HunsburyParkPrimary School
Dayrell Road Camp Hill Northampton NN4 9RR
Telephone: (01604) 761566 Fax: (01604) 769657
Academic Year 2011/2012
Welcome from the Head Teacher
The staff, children and Governors of Hunsbury Park Primary School would like to welcome you and thank you for your interest in our school. You are most welcome to make an appointment to visit us, but in the meantime we hope you find this booklet informative.
We also hope that you will visit our website:
At HunsburyPark we are committed to providing the highest quality of education possible for all our children. We offer a broad curriculum, supplemented by many enriching experiences, including visits to theatres and other places of interest as well as welcoming visitors to the school. We are particularly proud of our music provision and have a school choir and recorder group who regularly perform for people in the community and music festivals. We run a wide range of after school clubs covering art, sport and music. We also provide wrap around care facilities both morning and after school should you wish to use this service. Physical activity, both in formal lessons, after school clubs and playtimes are also an important part of our curriculum and we have been awarded the Active Mark for our achievements in this area. We have also achieved the Healthy Schools Award, which reflects the high importance we give to our children’s emotional and physical health. Creativity is also very high profile at HunsburyPark; we are delighted that this has been acknowledged by our achievement of the Artsmark Silver Award (Re-Awarded June 2009).
We hope to see you soon!
Gail Barnshaw, Head Teacher
Contents Page
Page Number
Our School...... 4
Mission Statement...... 5
Aims...... 5
How we will achieve our Aims...... 6
General Information...... 7
Behaviour policy...... 7/8
Home-school liaison...... 9
Home-school communication...... 10
Learning Conferences...... 10
Parents in the classroom...... 11
Children’s property...... 11
Jewellery...... 11
Pupils’ welfare...... 12
Smoking...... 12
Supporters of Hunsbury Park Primary School...... 12
Home school agreement...... 13
Travelling to and from the school...... 14
Background...... 14
Changing the way to travel to school...... 14
Walking...... 14
Cycling...... 14
Car parking...... 14
Clubs...... 15
Campers...... 15
Campers Pre-School...... 15
Extra curricular activities...... 16
Personal accident insurance...... 16
Organisation...... 17
Morning...... 17
Snacktime/playtime...... 17
Lunchtime...... 18
Absence...... 19
Medical and dental inspections...... 19
Medicines...... 20
Curriculum...... 21
Children with Special Needs...... 21
English...... 22
Mathematics...... 23
Information Communications Technology...... 24
Science...... 24
Humanities – History and Geography...... 25
Technology...... 25
Art...... 25
Religious Education...... 26
Physical Education...... 26
Music...... 27
Modern Foreign Languages...... 27
Sex & Relationships Education...... 27
Drugs Education...... 27
Personal, Social and Health Education...... 28
Personal development...... 28
Social development...... 28
Health...... 28
Safety...... 28
Special activities...... 29
Charging policy...... 30
Complaints procedure...... 31
Curriculum and religious worship...... 31
General...... 31
Documents for parents...... 32
Admissions policy...... 33
Child protection...... 34
Our School
HunsburyParkPrimary School is a 210-place primary school for children aged 4-11 years old. (1 form entry). However in September 2012 we will be opening an additional class in Reception, gradually becoming a 2 form entry throughout the school.
We opened in September 1988 and benefit from an attractive and well maintained building. We have a large playing field, extensive hard surfaced areas and shrubbery which surround the building. The children are encouraged to help maintain the garden areas through the planting of bulbs and seeds as part of their learning experiences.
We are fortunate to be situated next to HunsburyCountryPark, which is regularly used as a stimulating and informative resource for observing seasonal change and many other aspects of environmental studies.
We have many facilities including a computer suite, a library, a large hall, and a music/drama studio. We also have a Well-Being Centre which provides a nurturing environment to help children who find it difficult to adapt to school. For rainy days, we have a partially covered courtyard providing an additional sheltered working space and play area. In all our classrooms, we have computers and an interactive whiteboard with internet access.
We are a Community School maintained by the Northamptonshire Education Committee whose principal officer is: Director of Education & Community Learning, P.O. Box 149, County Hall, Guildhall Road, Northampton, NN1 1AU 01604 236236.
Mission Statement
At HunsburyParkPrimary School we aim to provide a happy, friendly and caring environment, where each child feels safe and valued. All children and adults are encouraged to demonstrate good behaviour and respect for each other in an atmosphere that promotes thinking and learning, enabling all to fulfil their true potential.
- We are committed to ensuring that all children are equipped to become literate and numerate members of our society.
- We aim for all children to reach their full potential through equal access to a high quality and fully inclusive learning environment.
