Religion 471 Fall 2012

Religion 471

Course Description

This class orients students regarding a career in Seminaries and Institutes of Religion, as well as providing basic instruction and training in seminary teaching methods. Through participation in a teaching lab experiences and a more extensive teaching practicum at the end of the semester, students will be evaluated for potential student-teaching assignments in a local seminary.

This course replaces previous REL 370 and REL 471 courses beginning January 2012.


Attendance: 10 points per class if you come on time. 5 points if you come late or leave early.

Reading: 10 points per assignment if the assignment completed on time. 5 points if it is completed late or partially (at least ½) completed. All reading assignments are due at the beginning of class on the specified date.

Papers: 100 points each. Each paper is to be typed, double spaced and professional in its over-all appearance. Papers are to be handed in or emailed to me () by midnight on the day they are due. All late papers will be deducted 10 points for every day they are late up to 50 points. Papers late more than five days will be accepted but they will only receive 50 points.

Mid-term paper: Autobiography. Two to three pages.

Final Paper: “Jesus the Master Teacher”. Two to three pages. Assume that you have been asked to submit an article with the title “Jesus the Master Teacher” to a Church publication. While considering the philosophies and practices that you have learned in this course about teaching, describe how Christ is in every sense of the title “The Master Teacher”.

Observation: 100 points. You will have the chance to attend a local seminary and make observational notes. I have attached a copy of the observation form and I will explain how we will use it in class. If you want to observe your old seminary teacher that is great but you must do it before the due date. 100 points if handed in on time. I will dock 10 points for every day it is late.


The Scriptures

The Gospel Teaching and Learning Handbook. It can be accessed at or (for the s.i. sight, Log in with your LDS account user name and password, click “New GTL Handbook”. (Available only on-line until more books can be printed)

Teach Ye Diligently: Elder Boyd K Packer

Preservice Readings: Can be purchases at the BYUI bookstore on found on my home page.

Date / Topics / Gospel Teaching and Learning / Selected Pre-Service Readings
(Title and Pages)
* Indicates readings not in the pre-service reading packet. I will give you a copy in class or you can find them on the internet. / Teach Ye Diligently
Sep 11 / The Savior as the Master Teacher / Intro: v-vii / . / Ch. 4
Sep 13 / A Career in S&I: Spouses are encouraged to attend this day: there will be many questions answered about the S&I hiring process / Intro: xi
pp. 76-77 / A Challenging Time, A Wonderful Time, pp 15-19,
Cleansing the Inner Vessel, pp 61-63
Sep 18 / The Objective of S&I
Live the Gospel
Teach Effectively
Administer Appropriately / Chap 1
pp. 1-9 / The Charted Course Of The Church In Education, pp 1-7
*The Objective of S&I / Ch. 1,2,3,
Sep 20 / The Fundamentals of Gospel Teaching and Learning
Teaching and Learning by the Spirit / Chap 2
pp. 10-13 / *To Understand and Live Truth, An Evening With Elder Scott
*Teaching & Learning Emphasis
*Deepening Conversion, Chad Webb
The Spirit Must Be Our Constant Companion, p 31,
Sep 25 / Cultivate a Learning Environment of Love, Respect, and Purpose / pp. 13-19 / According To His Desires, p 99
Guidance Of A Human Soul, Self-accountability….p 100
In The Spirit Of Testimony, pp 101-102
Sep 27 / Study the Scriptures Daily and Read the Text for the Course
*Autobiography due by midnight / pp. 19-23 / Reading the Scriptures, pp 53-54
Oct 2 / Understand the Context and Content of the Scriptures/Prophets / pp. 23-25 / Obtaining and Maintaining Scriptural…..pp 64-68
Oct 4 / Identify, Understand, Feel the Truth and Importance of, and Apply Gospel Doctrines and Principles / pp. 26-31 / Helping Others To Be Spiritually Lead, pp 55-57,
Therefore What?, pp 81-85 / Ch. 33
Oct 9 / Explain, Share, and Testify of Gospel Doctrines and Principles / pp. 31-33 / The Ordinary Classroom – A Powerful Place for Steady and Continual Growth, pp 58-60,
Oct 11 / Master Key Scripture Passages and Basic Doctrines / pp. 34-36 / Teaching By The Spirit, The Language Of Inspiration, pp 35-40
Oct 16 / Teaching the Scriptures in S&I
Incorporating the Fundamentals of Gospel Learning / Chap 3
pp. 38-46 / Teach The Scriptures, pp 74-76
Oct 18 / Observation at local seminary: no class
Attendance points given for observation / A Teacher Come From God, pp 13-15
We Must Raise Our Sights, pp 76-81
Oct 23 / Preparing to Teach
Personal Preparation
Student Preparation
Bring observation to class from 10/18 / Chap 4
pp. 47-50 / Luke 5
How To Get Personal Revelation, pp 47-50
Gospel Teaching, pp 51-52
* Seek Learning by Faith, Elder Bednar / Ch.2,17,
Oct 25 / Lesson Preparation I
Deciding the What
Deciding the How / pp. 51-57 / * Example lesson prep and presentation outline
* Basic doctrines of Seminaries and Institutes
Oct 30
Nov 1 / Lesson Preparation II
Deciding the What
Deciding the How
Teaching Methods, Skills and Approaches
Search Questions
Analyze Questions / Chap 5
pp. 58-61 / * Icebergs, Point Guards, Waves And Softballs: The Power Of Good Questions And Discussions
Nov 6 / Practicum Teaching in a local seminary: no class Rigby Seminary / The Lord Will Multiply The Harvest, pp 93-98
Nov 8 / Practicum Teaching in a local seminary: no class Rigby Seminary / Eternal Investments, pp 20-23
Nov 13 / Questioning Part 2
Feeling Questions
Application Questions / pp. 61-62 / The Candle Of The Lord, pp 32-34
Nov 15 / Class Discussions / pp. 63-63 / A Standard To My People, pp 85-87 / Ch. 35
Nov 20 / Read the Scriptures Together in Class / p. 64 / Men Of Example, pp 23-26
Nov 27 / Teacher Presentation
Stories / pp. 65-67 / The Gospel Teacher And His Message, pp 26-29,
Nov 29 / Small Group Discussions and Assignments
Writing Exercises
Chalkboards or Whiteboards
Objects and Pictures / pp. 67-70 / Teaching By Faith, pp 90-93
Equally Yoked Together p 30 / Ch. 10,11, Ch. 41
Dec 4 / Audiovisual and Computer Presentations
*Final paper due by midnight / pp. 70-74 / Unity & Unity – A Principle of Strength ,p 132,
Dec 6 / Music / pp. 74-75 / Things Too Wonderful For Me, pp 88-89
Dec 11 / Timing, pp 133-37

