Activity 5.Explain RPL in terms of its purpose, processes and related benefits and challenges for your organisation.
Simply, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a formal mechanism by which the skills and knowledge that individuals have acquired informally can be acknowledged and credited. The South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995 Act No. 58 of 1995, Government Gazette No6140, No. R542 defines RPL as,” the comparison of the previous learning and experience of alearner howsoever obtained against the learning outcomes required for a specified qualification,and the acceptance for purposes of qualification of that which meets the requirements.” (Train As You Can, 2014, pg 31).
RPL both acknowledges the reality that many adults have learnt “on the job”, often as a result of unequal access to learning institutions. RPL also encourages people to continue learning by providing formal acknowledgement as an incentive.
To make sure that RPL is credible, the learning must be measured against national standard/s and qualifications at a certain point in time. These can include:
- The award of credits for a specified unit standard or qualification;
- Access to further learning;
- Recognition in terms of meeting minimum requirements for a specific job;
- Placement at a particular level in an organisation or institution;
- Advanced standing or status.
As in formal learning, RPL assumes an assessment process, which involves:
- Engaging with RPL candidates;
- Gathering evidence, evaluating and assessing evidence in relation to defined criteria;
- Giving feedbackand reporting results.
To protect the credibility of the RPL system, a number of principles must be applied, including:
- Compliance with the objectives of the NQF and with SAQA guidelines and criteria for assessment.
- Evidence that the RPL is grounded in sound education and training theory;
- Can be compared with international standards;
- It is aligned to the notion of integrative assessment
Benefits / Enables people who have acquired skills & knowledge through non-traditional means to be acknowledged.
Provides important incentives.
Enables people with non-traditionally acquired skills & knowledge to be remunerated and promoted fairly.
Enables progression to higher levels of study.
Speeds up achievement of qualification for deserving learners.
Mechanisms for Assessment / Various.Assessment methods must be fit for the purpose of assessment. Different mechanisms include:
Practical demonstration or simulation of performance
Observation of Performance
Case Studies or Portfolios that showcase capacity
Written, such as reports, assignments and essays, and tests or exams.
Oral Presentations, such as interviews.
Challenges / Barriers to RPL assessment can come from learners and from assessors and employers.
There are many debates around the issue of equivalence and standardisation.
It can be very resource and time hungry, and therefore very expensive.
Methods of assessment can be complicated and unfamiliar to learners. Portfolios are convenient to assess, but are difficult fort learners to compile.
Difficult to find historical proof.
As RPL is time consuming, the process can interfere with production.
It can impact on issues such as wage negotiations and workerexpectations.
Assessment needs to be practical and flexible, and this can cause problems in the workplace and for assessors.