Chairman Tim Hudson
MEETING 135Tues 21st MAY 2013MINUTES 135
MONTFORD PARISH COUNCILANNUALMEETING was held at 7.30pm in Montford Parish Hall.
The following Councillors were elected/appointed to the following posts: ALL AGREED unanimously.
0.1Elected: Tim Hudson as Montford Parish Council CHAIRMAN: he signed theAcceptance of Chair form.
0.2Elected: Andrew Beckett as Montford Parish Council VICE CHAIR.
0.3Appointed: Tricia Jonesas MPC Representative to MONTFORD COUNTRYSIDE SOCIETY.
0.4Appointed: Adrian Bright as MPC Representative to MONTFORD PARISH HALL.
0.5Confirmed: Andrew Beckett asMPC Trustee to the MILLENNIUM GREEN.
0.6Appointed: Tony Hill as MPC Representative to the LOCAL JOINT COMMITTEE .
0.7Appointed: David Schofield as MPC Deputy Representative to the LOCAL JOINT COMMITTEE.
F.OPEN FORUM for items from our Shropshire Councillor, the police, parishioners and visiting speakers.
F.1SC Cllr David Roberts reported on various Shropshire Council items including: a highways safety project from the bottom up, the refurbishment of the Music Hall, his membership of the SC Planning Committee.
F.2Robin Pocockasked for improvements to the A5 junctions at the Montford Bridge and Shrawardine turns.
F.3Later in the meeting the Clerk read out the April Police Report that he had previously emailed to members.
F.4Outline Plans to extend Fairview: Steve Maxim did not come to present the sketch plans he had mentioned.
1.ATTENDANCE at MPC AnnualMeeting 135 held at 7.30pm in Montford Parish Hall on Tues 21 May'13:
1.1Present Parish Cllrs: Chairman Tim Hudson, Vice Chairman Andrew Beckett, Roy Bayley MBE, Tricia Jones, Tony Hill, Angela Hanmer, Malcolm McSporran MBE, David Schofield.
Plus: SC Cllr David Roberts. Plus: Ian A. Hutchinson Parish Clerk. NOTED
1.2Apologies from Adrian Bright were ACCEPTED. Note: Adrian's personal forms were DEFERREDto 136.
3.PREVIOUS MEETING 134 held on Tues 16 Apr'13 previous minutes and matters arising as follows:
3.1aMinutes 134 The Chair signed the minutes of the last meeting as a true and accurate record: APPROVED
b.APM 2013 Minutes The Chairalso signedthe APM Minutes just to show MPC hadseen them. NOTED
3.2Matters Arising from the Annual Parish Meeting APM 2013held on Tues 16 April 2013:
a.Any MPC follow-up regarding the Alzheimer's Society or the Wildlife Trust and Gardening for Wildlife:
Cllr Tricia Jones will contact the Alzheimer's Society and then report back to MPC: DEFERRED to 136.
b.HA reply to MPC re parishioner's request for the hedges at Shrawardine Turn to be cut back: HA Officer Ranjeet Bansal emailed to say HA do not own any hedges but their contractors Amey believe the structured planting at this point has the potential to obscure vision when pulling out onto the A5 from Shrawardine so part of HA's annual maintenance schedule this area is due to be cut several times during the growing season because this junction is a priority site on the HA program for visibility cuts: reply ACCEPTED unanimously
c.MPC action reparishioner's request for a regular MPC Newsletter in the Parish Magazine: from time to time our Magazine Editor Tricia Jones will continue to put snippets of MPC news in the magazine: APPROVED
d.Next year's APM 2014 will not be held on a separate night: the APM format will be as for 2013. AGREED
4.PLANNING APPLICATIONS plus any LATE plans received after the distribution of this agenda.
