Highcliffe School Student Bulletin
Monday 12th – Friday 16th February 2007: Week B
Thought For The Week:
"What is now proved was once only imagined." William Blake
School Field: A reminder to all students that the school field is out of bound at break and lunchtimes. Clear information will be given when the field is back in use at these times.
Maths Games Club meets every Friday in MA1 from 1:30pm. All students are welcome, come and have a game of Connect4, Yatzee, Suduko and many more!
S-Factor SC10 Thursday - Racing balloon rockets! 3.20 - 4.15pm.
There won't be an Environmental Group meeting on Thursday lunchtime on 15th February as Miss High will be away. We will be back the first Thursday after half term.
Attention all Year 10 Students!
Year 10 Science GCSE exam
The exam date for Unit 3 Additional Science, which all Year 10 willtake,has been changedby OCR from 20th June 2007 to:
Thursday 14th June (pm)
Year 9 Level 8 project Group: Please attend a short meeting at the start of lunch on Tuesday in Mrs Barclay's Lab (Sc7). If you have completed task one please bring it with you. Mrs Barclay.
Watch your backs! Coming soon to Highcliffe there could possibly be a Murder/Mystery to solve in the school library. Look out for further information on the information screens and in this bulletin.
Christian Union: On Wednesday 14th February, Christian Union are having a guest speaker, Jason Evans, in. The event is open to people in Year 9 upwards and is being held in Room VI 5, 1.45pm.
Year 11 Religious Education/Religious Studies revision sessions begin on Thursdays in H7 at 3.30pm. These will run until Easter. Everyone welcome!
Year 11 maths resit students – a reminder that revision sessions are Tuesday after school 3.20-4.20pm
Highcliffe School Young Musician of the Year has been postponed until after Easter. This gives you more time to practice!
Can't Stop the Beat rehearsals:
Tuesday 3.30-5.00pm Chorus B, Chorus C
Wednesday 3.30-5.00pm Full Chorus
Thursday 3.30-5.00pm All soloists
Saturday 24th February - All day rehearsal: Everyone required 10.00am-4.00pm Bring a packed lunch and some warm clothes!
Urgent! All cast members who haven't yet need to take £5 to Finance Office for their T-shirt.
BUILD YOUR VOCABULARY - Which is the correct definition?
Subduction –
a/ The process by which water rises up through a tube or pipe, sometimes known as a "duct"
b/ In the old days, villages used to run duck racing competitions. Some competitors used to swap - or substitute - the duck they had entered at the last minute with a stronger duck at the last minute. Thus we have the word "subduction" or "replacing the duck". This event has largely died out so it is not a word we hear often.
c/ The process by which one plate on the Earth's surface goes under another causing earthquakes and volcanoes.
The answer to last week’s Brainteaser was:
The order of the dogs, starting with the heaviest is: 1) Jam 2) Pumpkin 3) Copper 4) Brandy 5) Jelly
This week’s Brainteaser is:
Write down the four-digit number described by the following three statements.
1. The first digit is one-third of the third digit.
2. The fourth digit is two times the second digit.
3. The first digit and the third digit add up to twice the sum of the second digit and fourth digit.
Answers to be submitted with your name and tutor group in the Brain Teaser box in Ma6 Before Friday 2nd March. Good luck.
One bus carries as many people as 40 cars, - now there's something to think about!