Wimbledon Light Opera Society Committee Meeting
12 Homefield Road
18th March 2013 at 20:00
John Huckle (Chairman)
Angela Daniel (Deputy Chairman)
Katie Lucy (Secretary)
Paul Sadler (Treasurer)
Naomi Fieldus (Business Manager)
Suzie Bailey (Publicity Officer)
Emily McDonald (Social Secretary)
Jon Mizler
Janet Huckle
Candice Newton
Nick Simpson
Greg Shaw
1. Welcome and Apologies:
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting:
The Committee approved the minutes.
3. Matters Arising:
No one had any issues to discuss.
4. Correspondence
A letter regarding insurance renewal was discussed.
John received congratulatory emails regarding the AGM & WLOSCARS from Marion Stewart and Anne & Noel Crockford.
5. AGM, WLOSCARS and Associates Show:
The Associates show profited by £280 from the bar and raffle. The WLOSCARs profited by £35. Please note the 'profits' for associates & WLOSCARS are before the cost of hall hire.
The committee all agreed that the WLOSCARS was a great successand that it should become an annual event.
Committee to remind the cast to think of nominations during the next couple of shows and to start collating them for the next WLOSCARS.
At the last AGM John asked the attendees their thoughts on WLOS performing at the New Wimbledon Theatre on an annual basis. The majority felt that it would not be cost effective and there would be difficulty getting the rights for shows. Therefore, everyone felt that we should decline the offer although the company in general thought that Wimbledon Theatre once every 2 to 3 years was acceptable. Nick asked whether WLOS would lose their normal slot at Wimbledon if we did decline the offer. John confirmed that we would not.
6. Anything Goes - Budget and Contracts:
Naomi gave the committee a detailed overview of the budget for Anything Goes. Total cost for ‘Anything Goes’ will be approximately £43,000.00. It was confirmed the show levy for all the cast is £95 per person and £65 for students. John has ordered the set but it still waiting for the contract.
It has been agreed that we will use professional people for the lighting and sound. Laura Hutchinson and John put feelers out to try and recruit staff. They have had several responses and now need to negotiate prices.
Alison created the wonderful flyers. John has mini flyers and A5 flyers. John is collecting the A3 posters tomorrow (19th March).
Suzie explained that most journalists require photos prior to publicising a show. Therefore, Suzie has organised for ‘Time and leisure’ to attend the rehearsal on Thursday 28th March to take photos of several principles in action.
Katie confirmed that she had emailed the Mayor and NODA rep Steve Macvicar regarding the dates for the show
John confirmed that the show will be videoed by Surrey Video Services. He also stated Nick Pinks will be the stage manager. WLOS will require help for get in and get out, grateful for volunteers. There will be a Band call on Sunday (9th June), tech run Monday (10th June) and dress run Tuesday (11th June). Props will be provided by Susan Mills.
Angela agreed to take the lead on updating the website.
Janet informed the group that rehearsals were going to plan. However, she would like the chorus and principles to be off the book soon. We may need to give them a cut off date. She confirmed that the Chinese characters will be played by John Huckle and Robin Clifford. We will be putting an advert of next show in the programme.
7. Future Shows:
Autumn show 2013:
Angela gave a summary of the musical ‘Honk’ and the committee also discussed the possibility of doing Pirates of Penzance or Mikado. However, everyone felt a G&S was not right for WLOS at the moment,
‘Honk’ is described as afamily show. The show has many parts for men and women of all ages and has great chorus songs. There are also great dance routines, which should hopefully keep the current dancers interested in staying with the society.
The Committee agreed that the autumn 2013 show will be ‘Honk’ at the Oratory Theatre..
John will inform the members at the next anything goes rehearsal.
Spring show 2014:
John proposed that ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ be performed at the Secombe Centre. The committee discussed other possibilities, unfortunately due to lack of availability in other theatres, it was agreed that Fiddler at the Secombe was our best option.
Winter show 2014:
Angela proposed ‘A Christmas Carol’ at Lingfield Hall. Everyone agreed that this would be a wonderful idea.
John will find out if we can get the rights.
8. WLOS Calendar:
Katie to create a calendar for the website. Add show dates, audition dates, committee meetings, associate shows and Christmas Carols and social events.
Dates to remember:
Honk Auditions – Sunday 30th June 2013
Honk Show – week commencing the 28th October 2013
WLOSCARS – Saturday 1st March 2014.
Associate Show – Thursday 10th July 2014
9. Social Events;
Emily thought we should have a social event organised around each show.
Ideas for social events are:
· Summer BBQs – maybe on a Sunday after a rehearsal
· Carols/Christmas gathering
· Quizzes
· Auditions Technique class
· Bonfire Night
· Theatre Trips
· Open Mic Night
10. Financial Update:
Paul confirmed that there is £32,660 in the bank.
11. Dates of next meeting:
The next committee meeting will be held on the 22nd April at 8pm at 12 Homefield Road.
12. AOB:
Angela made everyone aware that there will be no break between Anything Goes and Honk, due to the Auditions being on the 30th June.
Jon M agreed to create a database of all the current and past members.
Paul asked whether we were planning to organise any theatre trips. Emily will find details about Ghost the musical.
The meeting closed