Elmore Orchid’s Stud Plants; BR = Bare-root; minimum of 3 good pseudobulbs, usually more; very limited

Lc. Lenette's Snow Storm 'Reynolda Village', BR, pieces of the original awarded plant; white large nodosa-like flowers with large purple dots over whole lip; $95

C. leuddemanniana 'Jim Elmore', 4.5" pot; pieces of the original awarded plant; purple; $175

Blc. Chia Lin 'Shinsu #1', 6" pot, large red-purple flowers, $85

Lc. Puppy Love 'True Beauty', 6" pot; 4" purple flowers on tall stem; $65

C. skinneri alba 'Cherokee' 6" pots; pure white, one of the best; $65

Slc. Frolic 'Orange Beauty', 4" pot; orange-red flowers from clone that received an increased award over original plant; $75

Bc. Mount Hood 'Orchidglade', BR, Classic large pink flowers; $95

C. percivaliana 'Albert's', 5" pot; classic purple species; $75

Brassavoladigbyana 'Mrs Chase', 5" pot; green classic; $55

C. warscewiczii 'Bob Brooks', 4" pot, semi-alba, very dark purple lip, easy growing species; $45

Lc. C.G. Roebling 'Blue Magic', very full 6" pot; classic "blue"; $225

Lc. Angel Heart 'Hihimanu', 6.5" pot; tall plant with somewhat tall spikes and blushed lavender flowers; $65

C. bicolor 'Elmore's Pride', BR; green with purple lip, easy growing, piece of original CCM plant; $125

Bc. Mount Anderson 'Geneviere'; BR; classic lavender-pink; $75

Lc. Mariner 'Woodlawn', BR; classic blue; $75

Slc. Barbara Elmore 'Hearts', BR; piece of the original awarded patented plant, purple splash with yellow hearts in petals and lip; $95

C. Mary Lynn McKenzie 'Nature's Masterpiece', one of the best standard whites, very large flowers; $85

C. percivaliana 'Summit', BR; very nice purple species; $55

Lc. Gila Wilderness 'Grandeur'; BR; very white with very dark purple splashes, striking; $65

Slc. Pumpkin Festival 'Fong Yuen'; BR; Large red, good breeder; $75

Lc. Persian Glory 'Road to China', BR; large flowered purple, lavender, yellow splash petal; $75

C. Portiata 'Nelly', BR; tall plant with large clusters of purple flowers, makes great specimen plant; $95

C. Louise Georgianna 'Texas'; BR; tall plant with clusters of pure white flowers; $85

L. Finkeniana 'Kennedy's', BR; tall stems of small lavender flowers; $75

Lc. Judy Small 'Delight', BR; very dark purple splash petal; $75

Bc. Maikai 'Majumi', 4" pots; purple speckles on white on a compact plant; $25

C. bicolor measureanum; BR; tall plant with green blushed flowers with red lips; $95

Lc. Dorothy Warne 'Favorite'; BR; purple blushed flowers on tall plant; $75

Lc. Fire Dance 'Particia'; BR; orange-red flowers; $55

Lc. Lilac Dream 'Symmetry'; BR; tall stems of lavender blushed flowers; $65

Lc. Angel Heart 'Hilda'; BR; lavender blushed flowers on tall stems; $55

C. aurantiaca (choice); tall plant with small intense orange flowers on this species; $75

Blc Marcella Koss 'Charles'; BR; large light lavender/pinks; $65

C. trianae (choice); large purple flowers on this easy growing species; $65

L. ancepsguerrero; 6"pots; purple splashed flowers on tall stems; $35

Blc. Dorothy Bertsch 'Desert Sands'; BR; light yellows on a classic; $85

Lc. Oroyum 'Valencia'; BR; clusters of dark yellow on a somewhat tall stem; $75

Slc. Jeweler's Art 'Carved Coral'; BR; Lavender-red with darker lip; $65

C. Priscilla Ward ‘Z-72’; BR; a very old Hausermann clone; I used their “Z” number for the clonal epithet; green with pinkish lip; $95

C. intermedia 'Jerry Elmore'; BR; purple orlata form; division of original awarded plant; $55

Lc. Ann Akagi 'H&R'; BR; nice compact grower with nice soft shade of lavender; $55

Some special non-cattleya alliance plants

Renantheraimschootiana 'Harold Elmore'; large pieces of the original awarded plant in 6" baskets (2 available), about 2.5 feet tall and with keikis; nevermericloned; $200

Ascda.Pralor 'Barbara Elmore'; large piece of original awarded plant; about 2.5 feet tall with 4 keikis; $200; also have nice size mericlones for $25

Den. palpebrae 'Jim Elmore' ; BR; pieces of original awarded plant; originally labelledfarmeri alba but was determined at Selby that it was closer to palpebrae. $75

Den. Gatton Sunray FCC/RHS-AOS; BR; a very old one; very large yellow flowers with maroon eyes; these are mature divisions that stand well over 3 feet tall from a very large plant; $95

Paph. Raisin Jack 'Jim Elmore'; 4" pots; $75

Bulbo.rothschildianum 'Jerry Elmore'; BR or 6" pots; pieces of the original awarded plant; never mericloned; $75

Bulbo.rothschildianum 'Red Chimney' BR; $55

Nagelliellapurpurea 'Barbara Elmore'; nice specimen on 4"X6" tree fern slab; $55


Jim Elmore

Elmore Orchids

325 Elmore Lane

Knoxville Tennessee 37934

(865) 966-5294