Name ______

Grading Sheet: Due December 14, 2012 by 12:00 noon or you will receive no higher than a D-.

Date / Attendance 1-10 pts / Reading
1-10 pts / Papers
100 pts Each / Observation Report
Sep 11 / xxxxxxxx
Sep 13
Sep 18
Sep 20
Sep 25
Sep 27 / Paper #1
Oct 2
Oct 4
Oct 9
Oct 11
Oct 16
Oct 18
Oct 23 / Due in class
Oct 25
Oct 30
Nov 1
Nov 6
Nov 8
Nov 13
Nov 15
Nov 20
Nov 27
Nov 29
Dec 4 / Paper #2
Dec 6
Dec 11
Totals: / /260 / /250 / /200 / /100

Grand Total: /

Seminary Class Observation Sheet

Name______Seminary’s Name______

Class Period______Girls______Boys______

After reading the S&I expectations below, highlight the areas that you thought most closely met the expectations. Below the chart write a brief description of what you observed and what you learned from this experience.

Seminaries and Institutes of Religion - Expectations

Our purpose is to help the youth and young adults understand and rely on the teachings and atonement of Jesus Christ, qualify for the blessings of the temple, and prepare themselves, their families and others for eternal life with their Father in Heaven.

Gospel teaching and learning take place by the power of the Holy Ghost

/ Helps students fulfill their role in the learning process and prepares them to teach the gospel to others / Teaches The students the Gospel of Jesus Christ as found in the Scriptures and the words of the Prophets. These doctrines and principles are taught in a way that leads to understanding and edification. / Cultivates a Learning Environment of Love Respect and Purpose / Uses Study and Teaching Skills Effectively
1. Students are edified, and feel inspired to apply gospel principles. There is joy and peace in the learning process.
2. Students feel an increase of love for the Savior, the gospel, their teacher and toward one another.
Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the spirit is
love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness
meekness, temperance, / 3. Fosters a desire to learn within the students. Students are engaged in learning.
4. Encourages students to participate in meaningful ways.
5. Gives students opportunities to explain doctrines and principles, share relevant experiences,
and testify of divine truth.
6. Helps students to use scripture study skills. / 7. Teaches clearly, sequentially, and effectively from the scriptures and words of the prophets, helping students to:
o  Understand the context and content of the scriptures & words of the prophets
o  Identify - understand – apply gospel doctrines and principles.
8. Effectively incorporates the words of the Prophets.
9. Stays true to the intent of the inspired writer. Uses approved curriculum, does not speculate, or sensationalize.
10. Encourages personal daily scripture study and reading the text for the course. / 11. Provides a spiritual environment where students can associate and learn together.
12. Establishes and maintains an appropriate physical setting.
13. Establishes and maintains an appropriate spiritual setting, with love, respect, unity, rapport, order, and purpose.
14. “Reads” the students and responds appropriately.
15. The teacher’s conduct and relationships are exemplary in and out of the classroom. / 16. Demonstrates effective use of study and teaching skills which may include such things as
o  variety
o  pacing
o  questioning
o  discussions
o  teacher presentation
o  likening the scriptures
o  analogies
o  stories
o  writing
o  journals
o  group work
o  audio/video
o  music
o  other:
17. Encourages Mastery of key scriptural passages.
18. Encourages mastery of basic doctrines.