
Excellent Mastery (5) / Good Mastery
(4) / Some Mastery
(3) / Minimal Mastery
(2) / No Mastery
Competency / Thoroughly describes historical and cultural complexities related to research questions / Clearly describes the international complexities of research questions / Generally describes the international complexities of research questions / Limited description of international complexities, unclear research questions / Research questions not related to international issues
Scope and Complexity
of Topic / Thoroughly frames complex topicand maintains appropriate focus / Clearly frames complex topicand maintains focus / Generally frames topic and maintains some focus / Over-simplifies topic and maintains no focus / Topic is not identifiable.
Use of Literature and Theory / Thoroughly situates work within existing theoretical and/or comparative literature and makes contribution / Clearly situates work within existing theoretical and/or comparative literature / Generally uses theoretical and/or comparative literature / Inconsistentuse of theoretical and/or literature, may over-rely on too few sources / No use of theory and/or literature
Argument / Thoroughlydevelops defensible argument / Clearlydescribes argument / Generally describes argument / Limiteddescription of argument / No argument
Approach and
Methodology / Thoroughly uses appropriate methods / Clearly usesmethods related to research / Generally uses methods related to research / Inconsistent use of methods related to research / Unclear or inappropriate methods
Use of Data and Evidence / Thoroughly uses data and evidence / Clearly uses data and evidence / Generally uses data and evidence / Inconsistent use of data and evidence / Presents no data and evidence
Insight and Conclusions / Thoroughly connectsideas and develops insightful conclusions / Clearly connects ideas anddraws conclusions / Generally describesideas and draws some conclusions / Limited description of ideas and draws simplistic conclusions / No description of ideas and draws unclear conclusions
Grammar, Spelling and Usage / Virtually no errors / Some minor errors / Frequent or serious errors / Errors begin to impair readability / Significantly impairs readability
Organization / Structure enhances the argument; Strong sections and seamless flow / Structure supports the argument; Clearly ordered sections / Structure has choppy transitions and/or redundancies or disconnections / Structure is of inconsistent quality / Needs significant reorganization
Clarity and Style / Mastery of the genre, including elegant style, established voice / Effective prose style; Follows relevant scholarly conventions; Emerging voice / Beginning to be comfortable with appropriate conventions / Style is inconsistent or uneven / Style gets in the way of reading for content