4.1Willow Cottage Montford Bridge 13/01729 Simon Kirkham extend garage: 2 cartsheds+storage over:
NO OBJECTION becausethis is a sensible improvement to this property which does not intrude upon any neighbours or detract from the location. AGREED unanimously
5.1Mud on Shrawardine Road by Woodside Farm: SC response to parishioners' concerns and complaints:
a.The emails from residents and SC Roads Officer John Fox which the Clerk had previously emailed to Cllrs were all carefully considered and the Clerk was complimented on his initial reply to John Fox. NOTED
b.While MPC understands the severe drainage problems faced by the farmer in this low lying part of the road MPC also supports residents' urgent pleas for some prompt effective lasting remedial action. ONGOING
5.2Extend double white lines in right turn boxes at Shrawardine Turn+Montford Bridge Turn: See F.2 ↑
Robin Pockock's letter was unanimously FULLY SUPPORTED so the Clerk will forward it to HA Officer Ranjeet Bansal with a request for prompt remedial action and also to the police for their support. AGREED
MINUTES 135 Continues OverCHAIRMAN'S INITIALS: ______
MINUTES 135 ContinuedTuesday 21st MAY 2013Page135 b
6.1Monthly Audit of Accounts Bank Statement 261 at30 Apr'13 = £6981.41 Verified by Meeting: AGREED
6.2Parish Councillors to SignAcceptance of Office forms+Declarations of Interests forms for Clerk to return.
The Clerk will place the Acceptance forms on file and take the Interests forms in to the Shirehall. AGREED
7.PARISH ACCOUNTS Meeting 135 Date: 21 May'13 Year-14
The following accounts were duly signed and PAID at this meeting: APPROVED unanimously
Chq / DATED / Minute / PAYEE/PAYER ITEM DESCRIPTION / CATEGORY / CREDITS / DEBITS / BALANCE7.0 / 01.04.13 / Year-14 / OPENING BALANCE YEAR-14 From Year-13 / "START-14" / *1631.41
7.a / A / 01.04.13 / NONE / SC Parish Precept for Year-14 2012-2013 / PRECEPT14 / 5000.00 / *6631.41
7.b / B / 24.04.13 / NONE / SC LJC-10 Env'l Grant-13a to S'dine BBB Group / GRANT-13a / 350.00 / *6981.41
7.c / C / 01.04.13 / NONE / VAT Refund from Year-13 01.04.12 - 31.03.13 / VAT-13 / 24.00 / 7005.41
7.1 / 758 / 21.05.13 / 135-7.1 / Ian Hutchinson refund cash for Internal Audit-13 / FEES-13 / 50.00 / 6955.41
7.2 / 759 / 21.05.13 / 135-7.2 / Montford Parish Hall Room Hire for ALL 2013 / COSTS-13 / 150.00 / 6805.41
7.3 / 760 / 21.05.13 / 135-7.3 / Ian Hutchinson LJC Grant to S'dine BBB Group / Project-14a / 350.00 / 6455.41
8.EXTERNAL ITEMS including routine correspondence and other general information.
8.1Dangerous State of A5 Nesscliffe bypass dual carriageway: the replies from the HA and affected parishes were NOTED and the subsequent recent remedial action in improving the road surface was APPROVED.
9.EXTRA INFORMATION was discussed at the Chairman's discretion and NOTED as follows:
9.1There was NO LateCorrespondencereceived or any late items of information from the Clerk. NOTED
9.2Any Other Parish Reports and any other information plus comments and queries from the Councillors:
a.Cllr Malcolm McSporran reported that on 9 May 2013 our voluntary Parish Ranger Carl StantonMBE had received an Outdoor Recreation Service Award from SC for twenty or more years service in recognition of his valuable contributions to outdoor recreation and in maintaining our Montford Parish Paths so carefully; alongside so many other good deeds in our community. The Clerk will email MPC's congratulations to Carl.
b.Cllr Tricia Jones asked about the interactive speed signs which SC promised us: the Clerk will now enquire.
c.The rustic old NO THROUGH ROAD sign and sharp turn sign at the top of the bank in Shrawardine near the kissing gate into The Millennium Green were discussed: the Clerk will enquire about replacing them.
10.NEXT MEETING 136 to be held on Tuesday 18 June 2013 at 7.30pm in Montford Parish Hall
MEETING 135 CLOSED 9.10pm Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes
Chairman's Signature Dated: 18 June 2013
Ian Hutchinson Montford Parish Clerk Tel: 01743 850504 [email protected] words Draft-2 printed: 23 May'13
Montford Parish CouncilMinute Book SevenPage 1351