Mini dictionary

A description of Jake’s uncle


English word / English definition / German translation
description / words that tell what someone or something is like or looks like / Beschreibung
uncle / the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt / Onkel
tall / a tall person, building, tree etc. has a greater height than is normal or average / groß
slim / someone who is slim is attractively thin / schlank
receding hairline / if your hair recedes, you gradually lose the hair at the front of your head / einsetzendeStirnglatze
sparkle / clear and bright, shining with a lot of very small points of light / funkeln
distinguished / important, noble, respectable / stilvoll
pale / light in colour, almost white / blass
sincere / sincere people are honest and mean what they say / aufrichtig, ehrlich
expression / a look on someone's face that shows what they are thinking or feeling / Ausdruck
dress informally / wear casual clothes which people usually wear when they relax at home, not when they go to work in an office / leger
well-worn / worn or used for a long time / abgetragen
comfy / comfortable, nice to be in or wear / bequem
jumper / piece of clothing made of wool that covers the upper part of your body and arms / Pullover
respect / good opinion of somebody’s character and ideas / Respekt
shun / avoid or keep away from someone or something / meiden

Mini Dictionary

A description of Jake’s uncle

English word / English definition / German translation
description / words that tell what someone or something is like or looks like / Beschreibung
uncle / the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt / Onkel
lanky / unattractively tall and thin / schlaksig
skinny / very thin in an unattractive way / mager
bald / little or no hair at the top of the head / glatzköpfig
sweat / water that comes out of your skin when you are hot or afraid / Schweiß
glisten / shine because it is wet or oily / glitzern, glänzen
unkempt / untidy, not looked after carefully, not kept neat / ungepflegt
ashen / very pale, unnaturally white / kreidebleich
gloomy / unhappy, sad / trostlos, trüb
expression / a look on someone's face that shows what they are thinking or feeling / Ausdruck
dress / put on clothes / sichkleiden
untidily / not neatly, not nicely arranged / unordentlich
tatty / worn-out, untidy, rather dirty, not cared for / zerschlissen, geschmacklos
jumper / piece of clothing made of wool that covers the upper part of your body and arms / Pullover
respect / good opinion of somebody’s character and ideas / Respekt
shun / avoid or keep away from someone or something / meiden

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