- We aim for all children to respect and value all people in our school community and beyond, celebrating differences and similarities in our cultures, race, gender and (dis)abilities.
- We aim for all children to learn in a secure and happy environment, encouraging respect and high standards of good behaviour at all times.
- We aim for all children to learn the skills needed to become exemplary citizens gaining self-respect and developing qualities of empathy and compassion for others.
How we will achieve our Aims
High quality curriculum guidelines.
Thorough planning and preparation.
Carefully documented systems for recording and reporting progress.
Clearly understood standards of behaviour.
Consistently high expectations.
A wide range of opportunities for children to demonstrate their skills and expertise.
Carefully planned systems of support for children with special needs.
Opportunities and strategies for parents to be involved.
A clean, well cared-for school environment.
A wide range of resources, including staffing levels and expertise sufficient to support the aims.
An excellent working relationship between staff, parents, governors and children.
An effective programme of induction, training and support for all staff.
We value each adult and child’s contribution, which works towards the school’s success in ensuring every child realises his or her full potential.
A commitment that improving basic skills is the responsibility of all staff.
General Information
Behaviour policy
The staff and families of HunsburyPark are asked to follow this agreed policy, which encourages a positive approach to behaviour.
We hope everyone connected with the school will share the responsibility of making our policy work.
Our children will feel safe and happy through the encouragement of good behaviour at all times.
Well-behaved and thoughtful children and adults limit the stress and disruption for everyone.
Our children's behaviour affects people's opinion of the school.
Code of Conduct
The two most important considerations in the life of Hunsbury Park Primary School are the quality of the learning experiences we provide for the children in our care and the quality of the relationships built up which enable these learning experiences to take place effectively.
As a whole school we recognise the importance of good, orderly and considerate behaviour. This positive good behaviour will enable the learning process to progress and ensure good academic, social and community development. We believe a clear code of conduct backed by a combination of positive rewards, recognition and sanctions is an important stage in the direction of achieving these goals.
This code of conduct involves everyone connected with HunsburyPark and has, as its pivot, the recognition that good relationships and team effort are crucial to its success. It also demands that all adults working in the school should actively provide good models of behaviour, thus leading by sensitivity and example.
1)All children at HunsburyPark are encouraged to respect and value each other and adults regardless of race, religion, gender or disability. Bullying or racial harassment will not be tolerated and if necessary appropriate and acceptable action will be taken to support victims and counsel the offenders.
2)All children at HunsburyPark are actively encouraged to appreciate, respect and care for the school environment and to value their surroundings. We aim to provide a stimulating learning environment for the children, which will encourage them to respect and protect their own space.
3)All children at HunsburyPark are expected to use appropriate language in all situations; to be polite, courteous and caring to each other, to all adults working in the school and to all visitors to the school.
4)It is expected that children are punctual for each session of school. Periods of absence must be accompanied by notification either by letter, telephone or a visit to the school.
It will be part of the ongoing development of the school to ensure that all members of staff, teaching and non-teaching, will be inducted into the agreed procedures of the school and its aims and objectives. HunsburyPark is committed to the process of educational partnership with everyone involved with the life of the school, teaching and non-teaching staff, outside agencies, parents and, most importantly, the children.
Home-School Liaison
The First Steps
At HunsburyPark we seek to positively encourage the partnership of parents and teachers to promote the all round development of the child. Our admissions procedure for reception children begins with a parents' meeting. This is followed by visits by parents and child to school and visits from staff to pupils’ homes. We consider this early contact vital in getting to know the child in the context of his home and family and have found this sharing of information invaluable in helping the child make the transition from home to school.
Establishing the Partnership
We believe that this partnership provides a foundation of security from which the child can establish increasing independence in the knowledge that parents and teachers are working together in his/her best interests. Furthermore, the establishment of positive relationships at this stage enables any future difficulties concerning the child to be managed sensitively. The admission of children in other age groups generally follows this procedure, with the exception of home visits unless requested by the parent.
We encourage all parents to spend some time in school with their child, especially in the early days. We also welcome wholeheartedly those who wish to become parent helpers, on whatever basis they feel they can. We welcome the support that another adult brings into the classroom, but also view this as a means of enabling parents to develop a clearer understanding of the ways in which we facilitate their children's learning.
Maintaining the Commitment
During the child's time at HunsburyPark every effort is made to keep parents informed of their child's progress. This is maintained through parent consultations and a home/school diary. Parents are encouraged to come into school at any time, by appointment, to discuss queries they may have about their child.
The class teacher will be pleased to discuss any aspect of your child's education; after the school day would be the best time rather than first thing in the morning when staff are preparing for the day and welcoming children in.
