Exam Review Study Guide: Gilded Age

Exam Format:Multiple Choice and Fill-in

Materials to Review:Chapter 16-20. Gilded Age Powerpoints.

Transcontinental RailroadsBessemer Process

Thomas EdisonHomestead Act of 1862

Morrill Land Grant ActPacific Railways Act (Checkerboarding)

Samuel MorseAlexander Graham Bell

Department StoresMail Order Catalogs

Sears and Roebuck Co.Laissez-Faire Economics

Cutthroat TacticsBlack Friday – 1869

Panic of 1873Panic of 1893

Coxey’s ArmyVertical Monopolies

Horizontal MonopoliesTrusts

Concerns about CompetitionSherman Anti-Trust Act

United States v. EC Knight Co.Cornelius Vanderbilt

Jay GouldJ.P. Morgan

Andrew CarnegieGustavus Swift

John Rockefeller

City ImprovementsSteel & Tech Development

New ImmigrationImmigration Act – 1882

Contract Labor Law – 1885Ellis Island

Jacob Riis – How the Other Half LivesTenement Houses

Ethnic NeighborhoodsNativists

Common Schools (Public)Catholic Schools

Labor IssuesYellow Dog Contracts

Women in the WorkplaceTriangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

Knights of LaborTerence Powderly

American Federation of LaborSam Gompers

Eugene DebsGreat Railroad Strike

Haymarket Square RiotHomestead Steel Strike

Pullman StrikeAmerican Dream

Horatio AlgerMiddle Class

Social DarwinismThe Gospel of Wealth

Social GospelWalter Rauschenbusch

Settlement HousesHull House

Jane AddamsHenryLloyd – Wealth Against Commonwealth

Henry George – Progress and PovertyEdward Bellamy – Looking Backward

Political MachinesBoss Tweed

Thomas NastCredit Mobilier Scandal

Indian Ring ScandalWhiskey Ring Affair


James GarfieldCharles Giuteau

Chester ArthurPendleton Act of 1882

Election of 1884Mugwumps

James BlaineElection of 1888 (Tariff Debate)

Billion Dollar CongressMcKinley Tariff

Wilson-Gorman TariffThe New South

Hall v. DeCuirCivil Rights Cases of 1883

Plessy v. FergusonBooker T. Washington – Atlanta Compromise

Voting RestrictionsJim Crow

LynchingOklahoma Land Rush

Frederick Jackson TurnerOpen Range Ranching

Desert Land ActBarbed Wire Wars

Comstock LodeBoomtowns

Plains IndiansBuffalo in the Plains

Treaties of Fort LaramieDawes Severalty Act

ReservationsBattle of Little Bighorn

Ghost DanceWounded Knee

Helen Hunt JacksonBurlingame Treaty

Chinese Exclusion Act – 1882Mechanization in Farming

Problems of Western FarmersLong Haul-Short Haul

Patrons of Husbandry/GrangersMunn v. Illinois

Wabash v. IllinoisInterstate Commerce Act

PopulistsOmaha Platform

Gold v. Silver Monetary StandardWilliam Jennings Bryan

Cross of Gold Speech

John Dewey

Mark TwainRealism

William Dean HowellsHenry James

PragmatistsRichard Ely

Frederick Jackson TurnerHoratio Alger

Oliver Wendall HolmesChautauqua Movement