USAID/Jamaica Basic Education Project
Supporting Educational Transformation in Jamaica
Caenwood Centre, Grant Hall, 37 Arnold Road, Kingston 5
Tel/Fax: (876) 967-5192
Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students
Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.
Grade 1 Concept of Print Component and Critical BenchmarksStudents’ Names / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / Summary
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Names and/ or points out all upper case letters in a variety of typeface / Names and/ or points out all lower case letters in a variety of typeface / Points to and /or selects a letterwhen requested / Points to and /or selects a wordwhen requested / Points to and /or selects a sentencewhen requested / Associates pictures with words / Matches words that are the same / Points to the beginning and end of a sentence / Uses return sweep motion when reading / The student has achieved at least seven(7)of all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom / / / / / / / / / / Yes / ---
Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students
Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.
Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness Component and Critical Benchmarks / SummaryStudents’ Names / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Reproduces the short vowel sounds in words given (e.g. cat, beg) / Reproduces long vowel sounds in words given (e.g. take, rope) / Reproduces consonant sounds in words given / Segments single syllable words into phonemes (e.g., m/a/t, m/o/p) / Blends two to four phonemes into recognizable words
/f/ /a//s/ /t/ = fast,
/j/ /u/ /m/ /p/=jump) / The student has achieved at leastfour(4) of all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom / / / / x / x / No / 4, 5
Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students
Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.
Grade 1 Word Identification Componentand Critical BenchmarksStudents’ Names / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Reads in context, basic sight words appropriate to grade level / Reads in context sight words (other than basic ones) for grade level / Associates initial consonant sounds with letters to read words appropriate to grade level / Produces short vowel sounds and blends these sounds with consonant sounds to read words (cvc) e.g., /m/ /a/ /t/ / Produces long vowel sounds and blends these with consonant sounds to read grade appropriate words (cvcv) e.g., /c/ /a/ /n/ /e/
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom / / / / x / x
Continued on page 4
Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students
Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.
Grade 1 Word Identification Component and Critical Benchmarks (cont.)Students’ Names / 6a / 6b / 6c / 6d / 6e / 6f / 7 / 8 / Summary
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Reads grade appropriate words with: / Uses pictures to assist in the identification of words in context / Uses pictures to assist in the identification of words in isolation / The student has achieved at least ten (10) of all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
vowel digraphs (e.g., goat, tie, rain) / consonant blends in the initial position (e.g., black, play, brown) / consonant blendsin the final position (e.g., lamp, thank, first) / consonant digraphsin the initial position (e.g., church, shop, that) / consonant digraphs in the final position (e.g., teeth, brush) / inflectional forms (e.g., works, passes, worked, working)
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom / x / x / / / x / x / / / No / 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 6e, 6f
Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students
Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.
Grade 1 Reading Fluency Component and Critical Benchmarks / SummaryStudents’ Names / 1 / 2 / 3
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Reads in phrases
( not word by word) / Notices and uses punctuation to assist reading / Reads grade level material with little or no hesitation / The student has achieved at all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom / / / / Yes /
Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students
Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.
Grade 1 Vocabulary and Concept DevelopmentComponent and Critical Benchmarks / Summary
Students’ Names / 1 / 2
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Uses pictures to gain meaning / Places words into simple categories (e.g., foods, places, male/female) / The student has achieved all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom / / x / No / 2
Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students
Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.
Grade 1 Comprehension Component and Critical Benchmarks / SummaryStudents’ Names / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Retells a simple story indicating a beginning middle and end. / Identifies and interprets details in pictures / Identifies and interprets details in printed texts appropriate to grade level / Identifies the main idea/central theme of grade appropriate texts (narrative, simple expository) / Makes inferences and draws conclusions from text (pictures and print / Predicts content of text from titles, pictures, captions, illustrations and prose / Tells if a story is reality or fantasy / The student has achieved at least five (5)of all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom / x / x / / / x / x / x / No / 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
Early Reading Assessment Checklist (ERAC) for Grade 1 students
Instructions:Place a tick () or achievement date in the appropriate cell to indicate that the student performs the skill/activity listed. Remember to use the information from interactions and observations you have made.
Grade 1 Fiction Component and Critical Benchmarks / SummaryStudents’ Names / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
No. / LAST NAME / FIRST NAME / Voluntarily selects books to read / Expresses thoughts and feelings about elements of a story: character / Expresses thoughts and feelings about elements of a story: incidence / Identifies moral of a story in grade appropriate text / Reads independently and responds to story / The student has achieved at leastfour(4) of all critical benchmarks / Benchmarks not achieved
(EXAMPLE) Jones / Tom / x / x / / / x / No / 1, 2, 5
Overall Rating: How would you describe the reading skills of your class overall? Please tick ().
____At grade 1 level____ Below grade 1 level ____ Far below grade 1 level
Number of students achieving Mastery on Component
Component / Number of students achieving Mastery- Concept of Print
- Phonemic Awareness
- Word Identification
- Reading Fluency
- Vocabulary and Concept Development
- Comprehension
- Fiction
Note. Students should have satisfied the requirement for mastery of each component.
Overall Comments: ______
Teacher’s Signature: ______Principal’s Signature: ______
Date: ______Date: ______
ERAC 1 MASTER - 140113 Page 1
This project is a joint initiative of the Governments of Jamaica and the United States of America monitored by the Ministry of Education and United States Agency for International Development (USAID).