SAMPLE: Regional Update Newsletter Submission

Region III Newsletter 02.15.08

Regional Director: Rebecca L. Sanford, LISW-S


Happy Social Work Month! I find March to be a great month to renew my enthusiasm and passion for the work that we do as social workers. I hope this month is a time of pride and celebration for you in the work that you do, too. Please consider ways to celebrate the wonderful work that isbeing done by social workers in our community!

The Steering Committee continues to meet but has a slightly revised meeting schedule. We now meet the first Thursday of every month at 8:30am at Phoenix Coffee at 2155 Superior Ave. The Steering Committee helps plan regional events and respond to professional issues and social justiceissues in the region. All members are welcome to join at any time! Just email to let me know if you plan to attend.

In the end of February, a survey was mailed out to members in the region along with a flyer listing the upcoming events and trainings in the region. The Steering Committee put the survey together in an effort to better understand the needs of the members in the region and to help guide ourefforts in the future. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and I look forward to hearing from each of you.

By the time this article is published, we will have celebrated our Annual Awards Banquet. The award winners will be published in the next article,but I want to congratulate them in advance for their accomplishments! Thanks to all who attended and took part in the celebration, too.

The email list continues to help us keep connected in the region. If you would like to be added to the email list or are not sure whether or not youare on the list, send me an email at the address listed above. Feel free to also send me information, such as trainings, social action issues, or jobopportunities, that you would like to have shared with other members of the region.

Note the upcoming regional events:

•Training: Addictions for Non-Addictions Specialists

•Presenter: Louis Weigele, LISW

•Location: Free Clinic - 12201 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH44106

Date: 04/25/2008 and Time: 8:45am-12:00pm

•Please register for this training online at

•Join us after the training for our quarterly Regional Meeting from 12:15pm-1:30pm and free lunch!