Plenaire vergadering (PV) Report


24th of May 2017 Roeterseiland B2.04, Amsterdam1830-2000

Report by:Chair of meeting:

Lieuwe van HoornMourad Farahat

Present FSR-FEB Members:

Mourad Farahat (Chairman and E&R member), Atma Jyoti Mahapatra (Committee Chair E&R), Aleksandr Tikhonov (Committee Chair O&M), Davey Noijens (CSR-representative), Raffaele di Carlo (Council assistant O&M),Melissa Wijngaarden (Council assistant E&R), Lieuwe van Hoorn (Secretary)

Absent FSR-FEB Members:

Rinus van Grunsven (General member O&M), Eline Keemink (General member O&M and E&R), Tufan Kiziltekin (Council member E&R),Toma Cerniauskaite (Vice-Chair and O&M member)


  1. Opening and determination of agenda

Mourad opens the meeting and welcomes all participants.

  1. Accordance of previous minutes (17-5-17)

The previous minutes are approved.

  1. Announcements

Mourad explains that he had an IO. He requested the board to send a schedule for the upcoming academic year, so we can verify if our agreement is being respected. However, the board declared that these were not available yet.

Also, the board emphasized the need for the upcoming numerous fixus implementation for the BSc programmes at the FEB. They expressed that the support of the FSR would be valued.

  1. Numerous fixus

It is expressed that forming an elaborate opinion on this subject is still difficult, since the

council did not receive any argumentation on the proposed maximum influx numbers of

students yet. Davey mentions it would be good to let Toma check the UvA database to gain more insight in the previous numbers of applicants and students. ACTION POINT 170524 01 However, the following questions are preliminarily considered by the council:

Does the council have any immanent criticism to a numerous fixus?

Yes, it would be good to control influx the council thinks. Mourad points out sensitivity to admission barriers is different among Dutch and international students. In practice this will mean a reduction of Dutch students. Therefore, the council has to take into account these effects. Lieuwe mentions a bit of selection might not be that bad, since a significant part of Dutch students is not really motivated to study.

A vote is cast and the majority is in favour of the numerous fixus in principle.

What criteria should be used for the selection?

Davey points out that selection on grades is unfair, to which the whole council agrees. The focus should be on tests instead of looking at previous grades.

  1. Promotion of graduation event

ISC will organize a graduation event since the university will not organize it anymore. The event will be aimed at all 3rd year students. ISC wants to make it inclusive, therefore involve FSR. Overall idea for the party is elaborated upon. 30th of June is set as the definitive date. ISC requests the FSR to help with promotion. This will be done in the Toilet paper. Alex asks the ISC to deliver the article before the 5th of May. The FSR will also promote their event on FB.

  1. Extra holiday

This topic is postponed because of the large number of absentees.

  1. BSc split

Mourad mentions that a lot of discontent exists with teachers regarding the BSc split; systemic issues did not get resolved. However, teachers are reluctant to interfere, fearing their position at the university.

  • The faculty keeps on shifting blame, leads to chaotic allocation of resources.
  • Decision making process is substandard, net enough deliberation and consideration.
  • Teachers and employees are expressing their reluctance to speak up to management fearing their position.

Therefore, Mourad proposes some sort of supervisory mechanism controlled by the CvB to prevent future dramas in the policy and decision making process. Davey thinks the faculty

board is quite independent and this might be a difficult thing to control for the CvB. Atma asks to try to gain more input from different teachers. Mourad will message the relevant teachers and ask the student assessor as well if she knows employees/teachers who are experiencing these problems. Davey mentions that we can ask Tijmen to give input at our next PV. Davey will contact Tijmen and Mourad will contact the teachers. Mourad asks council members to also think about how we should approach this issue.

  1. Questions and remarks

Davey mentions that the CSR will most likely start a discussion at their next OV regarding a possible student member in the board of examiners.


170517 01 Lieuwe will set up a google doc and each person will come up with 2 points to add to the tips and tricks document for the new council members

170517 02Mourad will invite people from UvA Sociaal for the PV

170517 03Lieuwe proposes to introduce a number on which the Board of Examiners can

be reached at all times by telephone. Mourad will add it in an email to R. van Hemert.

170524 01 Toma check the UvA database to gain more insight in the number of applicants and students in the previous years of the BSc programme