Two Weeks in Church

Saturday 4th 6.30pm Daniel Goggin RIP (McMillan)

Sunday 5th 9.30am Mauricio, Dianita & Alberto Bebita RIP(Zorgdrager)

11.30am Teresa McNeela & Dennis Miller RIP (McNeela

Monday 6th 9.00am November Dead List

11.00am Funeral Service- Doris Quinlan RIP

Tuesday 7th 9.00am Private Intention (Murphy)

Wednesday 8th 12.15pm Danny Grannell RIP (O’Donnell)

2.00pm Year 5/6 School Mass

Thursday 9th 8.30am Service of the Word/Holy Communion

Friday 10th 9.00am November Dead List (Murphy)

Saturday 11th 6.30pm Holy Souls (Pitkin)

Sunday 12th 9.30am Palagio Tidoso RIP (Gray)

11.30am The People of the Parish

Monday 13th 9.00am Margaret Austin & Mary Healy (Foundation)

Tuesday 14th 9.00am Holy Souls (Herbert)

Wednesday 15th 12.15pm Jim O’Sullivan RIP (O’Sullivan)

Thursday 16th 8.30am Service of the Word/Holy Communion

Friday 17th 9.00am November Dead List

Saturday 18th 6.30pm John Kingston RIP (Kingston)

Sunday 19th 9.30am The People of the Parish

11.30am November Dead List (Khoury)

Morning Prayer of the Church is celebrated after the morning services. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament normally takes place on Saturday morning’s during the

Sacrament of Reconciliation from 11am - 12noon.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is normally held on Saturday between

11am - 12.00 noon & 5.30pm. – 6.15pm.

Parish Stewardship:

Offertory Collection Weekend 28th /29th January

Envelopes: £747.45 Cash: £407.14

Standing Orders to 5th December £1,882.67

Travelling Chalice

Weekend Family Mass

4th /5th February Michelle Wells 9.30am

11th /12th February Guin Taylor 9.30am

18th /19th February Noah Eugenio 11.30am

25th /26th February Prescious Emwerem 11.30am

What’s On?

Sun 5th Mass for the Sick 3.00pm Our Lady of Lourdes, Wanstead

Mon 6th St Edwards Preschool 9.30am-12noon Parish Hall

Knit & Natter 2.30pm-4.30pm Community Centre

Youth Stewards of the Gospel 4.00pm-5.00pm Priest’s House

Legion of Mary 8.00pm-9.00pm Upper Room

Tues 7th Parent & Toddler Group 9.45am-11.45am Parish Hall

Beavers/Cubs/Scouts 5.00pm-9.30pm Parish Hall

Pastoral Appointments 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm,7pm Priest’s House

St Vincent de Paul 7.00pm Community Centre

Weds 8th St Edwards Preschool 9.15am-3.00pm Parish Hall

Golden Club 1.00pm Community Centre

Journey in Faith (RCIA) 7.45pm Community Centre

Rainbows/Brownies/Guides 3.45pm-8.45pm Parish Hall

Thurs 9th St Edwards Preschool 9.30am-12.30pm Parish Hall

Ministry to Priests Team 11.00am Rainham

Fri 10th St Edwards Preschool 9.15am-3.00pm Parish Hall

Funeral (Alan Bond RIP) 12noon Hainault

Hospital 1.30pm Romford

Sat 11th All Day Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9am-5pm Church

Sun 12th Safeguarding Interviews 10.30am-11.15am Priests House

Confirmation Session Two 6.00pm Community Centre

Mon 13th Half Term Holiday

Knit & Natter 2.30pm-4.30pm Community Centre

Legion of Mary 8.00pm-9.00pm Upper Room

Parish Finance Meeting 7.00pm Priests House

Tues 14th St Vincent de Paul 7.00pm Community Centre

Weds 15th Golden Club 1.00pm Community Centre

Community Centre Meeting 7.00pm Community Centre

Thurs 16th Hospital Appointment 3.00pm Brentwood

Sat 18th New Readers 9.30am-11am Church

Please pray for all who are sick in our hospital, our nursing homes and at home. For those who are anxious, bereaved or struggling in the Faith. May they experience the healing hands of Jesus through our prayerful actions and visitations. Especially we pray for:

John Abbott, Nora Brennan, Margaret Brockbank, Fr Gerry Butcher, Bob Cole,

Dyllis Dangerfield, Jose De Abreu, Veronica Flood, Marie Gahagan,

Margaret Harries, Eileen Heneghan, Ben Holmes, Evelyn Hughes, Fatima Hussein, Fr Tom Jordan, Benjamin Joseph, Mona Keenan, Paula Lam, Fr Tony McKentey, Ann Montgomery,

