Hospital services to residents of Enfield are provided very predominantly from the three hospitals : Chase Farm Hospital, The North Middlesex University Hospital and Barnet General Hospital. Under the Enfield Transport User Group's proposals , all three will see improved bus access.

The highlights are:

1.New direct links to Chase Farm Hospital - from Waltham Cross,Hertford Rd., Carterhatch Lane, Chase Side, The Great Cambridge Rd., Silver St., Bush Hill Park, Lincoln Rd., Bincote Rd., Worlds End Lane, The Highlands, Winchmore Hill, Green Lanes, Barrowell Green, Firs Lane, Palmers Green, Wood Green, Turnpike Lane, Lonsdale Drive, Prince George Avenue, Oakwood, New Barnet and Barnet.

2. New direct links to N. Middx. University Hospital -from more of the Hertford Rd., Carterhatch Lane, Baker St., more of Southbury Rd., The Great Cambridge Rd., Silver St., Bincote Rd., Worlds End Lane, The Highlands, Winchmore Hill, Green Lanes, Barrowell Green, Firs Lane,Hedge Lane, South St., Ponders End Station, Oakthorpe Park, Wolves Lane, Wood Green, Turnpike Lane,Tottenham/Tottenham Haleand the area south of the North Circular Road and east of Fore Street.

3. New direct links to Barnet General Hospital- from Oakwood, Prince George Avenue, Lonsdale Drive, Worlds End Lane, The Highlands, Grange

Park, Old Park Ridings, Enfield Civic Centre, Parsonage Lane and Holtwhites Hill.

4. New direct links - between Chase Farm and N. Middx. University Hospitals via 231 and 318Nserving different intermediate points.

5. A new link between Chase Farm and Barnet General Hospitals via the proposed new bus service - combined and extended 377/W9.

6. Additional buses– 4 to 5 buses an hour serving Chase Farm Hospital, 13 an hour to The N. Middx. University Hospital and 2 an hour to Barnet General Hospital (with the possibility of a further express service to New Barnet, Oakwood, Enfield Chase/Town, Ponders End, Chingford and possibly Edgware).

7.Additional buses - along Lancaster Rd., The Ridgeway, Cat Hill, through Oakwood, The Highlands, Winchmore Hill Station, Green Lanes, Firs Lane, Hedge Lane and Silver St. corresponding to improved access to the hospitals.

8. Two new direct links -between Enfield Town and N.Middx.University

Hospital via 231 and 491(following largely different intermediate routings).

The following improvements will benefit the individual hospitals :

Chase Farm Hospital

231 extension will provide 4 buses per hour from Waltham Cross, Hertford Rd., Carterhatch Lane and Baker St. in the north/north east of the borough as well as another direct link to Enfield Town, Southbury Rd., The Great Cambridge Rd., Silver St. and into The N. Middx. University Hospital. The southern extension will provide a direct link between Chase Farm and the N. Middx. University Hospitals.

313 will continue to serve the hospital but via its rerouting along Chase Side and through Bush Hill Park and Lincoln Rd., thereby offering new residential area links (the mainly employment area of Southbury Rd. between The Great Cambridge Rd. and Ponders End Bus Garage will lose its direct link to the hospital although the 313 could still be accessed from Ponders End High St. and Lincoln Rd.).

318 N will, with its 3 buses per hour offer new access via Chase Side, Bincote Rd., Worlds End Lane, The Highlands, Winchmore Hill (and its station), Green Lanes, Barrowell Green, Firs Lane, Hedge Lane, Silver St. into the N. Middx. University Hospital. This will offer a second direct link between Chase Farm and the N. Middx. University Hospitals via a more westerly alignment.

329 substitution for W8 will maintain the existing link north of Bush Hill and provide new connections with Winchmore Hill and Palmers Green towards Wood Green and Tunpike Lane. Patients and visitors who currently use the W8 from Edmonton will need to change in Enfield Town onto 231, 313, 318, 329 or the newly combined 377/W9. In order to assist this change, it is recommended that the 329 Northbound be rerouted around the Enfield Town one-way system – no longer stopping in London Road.

377/W9 new combined route will continue the existing route from the hospital as far as The Highlands and Worlds End Lane where it will take up 377's route along Lonsdale Drive and Prince George Avenue to Oakwood Station, thence extending to enhance 307 to Barnet General Hospital. This will also directly link The Highlands and parts of Oakwood with both Chase Farm and Barnet General also, of course, directly joining the two hospitals for the first time with a TfL route.

North Middlesex University Hospital

231 - see Chase Farm above for improvements;

318 - see Chase Farm above for improvements;

491 the splitting of this route into two non-overlapping sections (with the

need to renumber one of them) will maintain the existing service into

Edmonton and up the Hertford Rd.,offer new links from South St./ Ponders

End Station, Southbury Rd. and Enfield Town/ Enfield Chase Station and

provide a second link from Enfield Town/Enfield Chase Station (where

none exists at present). But the existing direct link to Brimsdown, Enfield Lock

and Enfield Island Village will now require crossing the road on Nags Head Rd to

change onto the 491 (southern section) which will continue to serve the hospital.

Waltham Cross and Hertford Road will be served directly by the 231 rather than

The 491 ( and the 279 will continue to operate to the Angel – Edmonton where a change to buses to the hospital can be made.

W4 extension from Oakthorpe Park to the hospital will offer new links to

Wolves Lane, Wood Green, Turnpike Lane and Tottenham Hale.

444 diversioninto the residential area south of the North Circular Road and east of Fore Street will improve access to N.M.U.H. from that currently inadequately served area.

Barnet General Hospital

307 frequency loss of 1 bus per hour will be more than compensated for by

the improvements below :

377/W9 new combined route of 3 buses per hour offering new links into

Oakwood, Prince George Avenue, Lonsdale Drive, Worlds End Lane, The

Highlands, Grange Park, Old Park Ridings and on into Enfield Town and Chase

Farm Hospital, thereby joining the two hospitals for the first time.

307 Express if agreed as an additional service could provide swifter links to

the hospital from Chingford, Ponders End, Enfield Town/Chase, Oakwood, Cat

Hill, New Barnet , Barnet and possibly onwards towards Edgware.