2007 JPMHL Annual Mtg Minutes
Location: McNeely residence, Lindsay Ontario
Attending: Terry, Mark, Otis, Rudy – via IM Scott, Dave
Start time: 10:30
Chairman McNeely calls to order.
Welcome back to Otis!!
Otis choked up but pleased to be back.
2006 Minutes approved
Fees: $150 per team = $900
$75 due Oct 1, balance by Feb 1.
$10/month late fee
First Place $450.00 Second Place $150
$10 per weekly fee
All agreed
Treasurer Rpt:
Rudy issued several pieces of dubious financial rhetoric and dodged questions like VanRiesmueler in the crease.
All fees have been paid pending 2 keeper trophy costs and plaque.
One late fee paid last season, estimated slight surplus after all fees paid for including extra week for 2007/2008
- to be confirmed with formal report with archives
- approved
Office Pools Login:
After much beratement of Mark the login password has been changed to
Merging 1st 2 weeks of 2007/2008 season
- Rats vehemently attempt to dissuade the masses but are soundly out-numbered
1st 2 weeks are merged for this season only
- Agreed
Supplemental Draft:
Would normally be October 15th
Some discussion on the date.
Scott says it has bee 2 weeks, just because
Otis is thinking 4 week.... just because, because
staying put for Monday October 15
First pick Monday, all picks by email within 24 hrs of the previous picks/ otherwise wherin hereof said pick is forfeited.
No players acquired could be used until the following Monday.
Cost of next available 1st Rnd FA pick.
Otis volunteers to sit-out this draft only – reverse order of last season.
New Business:
Otis want to confirm how the Preliminary round will work next year
the Exp proposal indicated would be
Plus 5 extra rookie picks
Clarification of Injury changes:
1. a player can be replaced if:
a) they are cited on a news source as injured or not playing
b) listed on the NHL.com game sheet as ‘not in the lineup’ (for any reason)
c) have not already played their expected number of games that week
(if on NHL.com game , it is considered a game – shifts or no shifts)
2. a replacement player can be added at anytime as long as the puck has not been dropped in their game yet.
- honour system to regulate
An email still must be sent out immediately to notify pool of details.
Scott says:
all I will say is that if there is going to be discussion of this sort (i.e., rule changes), they should be proposed before the meeting to allow for thought and feedback
Scott says:
I will vote "nay" as currently proposed.
Rudy says:
all agreed this is good thought
Rudy says:
however, nobody is clear on what the rule was for sure?
Rudy says:
can that be clarified by anyone?
Scott says:
I believe that, by default, injury changes could be made for any player, with any player as a potential replacement and that the deadline for making changes was the same as for regular changes.
Scott says:
We had said that a player would be considered "injured" if proof could be provided from a reputable source (officepools, nhl.com, tsn.ca, .....)
Rudy says:
agreed, however even when 'regular changes are made' seems to float depending on situations.
Scott says:
No, it depends on start times. Most weeks, that is 7:00 Eastern. There are special cases (e.g., when the beginning of a week is on a holiday) that the deadline becomes earlier due to afternoon starts.
Rudy says:
ok, we want to keep moving along so we'll keep the discussion open
Rudy says:
and if we all agree at a later date we can vote it in
Scott says:
The rule of thumb is that changes need to be made by the time that NHL games start on that particular date.
Rudy says:
otherwise we'll continue 'as is' for now
Discussion on next Meeting:
Scott says:
First, we seem to be moving towards a pattern of leaving the meetings until September and then struggle to find a date. This year is an example where we left it until September, decided upon the last possible date and then had a late conflict. Would it be better to try and go back to scheduling this in the summer?
Scott says:
Second, I will be back next summer, potentially twice. The first time is probably too early for a meeting. I've got a conference in Quebec City at the end of June/beginning of July and it might be possible to try and work things to be in S. Ont for a day or so then.
Scott says:
I will also be back in mid-July (I don't have the dates in front of me) for a wedding. The wedding is in the London area and it might be possible for me to host the meetings at my folks' place on the Sunday of that weekend. I'd need to check with them first, however. That would be some time around the 18th/19th of July; whatever the closest Saturday/Sunday is to those dates.
Rudy says:
It has been said that your 1st point 'doesn't hold water', as long as once we agree to a date/time/place everyone sticks to the comittment
Rudy says:
Everyone would agree that if you could be in the area, we would make every effort to hold the meeting then so we could be together in body
David says:
Rudy says:
so if you can give us a firm date, we'll see if we can all book it in
Scott says:
The main point in my first point is that we seem to dismiss summer dates anymore and then find it difficult to come up with September dates that work for everyone.
Rudy says:
If you're not coming, we'd rather hold it closer to the start
Scott says:
I'll check and confirm if it will work.
Rudy says:
we all say that is Dave's fault
Rudy says:
we want him here so we can see th look on his face when we lambast him
Rudy says:
David says:
You do not baste Daves. You baste turkeys like you.
Rudy says:
come here and say that
Rudy says:
ok, meeting adjourned 12:10 pm