ENG1D – Short Stories

“Golden Girl” (written by: Gillian Chan)

Instructions: Read the story “Golden Girl” (pg. 78-92 of your Sightlines textbook) and complete the following:

PART A – Comprehension (answer the following questions in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper).

1)Why is Anna viewed to be exceptional?

2)Who is Mr. McCallum?

3)Why is Donna not as interested in her boyfriend, Doug, as she is in Michael?

Part B – Analysis

1)What point of view is the story written in? What effect does this perspective have on the story? Is the narrator likely to give reliable information? Justify your answer in a short paragraph.

2)Find examples of direct and indirect characterization in the story (at least 3 examples of EACH). Copy down each example and explain:

a)what it tells you about this character

b)if the information is reliable

c)how it affects the reader’s perception of this character

3)Copy down one hyperbole from the story. (81-82)

4)Re-read the last paragraph of the story. The narrator uses two symbols to explain her feelings. Name these symbols and explain what they represent.

5)What conflicts are present in the story? What is the main conflict?

Part C – Short Story Structure

Complete the Short Story Structure chart. Label each of the numbers and give a brief summary/description of these parts in the story.

1. ______:

2. ______:

3. ______:

4. ______:

5. ______:


Miss Grainger asks her class to complete a project on diction (word choice).

A) Ask a parent or someone older for three words they used when they were younger and write definitions for these words.

B) Now list three words you use that older people would not be able to understand. Write definitions for these words as well.