Kenna Rathai / Kenna B. Rathai Communications
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Jeff Hartz / Wyffels Hybrids 515.669.1599 /
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Geneseo, IL 61254-8487
(800) 369-7833
FAX (309) 944-8338
Wyffels Hybrids Increases Production, Improves Efficiency
New drying and packaging equipment upgrades underway
GENESEO, Ill. (May 1, 2015) –Wyffels Hybrids is getting ready for harvest before corn growers even finish planting. The company is in the process of installing new drying and packaging equipment in its Atkinson, Illinois, production facility, to be able to handle the company’s growth and continue to provide growers with the highest quality seed corn.
New drying equipment includes larger fans, bigger motors and more powerful burners. The improvements increase air flow, drying more corn in the same amount of time.
New packaging equipment includes a state-of-the-art line with a high-capacity robotic bagger and palletizer. The new equipment weighs, moves, prints, labels, sews and fills bags, and wraps pallets. The mechanization will increase the number of bags per minutethat are processedby nearly 40 percent.
“Together, the upgrades allow us to process an additional 30 to 40,000 shelled bushels at harvest,” said Jacob Wyffels, field operations supervisor. “We can harvest more acres per day, avoid the risk of a freeze toward the end of the season and supply quality seed to our customers when they want it.”
The multi-million dollar investment is in response to the growth Wyffels Hybrids has experienced in recent years. The drying and packaging upgrades come on the heels of a recently-completed cold storage facility that more than doubled the company’s cold storage capacity.
“These investments in production and efficiency help maximize our ability to treat, blend and move more seed through production,” said John Wyffels, vice president of finance and administration. “We are excited to strengthen our commitment to creating and selling the very best seed in the industry to help our customers succeed.”
Wyffels Hybrids expects the upgrades to be complete by end of July, in plenty of time to handle the 2015 harvest.
About Wyffels Hybrids
Wyffels Hybrids, headquartered in Geneseo, Ill., is one of the nation’s largest independent seed corn companies. Focusing strictly on developing and marketing elite corn hybrids, the company is dedicated to providing corn growers in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and the Ohio River Valley with exceptional products, the latest agronomic information, and unmatched customer service and product support. To learn more or request information, visit or call 1-800-369-7833.
© 2015 Wyffels Hybrids.