Sale of Water Allocation
NSW Bid Form
Water available:Minimum bid volume:Sale Open Time:
Sale Close Time:
Please complete this Bid Form in order to make a bid to purchase water allocations from the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office (CEWO). Bids can only be submitted between the Sale Open and Close Times. The Commonwealth may extend the Sale Close Time and will issue an addendum notifying any decision to extend on the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office website.
Prior to submitting this Bid Form, please ensure that you have carefully read the Guidelines dated [date], the Terms of Offer dated [date] and any late amendments. These documents and any late amendments made to these documents will be published on the CEWO's website.
There is also other useful information, including Frequently Asked Questions, available on the CEWO's website.
Do not print this document and complete by hand. Bids must be submitted using the online Bid Form.
Validation checks are completed and any errors will need to be fixed before the form can be submitted.
You are responsible for ensuring you allow enough time to complete this Bid Form, including correcting any errors.
You must complete all questions marked with an asterisk (*) for your bid to be assessed.
If you choose, you may submit your bid through an agent at your own cost. No brokers or other agents have been appointed to represent the Department.
If you wish to make a change to a bid after it has been submitted, you must withdraw the bid via email and submit a new bid prior to the Sale Close Time. Following the Sale Close Time, bids cannot be withdrawn. You will be contractually bound to complete the purchase at the nominated price and volume if the bid is accepted.
If you require further information, please email or contact us on 1800 803 772. For information on how we are using personal information that we collect, please see our Privacy Policy.
Form Definitions
The following definitions apply throughout this bid and otherwise capitalised terms have the meaning given in the Terms of Offer:
The Account Holder is the allocation account holder, or all allocation account holders jointly (if there is more than one allocation account holder), on whose behalf the Bidder is completing this Bid Form. If the Bidder is completing the form on their own behalf, then the Bidder is also the Account Holder at the same time.
The Bidder is the person completing this Bid Form. If the Bidder is completing the form on their own behalf, then the Bidder is also the Account Holder at the same time.
The Department is the Department of the Environment and Energy.
You, you or your refers to the Bidder
Allocation Account Information
Trading Zone
To submit a potentially acceptable bid, you must have an allocation account in a trading zone to which the allocation that is up forsale can be transferred.
Choose from one of the following:*
NSW GwydirNSW Macquarie regulated river
If successful, this bid will require a trade form to proceed. Are you able to submit the trade form with this Bid? *Yes No
A trade form will be required. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to ensure that the trade form is complete, accurate, legible and correctly signed and received before the Sale Close Time. Bids with trade forms submitted with errors or after the Sale Close Time may be treated less favourably than other bids.
Download and attach the WaterNSW 'Application to Assign Surface Water Allocation' form (Form 71) and complete Parts 1, 4 and 5 (if applicable). The form can be downloaded from theWater NSW website.
Enter reference number located at the top right hand corner of the WaterNSW form *
Note: please attach a Trade Form below.
Allocation Account Type
Choose from one of the following:*
General SecuritySupplementary Access
Are you part of a Private Irrigation District or Private Water Trust?*YesNo
Note: for example Trangie-Nevertire Irrigation area is a private irrigation district
Allocation Account Number
Allocation Account Number*
Does the Bidder have aNSW WAL withassociated water supply works?
Yes No
Works Approval number*
Allocation Account Holder *
Is the allocation account held by:*
Individual/sCompany or Trustee
Company or Trustee Name*
Please identify at least one of the holders of the allocation account:
Title:* / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Dr / / OtherFirstname * / / Last name*
Position or rolePhone (mobile)
Phone (business hours)*FaxEmail*
Authority to Bid
Bid is being submitted by
To submit a potentially acceptable bid, you must be one of the following:*
the sole holder of a water allocation account
one holder of the water allocation account that has been authorised by all holders (or the company that is the holder) of the allocation account to act on their behalf
an authorised representative of the holder(s) of the allocation account, such as an agent or broker
If you are submitting a bid on behalf of the water allocation account holder(s) or one water allocation account holder submitting a bid on behalf of all holders of the water allocation account, please complete the following declaration:
I declare and warrant that I am authorised by all water allocation account holders to submit this bid and that I will provide evidence of this authority to the Department upon request. The closing declaration is made on behalf of the Account holder(s) and a reference in it to 'I' should be read as a reference to the Account holder(s).*
The Department will not be responsible for any costs incurred by an authorised representative. Please note that no brokers or other agents have been appointed to represent us.
Bidder Details
Note: This is the Account Holder (if the Account Holder is completing this Bid Form on their own behalf), or is a person authorised by the Account Holder(s) to complete and submit this bid on behalf of the Account Holder.