Teishan Mulholland, Brendan O’Connor, Chioma Onwumere, Bernadette O’Sullivan, Fr David Prior, Maureen Ross, Mgr George Stokes, Fr John Taylor, Andrew Todd, Danny Toye, Eileen Terrell, Martine Vella, Betty Walsh and Trudy Wijeyeratnam

Please pray for our Dead whose Anniversaries occur about this time:

David Hamilton, Edith Brennan, Irene Christie, Brigid Doherty, Teresa McNeela, Dorothy Dunne, Mary Clarke, Mary Dean, May Raleigh, Johanna Bullock, Mary Porter, Veronica Condon,

Eda Burrows, John Lyons, Sarah Devlin, Lucy Harding, Albert Williams, Patrick Lavelle,

Wilhelmina Fuller, Mary Harris, Mary Simpson, Rosina Groves, Theresa Franklin, Elizabeth Sullivan, Margaret McNeela, Vittorio Zenone, Albert Pashley, Mary Pashley, Herbert Finch, Susan Warren, Joan Smyth, Sophia English, Margaret Gale, Joseph Sunnicks, Edward Moyse, Mary Watts,

Rudi Wohs, Mary Caulfield, Marie McKeever, Christina Dye and Michael O’Halleran.

Parish Building & Maintenance Fund The collection for the Parish Building Fund raised £671.25. Bless you for your generosity.

Lourdes Sick & Helpers Pilgrimage Fund Next weekend after all Masses we will have the annual Diocesan retiring collection for this fund. Please be as generous as you can.

The Children’s Liturgy urgently needs more helpers. Mums, Dads, Grandparents - please step forward. There are a number of roles within each group from decorating the board, cutting out shapes for the children’s work to reading the Gospel story or even leading a discussion with the children. You are welcome to come and join us any week to see what goes on. Each person is only committed to one session every six weeks. If you are interested please contact Sarah Tunnicliff on 07930 570 591 or email

Community Centre There will be an open meeting for parishioners to discuss what might be needed to commence with a ‘way forward project’ on Wednesday 15th February from 7pm in the Community Centre.

Church Shop Over two weeks ago, after the children’s liturgy and before the end of the 9.30am Mass, the shop was broken into again and the cash box taken. Security of the building and shop will be reviewed and changed.

Bible Alive February edition available at the back of the church priced £2.50.

Service of Healing Prayer: at St. Joseph's Church, Upminster Tuesday7th Februaryat 8pm. For details contact Richard & Frances Healy 01708 250717.

The Brentwood Catholic Children’s Societyis hosting a Charity Quiz Night on Saturday 25th February 7pm-10pm at the Brentwood Ursuline School. Teams of 8 people at a cost of £7.50pp. All funds to BCCS. You are invited to bring your own drinks and nibbles. Please contact Julie Abbot– 01268 784544 / 07912277413 to book your places (all teams must be pre-booked).

The Venerable Margaret Sinclair There will be Mass to celebrate the 92nd Anniversary of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair’s Religious Profession on Saturday 18th February at 2.30pm in the Marillac Chapel Warley. All are welcome.

/ Parish newsletter ST. EDWARD THE CONFESSOR
(St Edward is the Patron Saint of our Deanery)
5 Park End Road, Romford, Essex RM1 4AT
Telephone & Fax: 01708 740308
Parish Web
Diocese of Brentwood Registered Charity No.234092
Web Site:
Parish Priest: Father Tom Jordan
St. Peter’s Primary School 01708 745506
Head Teacher: Mrs Jenny Waterfield

Our Parish is part of the Brentwood Diocese and Alan Williams is our Bishop

and we belong to the Havering Deanery.

We are twinned with the parish of Regina Pacis, Ladysmith, Diocese of Dundee, South Africa,

and pray for their Bishop, Graham Rose.

The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

5th February 2017

Diocese of Brentwood Centenary Celebration Events -11th February 2017

Marks the official Inauguration of the Centenary Year of our Diocese of Brentwood. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place in every parish on this Saturday from 9am – 5pm. Please sign up at the back of the Church to help with keeping Vigil on the day. Bless you all. Details of all the events can

be found on the Poster at the back of the church or visit

Attention all Ministers and Parish Volunteers. The parish office will be holding a documentation day on Sundays 12th of February and 5th March between 10:30am and 11:15am. If you volunteer for anything involving children or vulnerable adults (i.e taking communion to the housebound or children's liturgy) you must attend one of these sessions. All volunteers must be registered on the Diocesan SafeguardingRegister and DBS checks will be taking place. Please see the notice at the back of the church for further information about what you need to bring on the day. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Emma Bond via the parish office.