Ocean Pines Swim & Racquet Club
10 Seabreeze Road
Ocean Pines, MD 21811
Ocean Pines Swim Team
Sunday, June 25, 2017
9:00am – 12:00pm
Warm-ups will begin @ 7:30am
OPST’s home pool is the Ocean Pines Swim & Racquet Club, a 7-lane, 25-yard pool. Our organizationprovides non-turbulence lane lines, a Colorado (Dolphin) timing system, backstroke flags, andcompetition starting blocks. The facility also provides large restrooms with showers. Chairs are availableon a first come, first served basis. In keeping with our continued commitment to respect our facility bykeeping it clean, please make sure your teams clean their areas before leaving the pool area.
The pool is located on the eastern-most end of Seabreeze Road in North Ocean Pines, with plenty of
parking, including handicapped designated parking spaces. Additionally, there is a handicap ramp to the
entrance of the pool.
ELIGIBILITY: This invitational is open to any swimmer between the ages of 6-18 years oldrepresenting a DSA league team. Swimmers ages are computed based on their age as of May 31, 2017.
SCHEDULE: Warm-ups begin @ 7:30am; meet will begin @ 9:00am.
ENTRY FEES: Please submit only one check per team with entries!
$4.00/individual event (swimmers are eligible for all 5 strokes in their agegroup)
Please make check payable to: Mail to:
OPST Hammerheads P.O. Box 1485
Ocean Pines, MD 21811
VOLUNTEERS: For every three (3) swimmers that a team enters into the Invitational, we ask forone (1) parent volunteer timer(s). For every ten (10) swimmers a team enters into the Invitational, we askfor one (1) volunteer official. Please include the name(s) and contact information of the parentvolunteer(s) along with your entry file. A timer and official schedule will be sent to the designated teamrepresentative 24 hours prior to the Invitational.
CONCESSIONS: Programs, food, beverages and a limited supply of clothing and swimming gearwill be on sale throughout the meet.
DEADLINE: All entries must be e-mailed and in HYTEK format to Brooks Ensor @ no later than midnight on Sunday June 18, 2017 for seeding. IncludeSHARKBAIT Invitational in subject line. We will respond to each submission by e-mail as yourconfirmation that we received your entry file. If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail, your entrieswere not received. All seed times must be specified in yards. Please enter NT if no time is available.Deck entries will not be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS!
AWARDS:Medals will be awarded for 1st place.
Ribbons will be awarded for 2nd through 7th place
All awards are to be picked up by coaches at the conclusion of the meet
From the North: Take 113 South. Six miles from Selbyville, DE, exit onto Route 589 (Ocean Pines). Take a left onto 589 South at light. Turn left (at second traffic light) onto Ocean Parkway at the NorthOcean Pines entrance. *Continue on Ocean Parkway for 1.9 miles. Turn left onto Seabreeze Road (thirdstreet after White Horse Park). Pool facility is at the end of the road.
From the South: Take 113 North to Route 90 East. Exit Route 90 at Route 589 exit. From ramp, turnleft onto 589 North. Turn right at the second traffic light onto Ocean Parkway at the North Ocean Pinesentrance. Continue from * as in directions from the North.
From the East: Take Route 50 West to Route 589 North. Turn right onto Ocean Parkway at the NorthOcean Pines entrance. Continue from * as in directions from the North.
From the West: Take Route 50 East to Route 90 East. Exit Route 90 at Route 589 exit. From ramp,turn left onto 589 North. Turn right at the second traffic light onto Ocean Parkway at the North OceanPines entrance. Continue from * as in directions from the North.
SPECIAL NOTE: Swimmers times from the SHARKBAIT Invitational may be used for the DSALeague Championships. Swimmers can use this opportunity to qualify for Championships and/or receivea better seeding time in an event(s) for which they have already qualified. Applicable DSA Swimmingrules shall govern this competition. USA SWIMMING/MD SAFETY GUIDELINES AND WARM-UPPROCEDURES WILL BE IN EFFECT FOR THE ENTIRE MEET.
QUESTIONS? Contact Meet Coordinator Jeanne Mills @ 410-463-0857 or by e-mail at
Meet Event List
GIRLS / EVENT / BOYS1 / * 8 & Under 25 Yard Fly / 2
3 / 9-10 25 Yard Fly / 4
5 / 11-12 50 Yard Fly / 6
7 / 13-14 50 Yard Fly / 8
9 / 15-18 50 Yard Fly / 10
11 / 6 & Under 25 Yard Back / 12
13 / 7-8 25 Yard Back / 14
15 / 9-10 25 Yard Back / 16
17 / 11-12 50 Yard Back / 18
19 / 13-14 Yard Back / 20
21 / 15-18 50 Yard Back / 22
23 / 6 & Under 25 Yard Breast / 24
25 / 7-8 25 Yard Breast / 26
27 / 9-10 25 Yard Breast / 28
29 / 11-12 50 Yard Breast / 30
31 / 13-14 50 Yard Breast / 32
33 / 15-18 50 Yard Breast / 34
35 / 6 & Under 25 Yard Free / 36
37 / 7-8 25 Yard Free / 38
39 / 9-10 25 Yard Free / 40
41 / 11-12 50 Yard Free / 42
43 / 13-14 50 Yard Free / 44
45 / 15-18 50 Yard Free / 46
47 / *10 & Under 100 Yard IM / 48
49 / 11-12 100 Yard IM / 50
51 / 13-14 100 Yard IM / 52
53 / 15-18 100 Yard IM / 54
*If a 6 & under swimmer wishes to swim in the 25-yard fly event, they may swim in the 8 & under 25 yard fly event. (Event #s 1 and 2.)
*If an 8 & under swimmer wishes to swim in the 100 IM event, they may swim in the 10 & under 100 yard IM event. (Event #s 47 and 48.)