
Principal Investigator______


1. Does the Company direct the protocol/statement of work?:

(Include a detailed copy of the protocol).

Protocol must clearly define the deliverables

(a) Is the Company providing anything? Information, materials?

2. Will University data, proprietary information, technology methods or materials be used in performing the protocol?

(a) Is University providing anything such as, information, materials, methods?

(b) (i) Has the information or material provided by the University been published?

(ii) Will the information or material resulting from the work be published?

(c) Is the method, material, etc. patented, or is patent pending?

3. Is the Work to be performed for Company within the scope (i.e. not a natural or anticipated extension) of the Investigator=s ongoing University research program?

4. Will the data collected be analyzed by the PI for the Company?

a) If Yes, will the PI publish the results of the work?

5. Is the Academic involvement limited to general oversight?

6. Will students (graduate, undergraduate, or postdoc fellows) work on the project as part of their academic pursuits at UCSD?

If the above are met, Company may retain all intellectual property directly derived during the performance of the Company protocol and Company may also be offered a first right to negotiate a license to any University intellectual property developed outside the Company protocol, or non-patented, public domain (University or other) protocol.

Additional Requirement:

Investigator must completed 700 U conflict of interest disclosure. Do you have a financial relationship with the Company such as consulting or ownership?

At the Discretion of Investigator or OCGA/SOM

An independent review may be conducted by an individual not associated with the project, either for each unique project, or in the case of the repetitive projects, such review is conducted quarterly.

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