Homebound Analysis


Assess needs of the homebound group

·  Assemble work team, organize effort (Q1 – Q2 2009)

o  Leslie Burton (Lead/Chair)

o  Christy Headrick

o  Julie Warth

o  Barb Wright-Wisner

o  Tony Brewer

o  Elena Rosenfeld

o  Rita Kadavy

·  Branch manager from Erie/Refine definition of “homebound” for Library purposes – just to be sure all on the group have the same understanding…also, this might be a good chance to be sure that the definition used elsewhere works for us.

o  What does homebound mean? Our definition is fairly tight. Past definition - person is truly homebound and can’t get out.

o  Erie has one patron that is legally blind but does get to the senior center and the library.

o  It is up to Erie Branch manager and Erie staff to make the decision. Right now it is at such a low level that it doesn’t have an impact on staff time. Is it the best return on investment?

o  Use a different name for what you are doing. Call it Outreach to patrons – etc. Bus system does not exist in Erie.

o  Other options for service might be going into the independent living centers.

·  Share/Review/Refine past expectations of how homebound services work for HPLD (what items, how many, how often, how review status of those receiving services, etc). Again, this will bring clarity to the group as well as a chance to check and refine assumptions from a new perspective.

o  Rita and Leslie shared homebound procedures that are currently in place.

o  Distributed past analysis of Homebound service – 4 points plan, Cost estimates, etc.

·  Gather data from local resources (dept of elderly, etc, governor's commission, etc) (Q2 – Q3 2009)

o  Assess Need For Expanding the Service beyond Greeley/Evans

o  Assess aging/homebound population throughout Library District based on County Resources

§  Come back together in June 25th at 11:00 - tentative – Julie/Christy will get back to us on findings.

§  Contact the Weld County Senior Services Department

§  Contact the Carbon Valley and Erie Senior Resource Center

§  Meals on Wheels

§  Is there a need in Carbon Valley and Erie service area and if so how many people in the communities need this service?

§  Contact other agencies

§  Boulder County Services for the aging.

§  Check with local Post offices to see if they have a rate for visually impaired.

§  Resources for visually impaired – Colorado talking books library (CTBL)

§  Audio information network of Colorado. (AINOC) Barb does a radio broadcast.

·  Compile written analysis - include recommendation for best services (Q3 – Q4 2009)

o  Design Options Based on Assessed Need - delivery by staff, mailing

o  Utilize 4-point process to identify best options based on assessment results

o  Estimate associated costs due to staffing, technology, etc. needs

o  Estimate current costs as compared to moving to a mail delivery system

o  Estimate implementation timelines for the various options

o  Estimate realistic assessment points for the various options

·  Select Top Options to present

o  Select a final direction to take based on information available.

o  Based on costs, determine implementation start date

o  Provide measures for success

·  Present recommendations for action to Managers

·  PENDING: potential service trial based on recommendations (Q1 – Q2 2010)

o  Realign what we are doing?

o  Add to what we are doing?