Keeping In Touch
If you feel concerned or worried please do not hesitate to come and see us, you will always be welcome. Do not let minor incidents or misunderstandings worry you or your child. Call in and get them sorted out. We aim to resolve, or at least discuss with you, any concerns you may have within three working days. Your ideas on how we may be able to improve on our provision and efficiency are also welcome and will be considered carefully. You may talk to any of the teaching staff personally or put a note in our suggestion box situated near the office.
I am available at any time of the day to talk to you although it would be a good idea to ring the school office first in case I have a previous appointment.
Home-School Communication
Daily communication can be in the form of:
● A face-to-face conversation with your child’s class teacher or with myself, preferably previously arranged although this is not always necessary.
● Telephone.
● Home school diary.
● Letters: To ensure that you are made aware of special events or changes to existing arrangements, we send out periodic letters or newsletters. The most efficient method of distribution is by using your child as a "postman". Where parents have separated please let the administration officer know, so that any school communication can be posted to the parent not living with the child.
. Web-site: Information is also posted on our website regularly.
Learning Reviews
These will be held each autumn and spring term. You and your child will be invited to have a private conversation with your child’s teacher to discuss and plan your child’s learning programme and targets.
During the summer term you will receive an annual written report summarising your child’s achievements together with agreed learning targets for the forthcoming year.
Parents in the Classroom
All staff are keen to have parents in their classrooms as there are benefits for everyone. The children receive extra attention either as individuals or groups, teachers are supported by another adult in the room and parents can see, take part in, and understand what classroom life is like. Whether you have a talent to share, spare time to offer or a gap in your experience to fill you will be welcome in school. Should you wish to get involved please talk to your child's teacher.
Children's Property
Would you please ensure that your child has a small named bag in which to keep P.E. clothing.
The Local Authority will not accept responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, personal property, including clothing, and it is stressed that the responsibility for safeguarding personal property rests with the owner. A great deal of teaching time could be saved if parents would please ensure their children's belongings are clearly labelled with their full names.
It is the policy of the Local Authority that during P.E. all jewellery MUST be removed. There are no exceptions. To ensure that your child is not excluded from this compulsory area of the curriculum we would like to advice that any ear piercing should be done at the beginning of the summer holidays. This will allow for adequate healing time. Children may wear studs or very small ‘sleepers’ and a watch only at school. School cannot be responsible for any losses.
We ask for your full co-operation on this matter.
Pupils' Welfare
Children who are unwell should not be sent to school where they may
spread infection or be delayed in regaining full fitness. Unfit children
cannot learn effectively.
Please ensure your child is suitably clothed for outside playtimes in dry winter weather. We consider that if your child is fit enough to be in school he/she is fit enough to play outside. In only exceptional cases will we allow children to stay indoors at playtimes and then only after you have discussed the situation with your child's class teacher.
If your child becomes ill during the day you will be contacted. It is therefore vital that the information on the admission form concerning emergency contacts is kept up to date and parents advise us of any details which change. It is also helpful to inform us of any allergies your child may have in respect of us administering first aid to minor accidents.
We have a non-smoking policy in this school, which includes the building and grounds.
HomeSchool Agreement
We will try to:
Ensure that your child achieves his or her full potential as a valued member of the school community.
Ensure your child’s safety and happiness.
Encourage your child to take care of those around them and their surroundings.
Keep you informed about general school matters through newsletter.
Keep you informed and share any concerns about your child’s progress through parent consultations, an annual written report and the record of achievement.
Provide a balanced curriculum, informing you about what the teachers aim to teach about half term.
Be open and welcoming at all times and offer opportunities for you to become involved in the daily life of the school.
Head Teacher’s signature: ......
I/We will try to:
Make sure my/our child arrives at school on time (9.00am).
Ensure that my/our child is dressed appropriately (preferably in school uniform) and has everything that s/he needs for the school day, e.g. indoor shoes, bookbag, P.E. kit.
Make sure my/our child attends regularly and provide a note of explanation if s/he is absent.
Attend parent consultations to discuss my/our child’s progress.
Support the school’s behaviour policy (see school booklet).
Support opportunities for home learning (see school booklet).
Share concerns about my/our child’s health, education or behaviour immediately.
Show an interest and be involved in my/our child’s school life.
Parent/Carer’s signature: ......
I will try to:
Be friendly and thoughtful towards others.
Be helpful
Always listen to the teacher
Talk quietly
Walk inside the building
Take good care of the school building and everything inside it
Remember everything that I need for school, especially my P.E. kit, bookbag and home school diary
Take home, complete and being back any homework I am given.
Together we will:
Tackle any special needs.
Encourage the children to keep the school’s golden rules.
Support the children’s learning to help them achieve their best.