Georgia Stories II
Story 1: WesleyanFemaleCollege
Do You Remember?
1.In the early 1800s, how did most young girls learn to read?
2.What were the “three R’s” learned in the one-room schools?
3.What two roles were girls expected to fill in their lifetimes?
4.What were some things women were thought to suffer from if they tried to get an education?
5.How difficult was it for African Americans to get an education?
6.When was the University of Georgia started? Who could attend?
7.What was the name of the first college for women? What was the name later changed to?
8.When and where was the first college for women started in Georgia?
9.What unique event happened at WesleyanCollege in 1840?
10.What percent of college students in Georgia today are women?
Georgia Stories II
Story 3: The Railroads: Economic Boom
Do You Remember?
1.What were the major methods of travel in the early 1800s before the railroad wasbuilt?
2.What was the most difficult problem with roads at the time?
3.What invention made travel on waterways easier?
4.What country first tried to apply steam power to rails?
5.When and where was the first railroad built in the Southeast? How long was it? Whydidpeople in Savannah see the railroad as a potential problem?
6.When and where was the first railroad built in Georgia?
7.What made passenger trains uncomfortable in that day?
8.What names were given to the main railroad center in Georgia?
Answers to Video 2, Program 6, Story 1
1.They learned from their mothers, an older sister, or a brother who attended school.
2.reading, writing, and ciphering (arithmetic)
3.wifehood and motherhood
4.Answers will vary but may include brain sickness, fever, pimples, and the inability to have children.
5.It was virtually impossible because it was against the law for African Americans to learn to read.
6.1785; only men could attend
7.GeorgiaFemaleCollege; WesleyanCollege
8.December 23, 1836, at Macon, Georgia
9.The first undergraduate degree given to a U.S. woman was awarded.
10.55 percent
11. Answers will vary.
12.Check student responses.
Answers to Video 2, Program 6, Story 3 by boat; in wagons drawn by mules, horses, or oxen; or walking
3.the invention of the steamboat, which allowed for ease in travel upstream
4.Great Britain
5.The first railroad in the area was built in 1833 and ran from Charleston, South Carolina, toHamburg, South Carolina. It was 136 miles long. It was felt that the railroad might interfere withfreight traffic on the Savannah River.
6.The first railroad in Georgia was built in 1833 and ran from Augusta to Athens.
7. the smoke, embers, and heat
8.Terminus, then Marthasville, finally Atlanta
9.Answers will vary but may include the wide use of automobiles and airplanes to travel.
10.Check student responses.