Course Outline for 6th Grade Mathematics 2015 - 2016

Ms. Ramke;; portable 4

Daily assignments listed on:

512-841-1420 classroom

Conference 3:30 – 4:00 some Mondays (by appointment only)

Tutorials: 3:30 – 4:15 pm Wednesdays & Thursdays

Text: Carnegie Learning Texas Middle School Series Course 1

Required Materials:

  • 4 dividers (3 behind math main divider)
  • loose leaf notebook paper – wide rule
  • #2 pencils and eraser
  • red checking pens or pencils

Course Overview

  • Data and Statistics
  • Rational Numbers and the Coordinate Plane
  • Rational Number Operations
  • Ratios, Rates, and Percents
  • Personal Financial Literacy
  • Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
  • Multiple Representations
  • 2-D Figures and Measurement
  • Measurement

Grading Policy:

  • Daily Work (classwork, participation, and homework)40%
  • A poor grade on homework can be improved by re-doingentire assignment for a late grade with the usual late points deducted (both original and re-done work must be submitted for evaluation).
  • Late work is an assignment that is not turned in at the teacher’s requested time (usually the next class). Work that is late will have the following points deducted: one class day - 15 points, two classes – 30 points, three classes – 45 points, and more than three classes will receive no credit. The only exception is for absences.
  • All work missed because of absence must be made up within one week from student’s return to class. Students check the assignment sheet (or Murchison Matadors website) to determine work missed, arrange assistance from teacher, and plan to make up tests at tutorials.
  • Corrections are made in red checking pen as daily assignments are discussed in class.
  • Assessments (tests and projects)60%
  • Students may improve a failing test grade to a 70 by attending tutorials and correcting all problems missed, analyzing errors, having the graded testsigned by a parent,and returning the test with the corrections to the teacher usually aboutthree school days after the graded test is returned to student (see Test Corrections Criteria in math section of their notebook).

Matadors make it happen because we …

are principled;

manage ourselves and our time;

follow campus rules and procedures;

are ready to learn, participate, and collaborate

Class Rules and Procedures

I will be on time.

Be in your desk and READY with sharpened pencils, red pens, and clean paper when

the tardy bell rings.

I will be prepared.

  1. A poor grade on homework can be improved by re-doing entire assignment for a late grade with the usual late points deducted (both original and re-done work must be submitted for evaluation).
  2. Late work is an assignment that is not turned in at the teacher’s requested time (usually the next class). Work that is late will have the following points deducted: one classday - 15 points, two classes – 30 points, three classes – 45 points, and more than three classes will receive no credit. The only exception is for absences.
  3. All work missed because of absence must be made up within one week of your return to class.
  4. An organized math section in large notebook is required each six weeks.
  5. Students may improve a failing test grade to a 70 by attending tutorials and correcting all problems missed, analyzing errors, having the test signed by a parent, and turning in to the teacher usually within three days from the graded test being returned. (see Test Corrections Criteria in math binder).

I will follow campus rules and policies.

  1. Follow class rules and instructions from the teacher even if the teacher is not in the room.
  2. If you need to speak with the teacher during working time, raise your hand and I will come to you.
  3. No gum or food in class

I will respect myself and others.

  1. Raise hand before speaking or getting out of desk during the lesson (only two people at the pencil sharpener at one time).
  2. My desk and work areas are OFF LIMITS (includes tape, stapler, etc.).
  3. During a test, talk only after EVERYONE has completed and turned in their test.
  4. Keep books, desks, and walls free of graffiti.
  5. Help others stay focused and on task.