Nova Girls’ Booster Meeting March 21
Attending: Ken Horstman, Peggy Winchell, Charlie Knutson, Sally Godfrey, Lisa Baker, Kevin McMullen, Doug Maus, and Patrick Meacham
Approved Minutes from last meeting.
President’s Report:
Peggy Winchell expressed gratitude to Ken Horstman for serving as the upcoming president. Ken noted the club’s appreciation for the fantastic job by Peggy in leading the booster club for the past year. Attendees discussed forms to be used for the next season. The form will enable the secretary to maintain a list of contact information for players and parents. Peggy is working on a form for parent volunteer positions.
Treasurer report:
This year’s budget was close to plan. The club came in a little under budget due to coaches’ fees, only one tournament, and lower memory book expense. The club will cover Sladjana’s expenses for compiling the memory book and want to express appreciation for her time and effort put into the book. There were no charges this year to attend the end of season banquet but the parents discussed charging for next year. It was suggested that the club track annual banquet expenses.
Doug Maus reported that 76% of the club fees have been collected. The booster club is considering developing a policy to enable girls to play hockey who may otherwise not be able to afford it. It was suggested that we check with John Washington regarding a policy to be consistent across all the high schools. Ken will send an email to the Athletic Director at South to let him know what we are considering.
The club discussed setting up a 501 (c) (3). The benefits are to get a tax id number and it would enable tax deductible donations. Kevin will talk to his contact about creating a nonprofit.
President’s Report:
The operation of the banquet went smoothly and it was a success. Total expenses were about $70 more than last year. Next year consider ordering less food, beverages. Format and place seemed to work well.
Captains report:
The captains, parents and coaches discussed plans for summer activities. Summer practice hours at VMIA will be Sunday nights, starting after school is over June 10th, at VMIA every weekend except for 4th of July. We do not have time for Parade ice yet. Patrick will get the Parade ice times and run them by the captains. The general consensus was that between 8- noon is best for availability. Pat asked the captains to call girls to get more participation. He may schedule a scrimmage and is considering opening summer ice times to U14 girls. No August ice times are scheduled. Patrick is looking for teams to scrimmage. Kevin is going to talk to Bob Lundeen to see if Bob is willing to work at parade on Saturday mornings. Ice time costs: VMIA $140; Parade $185 Southwest weight room is open all summer and may have a trainer who would work with the girls.
Ken asked the captains to think about dates for a car wash, maybe June or August to get dates saved. The club last year made $700-800 for 2 car washes. The idea of joining a car wash with the boys’ team was discussed. Peggy is going to email a contact at the boys’ booster club. The booster club requested that the captains come up with 3 ideas for fund raisers, prioritize them and estimate a projected budget.
Patrick went over the game schedule. He needs dates of school dances as early as they are available from the schools. The parents thanked the captains for their time and participation and the captains were excused from the meeting.
New Business: The group discussed a list of responsibilities to be delegated amongst the parents. We discussed an outdoor game and the consensus was that most enjoy the opportunity to play outdoors.
Equipment: The group discussed whether we need new game jerseys, gloves, or goalie equipment for next year. We need to find out if there is an allotment from the school district to fund equipment purchases.
Fund raiser: Lisa Baker provided details on a possible fundraiser at Whiskey Junction. Decisions to be made include the timing to get the most participation from the hockey community. The club would get to keep some of the profit from door sales. We should try to get a date prior to August because people take vacations. Peggy Winchell suggested developing a set calendar, showing the time of year for different fundraising activities that will make it easier to perpetuate fundraising activities from year to year.
There was a shortage of photos last year. It was suggested that we look for a new team photographer for the individual photos and also to photograph a couple of games.
Respectfully submitted,
Sally Godfrey