Tazewell High School


Teacher: J. Scott YostSubject: PhysicsPeriod(s): 4

Dates: 1/16/17 until 1/20/17Unit: 7

SOLs (or Competencies) Addressed:

PH.4 The student will investigate and understand how applications of physics affect the world. Key concepts include a) examples from the real world; and b) exploration of the roles and contributions of science and technology.

PH.5 The student will investigate and understand the interrelationships among mass, distance, force, and time through mathematical and experimental processes. Key concepts include a) linear motion; b) uniform circular motion; c) projectile motion; d) Newton’s laws of motion; e) gravitation; f) planetary motion; and g) work, power, and energy.

Learning Objectives: [byweek or by day]

•1. Define momentum and impulse and use the impulse-momentum theorem to calculate changes in momentum.

•2. Understand the relationship between time-interval and average force for a fixed impulse

•3. Recognize the connection between the 3rd law and conservation of momentum.

•4. Use the definition of a closed, isolated system.

Instructional/Assessment Activities:

WarmUP – This is a bellringer activity which will go over the previous days lesson.

Guided Practice – This is a visual presentation given to students in the form of a powerpoint or a smart-board presentation.

Independent Practice- This will be Individual assignments from the students workbook or text. Occasionally this will be in the form of a puzzle or teacher made hand-out.

Summary and Review-This will be a brief Q & A session to review material learned for that class period or an exit slip to reinforce learning for the day.


AV-Video (Conservation of Momentum) to be used as a review of previous topics / Notes-Newton’s 3rd law and momentum / Guided Practice – Sample Problems / Independent Practice – from text./ Summary and Review (Q & A)


Lab – Collisions in One Dimension – (Virtual Lab). Students will be studying elastic and inelastic collisions in one dimension.


Lab – Collisions in One Dimension – (Virtual Lab). Students will be studying elastic and inelastic collisions in one dimension.


Study Guide – Unit 7 Test. Students will work on a study guide while the teacher assists.


Unit 7 TEST.


Smart Board will be used as an aid to check student understanding.

Turning Point Clicker System will be used to check for individual readiness.

TI 84 Plus Calculator will be used as an aid to check solutions.

Cell Phones may be used as a scientific calculator

Cell Phones may be used to take a photo of the classwork or homework assignment.

Formative Assessment

Classwork in the form of WarmUps (Bellringers) , Clicker Questions , Problems from the Text, Skills Practice sets and Direct Questioning. A graphing Lab will be given to reinforce student understanding of Kepler’s laws.


WarmUP (Bellringers) will be used to assess individual understanding of previous topics covered.

Summative Assessments (Quizzes and Tests) will be used as a primary tool to guide instruction for individual student needs. Remediation will be provided for students who are not ready for the next topic. Students who have mastered content will be provided with extended practice (challenge problems).

Time will be allotted each day (other than the day of a quiz or test) for Independent practice to allow for additional support from the teacher to address individual needs.

If necessary, assignments will be altered to accommodate for those who may work at a slower pace.

The TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator will be used as an aid for basic operations.