Title:* / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Dr / OtherFirstname * / Last name*
Position or rolePhone (mobile)
Phone (business hours)*FaxEmail*
ABN Details
Australian Business Number (ABN)*
Legal/ registered entity name*
If you have Business Names registered, you can select the relevant Business Name. If you have not registered your Business Name, select Other and enter the name into the Other Business Name field.
Business name of the bidder*
Trading name
Postal address
Streetnumber *Streetname *
Street address
Is the street address the same as the postal address?*YesNo
Streetnumber *Streetname *StreetType*
Follow-up Contact
The Commonwealth is committed to continuing assessment of the impact of water trading and will publish the findings of that assessment. We will be seeking feedback and information from some Bidders as part of that assessment.Further information is available from the CEWO Framework. Please indicate by checking the box below if you do not wish to be contacted to provide feedback for the above purpose.
I do not wish to be contacted by the Commonwealth in connection with this trade.
Commonwealth environmental water and trade updates
We would like to provide you with updates about Commonwealth environmental watering in the Murray-Darling Basin. We may also use your contact details to seek feedback about Commonwealth environmental water.
I do not want to be on the mailing list for future trades of Commonwealth environmental water.
All personal information about a subscriber is protected under the Department's Privacy Policy.
Bid Details
Bid Details
Volume sought (ML)*Price($/ML) *Total value of bid ($)*
Successful Bidders are also responsible for covering the cost of trade approval authority fees through reimbursement to the CEWO and, if paying by credit card, the credit card processing fees.
Does the Bidder acknowledge that each bid received will be treated as a separate bid, and will potentially be contractually bound to complete multiple purchases at the price and volume nominated in each accepted bid?*
If you wish to make a change to a bid after it has been submitted, you must withdraw the bid viaemail and submit a new bid prior to the Sale Close Time. Following the Sale Close Time, bids cannot be withdrawn. If your bid is accepted, you will be contractuallybound to complete the purchase at the price and volume you nominated.*
Bid Payment Method
Payment is due within three (3) business days from the date of the Acceptance of Bid, or as otherwise advised in the Acceptance of Bid. An invoice will be provided to the successful Bidder on acceptance. Processing of allocation transfers will not continue until payment has been confirmed.
Note: If using a credit card, the Bidder will be required to pay the credit card processing fees payable by CEWO in connection with the payment of the bid price. There are no additional fees payable for an electronic transfer.
Payment method is by*
Credit card (VISA or Mastercard) Electronic transfer
Do you have a Department of the Environment and Energy Customer Account number?*
Customer reference number*
Closing Declaration
You must truthfully complete (by ticking the box provided as appropriate) all of the following declarations. You must provide your name and your relationship to the Account Holder before submitting this Bid (e.g. account holder(s), company Director(s), company Director & Secretary, Authorised Agent).
If you are not able to make these declarations, we cannot accept your bid and you will not be able to submit this bid form.
The Bidder and the Account Holder warrant and agree that:
all information provided in this Bid Form and any other information I have provided is complete and accurate as at the date this Bid Form is submitted; *
neither has been named by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency in a report to the Minister responsible for the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth), as an employer currently not complying with the requirements of that Act; *
neither has been subject to a judicial decision against it relating to employee entitlements, not including decisions under appeal, and have not paid the claim; *
each has read, agree to and has complied with the Sale of Water Allocation Guidelines last updatedand the Sale of Water Allocation Terms of Offer last updated and any late amendments;
all required supporting documentation is attached and complete; *
all parties identified in the Bid Form consent to provide their personal information to the Commonwealth for the administration of the sale of water allocation and for any purpose in connection with the functions of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder. The parties also consent to the Commonwealth disclosing their personal information to overseas companies (including ones located in the United States) for the purpose of using email automation platforms and analytics to communicate effectively and efficiently with stakeholders;*
the consent of all parties identified in the Bid Form has been obtained to include their details (including their personal information) within this Bid Form. The Bidder and the Account Holder each warrant that all information provided in this Bid Form (including personal information) may be used by the Commonwealth for the administration of the sale of water allocation and for any purpose in connection with the functions of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder;*
if this Bid is accepted, the Account Holder is legally bound to pay for the volume nominated and, at the price nominated in this Bid Form on the terms set out in the Acceptance of Bid and the Terms of Offer;
the nominated allocation account will have sufficient available volume to allow transfer of the nominated volume. *;
the Account Holder is responsible for all costs and expenses and fees and charges imposed by the relevant trade approval authority in accordance with the Terms of Offer (version current to the date of the Bid). Costs and expenses may be reimbursed for completed trades subject to the Terms of Offer;*
I am authorised, by the Account Holder to submit this Bid Form; to make the above warranties and enter the above agreements; and I have taken all necessary steps to confirm that the information submitted as part of this Bid Form is accurate and complete. *
Capacity(e.g.accountholder(s),companyDirector(s),companyDirectorSecretary,AuthorisedAgent) *