

Fun Shop

Fun shop is every Thursday lunch time. Proceeds are used to buy the children something.

Celebration Assembly

Friday is our celebration assembly. We will let you know if your child is due to receive a star certificate. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Doe Lea Centre

Kick Boxing on a Tuesday 6pm

Yoga on a Thursday 6pm – 7.30pm

Jujitsu on a Friday at 6.30pm

For more information please ring 850209

Before & After School Club

Don’t forget the After School Club runs every day 3.30pm to 4.30pm –

£2.50 per session including a snack – BUT YOU MUST BOOK IN ADVANCE - Contact Claire for a booking form tel: 07545094726