USAID/Jamaica Basic Education Project

Supporting Educational Transformation in Jamaica

Caenwood Centre, Grant Hall, 37 Arnold Road, Kingston 5

Tel/Fax: (876) 967-5192

Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students

Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.

Grade 1 Concept of Print Component and Critical Benchmarks
Students’ Names / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / Summary
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Names and/ or points out all upper case letters in a variety of typeface / Names and/ or points out all lower case letters in a variety of typeface / Points to and /or selects a letterwhen requested / Points to and /or selects a wordwhen requested / Points to and /or selects a sentencewhen requested / Associates pictures with words / Matches words that are the same / Points to the beginning and end of a sentence / Uses return sweep motion when reading / The student has achieved at least seven(7)of all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / Yes / ---

Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students

Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness Component and Critical Benchmarks / Summary
Students’ Names / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Reproduces the short vowel sounds in words given (e.g. cat, beg) / Reproduces long vowel sounds in words given (e.g. take, rope) / Reproduces consonant sounds in words given / Segments single syllable words into phonemes (e.g., m/a/t, m/o/p) / Blends two to four phonemes into recognizable words
/f/ /a//s/ /t/ = fast,
/j/ /u/ /m/ /p/=jump) / The student has achieved at leastfour(4) of all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom /  /  /  / x / x / No / 4, 5

Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students

Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.

Grade 1 Word Identification Componentand Critical Benchmarks
Students’ Names / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Reads in context, basic sight words appropriate to grade level / Reads in context sight words (other than basic ones) for grade level / Associates initial consonant sounds with letters to read words appropriate to grade level / Produces short vowel sounds and blends these sounds with consonant sounds to read words (cvc) e.g., /m/ /a/ /t/ / Produces long vowel sounds and blends these with consonant sounds to read grade appropriate words (cvcv) e.g., /c/ /a/ /n/ /e/
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom /  /  /  / x / x
Continued on page 4

Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students

Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.

Grade 1 Word Identification Component and Critical Benchmarks (cont.)
Students’ Names / 6a / 6b / 6c / 6d / 6e / 6f / 7 / 8 / Summary
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Reads grade appropriate words with: / Uses pictures to assist in the identification of words in context / Uses pictures to assist in the identification of words in isolation / The student has achieved at least ten (10) of all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
vowel digraphs (e.g., goat, tie, rain) / consonant blends in the initial position (e.g., black, play, brown) / consonant blendsin the final position (e.g., lamp, thank, first) / consonant digraphsin the initial position (e.g., church, shop, that) / consonant digraphs in the final position (e.g., teeth, brush) / inflectional forms (e.g., works, passes, worked, working)
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom / x / x /  /  / x / x /  /  / No / 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 6e, 6f

Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students

Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.

Grade 1 Reading Fluency Component and Critical Benchmarks / Summary
Students’ Names / 1 / 2 / 3
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Reads in phrases
( not word by word) / Notices and uses punctuation to assist reading / Reads grade level material with little or no hesitation / The student has achieved at all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom /  /  /  / Yes / 

Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students

Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.

Grade 1 Vocabulary and Concept Development
Component and Critical Benchmarks / Summary
Students’ Names / 1 / 2
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Uses pictures to gain meaning / Places words into simple categories (e.g., foods, places, male/female) / The student has achieved all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom /  / x / No / 2

Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students

Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.

Grade 1 Comprehension Component and Critical Benchmarks / Summary
Students’ Names / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Retells a simple story indicating a beginning middle and end. / Identifies and interprets details in pictures / Identifies and interprets details in printed texts appropriate to grade level / Identifies the main idea/central theme of grade appropriate texts (narrative, simple expository) / Makes inferences and draws conclusions from text (pictures and print / Predicts content of text from titles, pictures, captions, illustrations and prose / Tells if a story is reality or fantasy / The student has achieved at least five (5)of all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom / x / x /  /  / x / x / x / No / 1, 2, 5, 6, 7

Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students

Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.

Grade 1 Fiction Component and Critical Benchmarks / Summary
Students’ Names / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Voluntarily selects books to read / Expresses thoughts and feelings about elements of a story: character / Expresses thoughts and feelings about elements of a story: incidence / Identifies moral of a story in grade appropriate text / Reads independently and responds to story / The student has achieved at leastfour(4) of all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom / x / x /  /  / x / No / 1, 2, 5

Overall Rating: How would you describe the reading skills of your class overall? Please tick ().

____At grade 1 level____ Below grade 1 level ____ Far below grade 1 level

Number of students achieving Mastery on Component

Component / Number of students achieving Mastery
  1. Concept of Print

  1. Phonemic Awareness

  1. Word Identification

  1. Reading Fluency

  1. Vocabulary and Concept Development

  1. Comprehension

  1. Fiction

Note. Students should have satisfied the requirement for mastery of each component.

Overall Comments: ______


Teacher’s Signature: ______Principal’s Signature: ______

Date: ______Date: ______

ERAC 1 MASTER - 140113 Page 1

This project is a joint initiative of the Governments of Jamaica and the United States of America monitored by the Ministry of Education and United States Agency for International Development (USAID).