Activity 3.1.6 Open and Closed Loop Systems


Many devices function without ever knowing whether they are doing the job that they were programmed to do. They might run for a specific amount of time or perform one more function and then stop. For example if you set the clothes dryer to run for 45 minutes, your clothes might be dry or they might not be dry. A clothes dryer is an open loop system because the process provides no feedback to the device. Newer clothes dryers possess moisture sensors. The moisture sensors inform the machine when the clothes are dry, at which point the dryer can stop running. The feedback provided by the sensor makes this a closed loop system.


·  RoboPro software

·  fischertechnik® components:

Interface, power supply, and USB cable / 2 mini switches
5 wires / 9 building blocks 30 mm
Motor / 8 building blocks 15 mm (1 pin)
2 lamps / 3 rack and pinion 60 mm
Photocell / Motor rack gearbox

Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Copyright 2010

POE – Unit 3 – Activity 3.1.6 – Open and Closed Loop Systems – Page 1

Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Copyright 2010

POE – Unit 3 – Activity 3.1.6 – Open and Closed Loop Systems – Page 1


In this activity you will design an open loop program to control a motor driven on a track. Then you will design a closed loop system utilizing feedback from both analog and digital inputs to control the motor.

1.  Build the support system and track pictured below.

2.  Add the motor and gearbox as shown below, and then wire the motor to M1 on the interface. Slightly loosen the gearbox from the motor so that you can freely adjust the motor. Before tightening the motor, center the gearbox over the middle building block.

3.  Write a program that will shuttle the motor back and forth 1.5 seconds each way 20 times. Write a description next to each function block to explain what happens at each block. Save the program as 226Program1.

4.  Run the program and observe the final resting place of the gearbox. You may or not have to look closely, but the gearbox probably did not stop in the center.

5.  Is this an open loop or closed loop system?

6.  Where do you think the gearbox would have come to rest had you set the program to cycle 120 times?

7.  What problems and inefficiencies might this process cause if it were used in an assembly mechanism designed to run 24 hours per day for several days?

8.  Place a mini switch on both ends of the device as pictured below. Wire the switches to I1 and I2. Write a program that will shuttle the motor back and forth five times based on feedback from when the switches are pressed. Write a description next to each function block to explain what happens at each block. Save the program as 226Program2.

9.  Is this an open loop or closed loop system?

10. How precise would this device be if it were designed to cycle 500 times?

Instructor’s Signature ______Date ______

11. Remove the mini switches. Make the modifications as seen below. Add the smaller building blocks to the ends of the gearbox and motor. Use the larger building blocks to create extensions from the track on each end. Add covered lamps to the extensions using smaller building blocks on one side of the track. Using the same attachment method, place a phototransistor across from one lamp and a photocell across from the other.

12. Write a program that will shuttle the motor back and forth five times using the phototransistor and photocell for feedback. Write a description next to each function block to explain what happens at each block. Save the program as 226Program3. Demonstrate the successful program for your instructor.

Instructor’s Signature ______Date ______


1.  Describe an open loop system that has not already been given as an example. Could the system benefit from feedback? Justify your answer.

2.  Describe a closed loop system that has not already been given as an example. Describe the feedback utilized, and describe why that type of feedback is utilized.

Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Copyright 2010

POE – Unit 3 – Activity 3.1.6 – Open and Closed Loop Systems – Page 1