Costumed Cuties

Age Groups:
0-11mths 12-23mths 2yr 3yr 4yrs 5-6 yrs 7-9 yrs 10-12yrs
Groups may be joined or split if needed
Only accepting 8 per group!(Limited number of spots offered)
Costume of Choice(Custom or Off the Rack)
Stomach can show. Make up is allowed. Hair should be fixed, but no fake hair pieces allowed. No fake eyelashes, spray tans, or flippers allowed.
Contestants will be judged on beauty, personality/poise, and overall appearance. Any ties will be broken on beauty scores 1st, personality 2nd, overall appearance 3rd
Stage Setup: Enter-Three Xs straight across- Exit
Props are allowed but not required. / Date:
Sunday, October 15th, 2017
Registration is from 11 to 11:45
Pageant begins @ 12 sharp
Bayou Blue Recreation Center 200 Mazerac St. Houma
$7 per person (cash only)
Only contestants and kids 3yrs and under are admitted free.
Enter Online:
Submit an online entry form and pay entry fee in the web store using pay pal. (No e-checks)
Entries will be accepted for open spots until Friday before pageant day
Only taking 8 per Group! No entries will be accepted the day of the event
Entry Fee:
$65 for first child entered/ $35 for each additional sibling entered (Must be sisters to receive discount!)
Fee includes a chance at Ultimate, Grand, & Mini Supreme Titles, prettiest hair, most beautiful, and fashion in addition to runners up and queen in each division.
Photogenic is an optional $5 fee per photo. Photos 8x10 or smaller will be accepted on pageant day.
Queens and Supremes will receive a custom 10” themed crown, monogrammed wrap around sash, & gifts.
Princesses and alternates will receive crown, sash, and gift
Prettiest hair, fashion, photogenic, and most beautiful will be awarded a medal in each age division.
One Ultimate Supreme Winner(Highest Overall Score in Pageant)
Two Grand Supreme Winners Two Mini Supreme Winners
Breakdown (Newborn to 3yrs & 4yrs to 12 yrs)
Contestants may enter all three overalls at the door for $30 (Cash Only)
Two Overall Fashions, Two Most Beautiful, & Two Best Personality Overalls will be awarded (6 Total)
Breakdown: (Newborn to 3yr) (4yr to 12yr) Winners will be awarded custom 10” themed crown, gift, and sash.
Crowning: All age divisions will immediately follow one another. Crowning will take place following last division.