Independent Book - Reading Project

The Independent Reading Project is a chance for you to truly ENJOY your reading. Explore honestly and thoroughly, keep on top of due dates and you’re guaranteed to do well on this project. Let me make this clear—the project itself will not simply be finding and reading a book, though that is certainly one of your tasks. You will have to complete all of the individual parts of the project in order to get maximum credit. Here in the order you will turn them in are those parts:

  1. Project Proposal: In a one (1) page typed statement, tell me what book you are planning to read, the author of your book, why you are interested in this book/subject, and a sneak preview of what your actual final project might look like. You will be provided with a sample book proposal to use as a model. This proposal is NOT a schematic or a legal contract; you can change your mind about your book or what your project will ultimately be as you make your way through the book. I just need to know that you are thinking about the process and that you have some ideas.

This component is worth 15% of the total project grade and is due Friday, 2/5.

  1. Vocabulary Lists / Dialogic Journals: For whatever book you read, you will be responsible for keeping a running list of at LEAST twenty (20) new vocabulary words that you’ve encountered while reading your book. The list first needs to be written down and the new terms defined; finally, you need to submit a neat, typewritten version of the list. You CAN feature more than 20 words in your list though there needs to be at LEAST that number as a bare minimum. Also, you need to complete the equivalent of five (5) days worth of Dialogic Journals for your book (that means fifteen—15—total entries; they need to be in order and spread throughout your book). Journals CAN be handwritten though typed is preferable. Neatness is critical here and due dates will be staggered throughout your reading of the book.

Combined, these components of your project are worth 15% of your total grade.

  1. Book Talk: Each student/group will be responsible for a brief (5 minute) overview of his/her book. The student/group will deliver a short speech about his/her book and lead a brief class discussion during which he/she shares the key elements and/or highlights of his book with peers. Presenters do not need to stand in front of the class to deliver their book talks, though they may choose to do so. Paperwork for this activity will be distributed 1-2 weeks in advance of Book Talks.

This component is worth 20% of your total project grade.

  1. Final Project: The possibilities here are endless. Should you come up with an original idea you like better than any I list below, GO FOR IT! Originality ISrewarded. Should you choose the original route, just remember to let me know what you’re thinking of doing. Presentation of these projects to the class will conclude your projects.

This component is worth a WHOPPING 50% of your total project grade.

Where to find books? There are numerous book stores in the area. Online booksellers are plentiful. The best resource is clearly is also an option. The local library and the school library should have most of these books, but make sure you can have it checked out for the period of time it will take to complete this project.

Final Project Ideas:Now what are some potential project ideas? Here are a few (all of these HAVE been submitted at one point in the history of this assignment):

  • Teach the class something about your book using monologues (solo speeches), dialogues (speeches/conversations involving two people), recipes, memos (letters or correspondence between characters), role playing, acting a dramatic scene, or a scrapbook
  • Use music, art prints, maps (is your book about a journey? Map that journey for your peers!), games (invent a board game or simple computer game the class can play), a video presentation or short movie, an imaginary radio show where you interview a main character from your book
  • Use newspaper articles or format, photos, pantomime, sculpture, puppets, or diorama (a scale model scene from your book like those featured in Night at the Museum) to present some idea or characters from your book
  • Create a picture book for children (this works ONLY for appropriate content) or design a brief graphic novel of a key scene in the plot of your novel—you don’t NEED to create pictures for the entire book!
  • You might also take a more conventional route and do a brief literary/research paper on your book. Should you choose this option, you NEED to consult with me about extra sources, possible topics and the like. (NOTE: Almost NO students choose this option. They hate writing. Go figure.)
  • Use a computer multimedia program (iMovie, Windows Movie Maker,, or for example) to create a faux-movie trailer or sneak preview of a film adaptation of your book. PowerPoint slideshows about the author of the book—which typically have VERY little to do with actual content of the book—are NOT allowed.
  • SUPER IMPORTANT WARNING: NO CHEESY POSTERS that simply restate the plot of the book and feature a few pictures of characters from the book are allowed. NONE. Don’t even ask. Students typically slap one of these together in about 5-minutes and it shows; such “projects” don’t require ANY effort (come on—you’ve been reading your book for a MONTH and you can only complete a poster?!?!), originality and/or creativity—and they’re BORING for your peers.