
TEXT:The book was written by LukebetweenAD58 and AD60.

THEME: The researched account of the Son of Man.

INTRO:The Gospel of Luke is different from the other synoptic gospels. Even though Luke covers much of the same material as does the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, Luke was not an eye witness of these events as was Matthew. Neither did Luke write a recollection of these events from one eyewitness’s account, as does Mark with the Apostle Peter. Luke is actually a careful research of the events from resources and eyewitnesses available at the time. The researched material was then listed in a logical order and formed as the Gospel of Luke. The purpose for Luke’s method is twofold and is stated at the beginning of his Gospel; to assure Theophilus that the events and teachings are true and trustworthy and to present Jesus as the Son of Man. Who Theophilus was is still a mystery but both of Luke’s books(The Gospel of Luke and The Acts of the Apostles), were addressed to him.

Luke was an Evangelist and a Gentile physician who traveled with the Apostle Paul for a time. Most believe he was from the city of Antioch and was an early follower of “The Way” of Jesus Christ. Most place the writing of Luke to be between A.D. 58 and A.D. 60. The book of Acts was written before the persecution of Nero in A.D. 64 because at the end of it Paul was still alive and in prison. The Gospel of Luke, according to the beginning of Acts, was written prior to Acts which places The Gospel of Luke before A.D. 64. We deduce that Luke was writing primarily for Gentiles for the following reasons: 1) he explained Jewish localities (Jews wouldn’t need this explanation), 2) Luke traces Jesus’ genealogy back to Adam (instead of Abraham), 3) Luke referred to Roman emperors in designating dates, 4) Luke often used Gentile words in place of Jewish ones, 5) Luke quoted from the Greek translation of the Old Testament (The Septuagint) as opposed to direct quotations from the Old Testament, and 6) Luke mentions little about Jesus fulfilling prophecy.

Luke provides a more complete history than the other Gospels. He records twenty miracles of Jesus as well as twenty-three miracles; eighteen of which are only found in Luke. A major subject in Luke is that of prayer. The Gospels in their entirety show Christ praying a total of fifteen times, eleven of which are recorded in Luke. Luke also dedicates a significant portion of his Gospel to Christ’s teaching on prayer.

  1. The Purpose for writing.(1:1 ~ 4)
  2. Identifying the Son of Man to men. (1:5 ~ 4:13)
  3. Announcing the birth of John the Baptist. (1:5 ~ 25)
  4. Announcing the birth of the Son of Man. (1:26 ~ 56)
  5. The Advent of John the Baptist. (1:57 ~ 80)
  6. The Ministry of the Son of Man to men. (4:14 ~ 9:50)
  7. The announcement of His Ministry, 4:14-30
  8. The Authority of His Ministry, 4:31-6:11
  9. Over demons, 4:31-37
  10. Over disease, 4:38-44
  11. Over the disciples, 5:1-11
  12. Over defilement (a leper healed), 5:12-16
  13. Over defectiveness ( a palsied man healed), 5:17-26
  14. Over the despised (the call of Matthew and parables), 5:27-39
  15. Over days, 6:1-5
  16. Over deformity, 6:6-11
  17. The associates of His Ministry, 6:12-49
  18. The call of the disciples, 6:12-49
  19. The characteristics of disciples (the Great Sermon), 6:17-49
  20. The Activities of His Ministry, 7:1-9:50
  21. Ministry in sickness, 7:1-10
  22. Ministry in death, 7:11-17
  23. Ministry in doubt, 7:18-35
  24. Ministry to sinners, 7:36-50
  25. Ministry financed, 8:1-3
  26. Ministry illustrated through parables, 8:4-21
  27. Ministry in storms, 8:22-25
  28. Ministry over demons, 8:26-39
  29. Ministry in death and despair, 8:40-56
  30. Ministry though the disciples, 9:1-9
  31. Ministry to physical needs, 9:10-17
  32. Ministry of prediction, 9:18-50
  33. The Repudiation of the Son of Man by men. (9:51 ~ 19:27)
  34. Rejection by Samaritans, 9:51-56
  35. Rejection by Worldly Men, 9:57-62
  36. Commissioning of the Seventy, 10:1-24
  37. Rejection by a Lawyer (Parable of the Good Samaritan), 10:25-37
  38. Reception at Bethany, 10:38-42
  39. Instruction on Prayer, 11:1-13
  40. Rejection by the Nation, 11:14-36
  41. Rejection by Pharisees and Lawyers, 11:37-54
  42. Instruction in the Light of Rejection, 12:1-19:27
  43. Concerning hypocrisy, 12:1-12
  44. Concerning covetousness, 12:13-34
  45. Concerning faithfulness, 12:35-48
  46. Concerning division and signs, 12:49-59
  47. Concerning repentance, 13:1-9
  48. Concerning hypocrisy, 13: 10-17
  49. Concerning the kingdom, 13:18-35
  50. Concerning inflexible people, 14:1-6
  51. Concerning inflated people, 14:7-11
  52. Concerning invited people, 14:12-14
  53. Concerning indifferent people, 14:15-24
  54. Concerning indulgent people, 14:25-35
  55. Concerning God’s love for sinners, 15:1-32
  56. Concerning wealth, 16:1-31
  57. Concerning forgiveness, 17:1-6
  58. Concerning service, 17:7-10
  59. Concerning gratitude, 17:11:19
  60. Concerning the Kingdom, 17:20-37
  61. Concerning prayer, 18:1-14
  62. concerning entrance into the Kingdom, 18:15-30
  63. concerning His death, 18:31-34
  64. Concerning salvation, 18:35-19:10
  65. Concerning faithfulness, 19:11-27
  66. The Condemnation of the Son of Man for men. (19:28 ~ 23:56)
  67. Sunday, 19:28-44
  68. Monday, 19:45-48
  69. Tuesday, 20:1-21:38
  70. Authority requested, 20:1-8
  71. Authority revealed, 20:9-18
  72. Authority resisted, 20:19-40
  73. Authority reiterated, 20:41-21:4
  74. The apocalyptic discourse, 21;5-38
  75. Wednesday, 22:1-6
  76. Thursday, 22:7-53
  77. The Lord’s Supper, 22:7-38
  78. The Garden of Gethsemane, 22:39-46
  79. The arrest, 22:47-53
  80. Friday, 22;54-23:55
  81. Peter’s denial, 22:54-62
  82. Christ mocked, beaten, 22:63-65
  83. Christ before the Sanhedrin, 22:66-71
  84. Christ before Pilate, 23:1-5
  85. Christ before Herod, 23:6-12
  86. Christ again before Pilate, 23:13-25
  87. The crucifixion, 23:26-49
  88. The burial, 23:50-55
  89. Saturday, 23:56
  90. The Vindication of the Son of Man before Men, 24:1-53
  91. The Victor over Death, 24:1-12
  92. The Fulfiller of the Prophecies (the Emmaus Disciples), 24:13-35
  93. The Pattern of Resurrection Life, 24:36-43
  94. The Head of the Church, 24:44-48
  95. The Giver of the Holy Spirit, 24:49
  96. The Ascended Lord, 24:50-53