Thursday 20th October 2016


Chairman Lt Col. N de Foubert

Vice Chairman Lt Col. G Southwell

Welfare Officer Mr. J Swindlehurst

Area Poppy Organizer Mr. G Jones

Branch Member Fr. D A’Court

Branch Member Sgt. H Griffiths

Branch Member Mrs. J Swindlehurst

Branch Member Mrs. F Hedge

Branch Member Mr. N Darg-Forsyth

Branch Member Maj. N Estlick

Branch Member Mrs. P Jones

Branch Member Mr. M Pattenden

Branch Member Mr. T Pryor-Jones

Branch Member Mrs. P Pryor-Jones

Branch Member Col. P Tustin

Visitor Mr. H Parker

Visitor Mrs. E Parker


Secretary \ Standard Bearer Mr. P Smith

Branch Member Lt Col R Everard

Branch Member Mr. J Jeans

Branch Member Mr. B Gamble

Branch Member Mr. C Burden

Branch Member Mrs. J Darg-Forsyth

Branch Member Mrs. P Bishop

1.  Exhortation

The Exhortation was said by the Vice Chairman and a respectful silence was observed.

2.  Chairman’s Welcoming Comments

The Chairman welcomed all present & thanked all for attending, specifically Henry & Esther Parker who joined this evening.

3.  Minutes of Previous AGM

The Minutes of the last Branch AGM held on Wednesday 21st September 2015 were reviewed, no amendments were proposed.

Vote “For” was unanimous.

Decision –Carried

The Minutes as recorded were accepted

4.  President’s Address / Chairman’s Report

The Chairman commenced by welcoming all those in attendance and thanked them for their enduring support throughout the past 12 months and for the enthusiasm displayed at all our charitable events.

He specifically mentioned the past and present Treasurers, the outstanding work conducted by our Secretary, the welcome activity undertaken by the Welfare Committee, and although now a defunct position the Storage Facility Project Officer.

He then outlined the extensive, detailed and progressive work undertaken by the Glynn Jones the Area Poppy Organiser and the record figure this year of £15,233.36, the Chairman thanked all who also contributed to this excellent successful outcome.

5.  Branch Secretary’s Report

·  The Branch held 3 general meetings during 2016 plus the AGM, the reduction in meetings has not adversely affected our membership turnout.

·  There was no summer BBQ this year, but was:

o  A Curry Lunch post Remembrance Service.

o  A “Thank you” Cocktail Party

6.  Area Poppy Organizer’s Report

Glynn Jones outlined once more the detailed organisation for this year’s Poppy Appeal.

There were several queries which were all resolved satisfactorily

7.  Membership Secretary’s Report

The Branch Membership now stands at 85 (on paper) with 1 x Honorary Member. Most subs have been paid, but it is believed that some 15 subscriptions remain outstanding.

8.  Treasurer’s Report & Presentation of Branch Accounts

The RBL Financial Year ends on 30th September each year. To allow time for the Legion's annual accounts to be completed, all branches are required to report on their accounts 3 months before that. The reporting period this year was 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016. The reports are independently examined and passed to County for onward transmission to RBL HQ, in advance of the branch AGMs which have to be held after the end of the Financial Year. This is why the AGMs take place in October. One of the tasks of the AGM is to approve the accounts.

Our Treasurer Gerry Southwell provided the below report.

9.  Electing the “Officers” of the Branch

Election of President

Nominees / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
Tony Pryor-Jones / Glynn Jones / John Swindlehurst / 16 / Elected

Election of Chairman

Nominees / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
Nigel de Foubert / Nigel Estlick / Peter Tustin / 16 / Elected

Election of Vice – Chairman

Nominees / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
Gerry Southwell / Tony Pryor-Jones / Glynn Jones / 16 / Elected

Election of Secretary

Nominees / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
Paul Smith / Nigel Estlick / Pauline Jones / 16 / Elected

Election of Treasurer

Nominees / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
Gerry Southwell / Tony Pryor-Jones / Huw Griffiths / 16 / Elected

10.  Electing the Branch Committee for the ensuing year

Election of Welfare Officer

Nominees / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
John Swindlehurst / Freda Hedge / Tricia Pryor-Jones / 16 / Elected

Election of Membership Secretary

Nominees / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
Gerry Southwell / Glynn Jones / Fr. D A’Court / 16 / Elected

Election of Parade Coordinator

Nominees / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
Glynn Jones / Gerry Southwell / Neil Darg-Forsyth / 16 / Elected

Area Poppy Organizer

Name / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
Glynn Jones / No Vote, County Appointment

Area Poppy Coordinator

Name / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
No Vote, County Appointment

Election of Area Poppy Treasurer

Name / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
No Vote, County Appointment

Property Member

Nominees / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
Tony Pryor-Jones / John Swindlehurst / Glynn Jones / 16 / Elected

11.  Appointment of the Branch Standard Bearer.

Nominees / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
Paul Smith / Tony Pryor-Jones / Glynn Jones / 17 / Elected

12.  Appointment of the Assistant Standard Bearer.

Nominees / Proposed by / Seconded by / Votes received / Decision
Tony Pryor-Jones / Glynn Jones / Pauline Jones / 16 / Elected

13.  AOB

·  Remembrance Parade

The Parade Officer provided a detailed outline of the functions within the parade organisation. The rehearsal will now take place on Saturday 12th Nov at 1030 hours in the churchyard.

·  Curry Lunch

Sales are going well; however, we must maintain pressure to sell all 100 seats.

·  Thank you Party

Wyndham Hall will be available to set up at 1600 hours on Fri 18th Nov

·  Property

Our Standard has become ‘tatty’ over the past 25 years, the Assistant Standard Bearer has investigated repair costs at approx. £150.00 it was unanimously agreed that we should repair and update the Standard

·  Amesbury Festival for Youth

A request had been received to borrow our two Gazebo’s for this event; this was agreed by all in attendance.

·  Cenotaph

Chris Burden would be attending the Remembrance Day Service at the Cenotaph

·  Buckland Court

An Ex - WRAF Lady had passed away in Buckland Court, the Welfare Committee had been visiting her regularly.

·  Honorary Chaplain to the Branch

Padre Darren A’Court has accepted the Branch invitation to fill this position, a first in the Branches history. We are extremely pleased to have Padre Darren ‘on board’.

·  Dates for Diary

The following were confirmed:


·  Thursday 27th April – Branch Meeting

·  Thursday 21st September – Branch Meeting

·  Thursday 19th October - AGM

·  Sunday 12th November - Remembrance Sunday parade & Curry Lunch

There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at …21:10...hrs

Proposed:- ……………………………….. Seconded:- ……………………………….


·  For

·  Against

·  Abstentions

Approved:- ………………………………… Date:- ……………………………