What forces are there between objects charged with static electricity?


clamp and stand paper stirrup two acetate rods two polythene rods cloth


A Hang a paper stirrup from a clamp and stand.

B Rub a polythene rod with the cloth. Without touching the end you have rubbed, put it carefully in the stirrup as shown in the diagram.

C Rub the other polythene rod with the cloth.

D Hold the rod so that one end of it is near the rod in the stirrup, as shown in the diagram.

E Do the two rods attract or repel each other? Write your observation in the results table.

F Repeat steps B to E using two acetate rods.

G Repeat steps B to E using one acetate rod and one polythene rod.

Recording your results

1 Copy this table for your results:

Rod in the stirrup / Rod in your hand / Attract or repel?
polythene / polythene
acetate / acetate
acetate / polythene
polythene / acetate

2 Do the two polythene rods in step E have the same charge as each other, or different charges? Explain your answer.

3 Do the two acetate rods in step F have the same charge as each other, or different charges?

4 Do you think the acetate rod and the polythene rod in step G have the same charge as each other? Explain your answer.

Considering your results/conclusions

5 Copy and complete these sentences:

If two objects have the same type of charge, they …

If two objects have opposite charges, they …

© Pearson Education 2010. Edexcel GCSE Science Activity Pack

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1 Complete the labels on this diagram of an atom.

2 Which particles are transferred when an object gets a charge of static electricity?

¨ atoms ¨ protons ¨ neutrons ¨ electrons

3 You rub a plastic rod with a cloth. The plastic rod ends up with a positive charge. Which of these statements are correct?

¨ Negatively charged electrons have been transferred from the cloth to the rod.

¨ Negatively charged electrons have been transferred from the rod to the cloth.

¨ Positively charged protons have been transferred from the cloth to the rod.

¨ Positively charged protons have been transferred from the rod to the cloth.

¨ The rod now has more electrons than it started with.

¨ The rod now has fewer electrons than it started with.

¨ The rod now has more protons than it started with.

4 The diagrams show different charged objects. Write attract or repel under each diagram.

© Pearson Education 2010. Edexcel GCSE Science Activity Pack

This document may have been altered from the original.

1 Draw a sketch of an atom and label the nucleus, a proton and an electron.

2 Clothes taken from a tumble dryer often have a static charge. Explain why this happens.

3 A glass rod and a polyester rod are both rubbed with a cotton duster and suspended as shown. The polyester rod gets a negative charge and the glass rod gets a positive charge.

a Explain what has happened to give the glass rod a positive charge.

b Will the suspended rods attract or repel each other?

c If you rub two identical rods with the same cloth, they will always repel each other. Explain why this is so.

4 You rub a balloon on your jumper and the balloon gets a negative charge. The charged balloon will stick to a wall. Explain why this happens.

Extra challenge

5 A furniture polish says on the can that it has an 'anti-static' effect.

a Explain why an anti-static effect is needed in furniture polish.

b Find out how it works.

© Pearson Education 2010. Edexcel GCSE Science Activity Pack

This document may have been altered from the original.