Invitation for Tenders (IFT)

Bangladesh Water Development Board

Telephone No: 04425-59535(Off) Office of the Executive Engineer

B Patuakhali WD. Division

BWDB, Kalapara, Patuakhali.

Fax: 04425-59535

Tender Notice No.: 07/2013-2014(2nd Call)

1 / Ministry/Division / Ministry of Water Resources
2 / Agency / Bangladesh Water Development Board.
3 / Procuring Entity Name / Executive Engineer, Patuakhali WD. Division, BWDB, Kalapara, Patuakhali.
4 / Procuring Entity Code / Not used at present.
5 / Procuring Entity District / Patuakhali.
6 / Invitation for / As Sl. No. 25 below /Works
7 / Invitation Ref No / Memo No. IT-1/673
8 / Date / 06/03/2014
9 / Procurement Method / OTM (Open Tendering Method)/NCT
10 / Budget and Source of Funds / Development Budget/GOB
11 / Development Partners / N/A
12 / Project/Programme Code / Not applicable.
13 / Project/ Programme Name / River Bank Protection & Development & Town Protection Project (Phase-IV).
14 / Tender Package No. / Stated in SL No.
15 / Tender Package Name / As per Sl.25
16 / Tender Publication Date / 10-03-2014.(Also visit BWDB’s Website at
17 / Tender Last Selling Date / 24-03-2014
18 / Tender Closing Date and Time / Upto 12.00 Hrs. on 20-02-2014.
19 / Tender Opening Date and Time / 25-03-2014 at 13.00 Hrs.
20 / Name & Address of the office(s) / Address (s)
Selling Tender Document (Principal) / a)Rupali Bank Ltd., Khepupara Branch, Kalpara, Patuakhali
a) Manager, Sonali Bank Ltd., Sagardi Branch, Barisal
b) Manager, Janata Bank Ltd., Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka
Receiving Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Patuakhali WD. Division, BWDB, Kalapara, Patuakhali
Opening Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Patuakhali WD. Division, BWDB, Kalapara, Patuakhali
23 / Brief Description of Works / Slope Protection of Embankment.
24 / Brief Description of Related Services / Not applicable
25 / Package List
Sl. No. / Package No. / Location / Identification of Packages / Price of
(Tk) / Tender
(Tk) / Completion
Time in
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
01 / Kalapara/WD/W-39 / Upazilla Kalaparain District Patuakhali / Slope protection of Embankment from km. 31.700 to km. 31.804=0.104 km in polder No-48 under Patuakhali WD Division, BWDB, Kalapara, Patuakhali during the year 2013-2014. / 3000/-
(Three Thousand only) / 4,00,000/
(Four Lac) only / 120 days
26 / Name of Official Inviting Tender / Md. Shafi Uddin
27 / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Executive Engineer
28 / Address of Official Inviting Tender / Patuakhali WD. Division, BWDB, Kalapara, Patuakhali.
29 / Contact Details of Official Inviting Tender / Tel. 04425-59535 (office)
30 / Special Instruction / 1.Tender Modification: As per memo No: CPC of BWDB-51/04, dated- 06/07/2010
a)Modification of tender must be submitted before the tender submission dead line with written notice to the procuring Entity duly signed by the tenderer or his authorized representative with Notarized letter in respect of authorization.
b)The rates of the items which tenderer intend to modify, must fill up the rates and amount afresh of those items in section-6 of BOQ duly filled in by types or written in indelible ink and submit in a sealed envelope marking “Modification”. Modification in respect of rate/value of one or all the items in % above/below will not be accepted.
c)For Modification of tender, cutting/cleansing/rubbing/ over writing will not be accepted.
2.The Procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
3. The length of the work may be increased or decreased.
4. Payment will be made as per availability of fund.

(Md. Shafi Uddin)

Executive Engineer

Patuakhali WD. Division,

BWDB, Kalapara, Patuakhali.

Memo No.: IT-1/673/1(25) Date : 30-01-2014.

1. / The Director General, C.P.T.U. Planning Commission Block-12(2nd floor), Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.
2. / The Additional Director General (Eastern Zone), BWDB, WAPDA Building (2nd floor) Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000.
3. / The Additional Director General (Western Zone), BWDB, WAPDA Building (2nd floor) Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000.
4. / The Chief Engineer, Southern Zone, BWDB, Barisal
5. / The Superintending Engineer, Patuakhali WD Circle, BWDB, Kalapara, Patuakhali.
7. / The Director, Contract & Procurement Cell, WAPDA Bhobon, (8th floor) Motijheel C/A Dhaka.
The Project Director, ``River Bank Protection & Development & Town Protection Project (Phase-IV), 960/1 Outer Circular Road, Rajarbagh, Dhaka.
8. / The Deputy Commissioner, Patuakhali.
9. / The Superintendent of Police, Patuakhali. He is requested to please arrange adequate security measure on 20/02/2014 in the Patuakhali WD Division, BWDB, Kalapara, Office and adjoining areas in connection with receiving of Tenders.
14. / The Executive Engineer, Patuakhali/ Borguna/ Barisal/ Pirojpur O&M Division, BWDB, Patuakhali/ Borguna/ Pirojpur.
15-17 / The Executive Engineer, PWD/LGED/RHD, Patuakhali
18-20 / The Sub-Divisional Engineer, Patuakhali WD Sub-DivisionI/II/III, Kalapara/Rangabali/Mohipur,Patuakhali
21. / The Accounts Officer, RegionalAccountingCenter (RAC)BWDB, Patuakhali
22. / Mr./M/S......

(Md. Shafi Uddin)

Executive Engineer

Patuakhali WD. Division,

BWDB, Kalapara, Patuakhali.

Memo No.: IT-1/673/1(4)Dated:-30-01-2014

Copy forwarded for information & necessary action to:-

1 / The Manager,
Rupali Bank Ltd. Khepupara Branch, Kalapara, Patuakhali. / 3(Three) sets tender documents for the package are sent herewith for selling to the intending Tenderers up to the banking hours on 19-02-2014 at the rates mentioned in the list of work enclosed. The sale proceeds to be credited to the Accounts Officer, RAC, BWDB, Patuakhali. Unsold Tender documents along with the copy of the credit advice to be sent to the undersigned at the earliest. Requested to keep the postal address, telephone nos, fax no,email of the buyer.
2 / The Manager, Sonali Bank Ltd., Sagardi Branch, Barisal / 3(Three) sets tender documents for the package are sent herewith for selling to the intending Tenderers up to the banking hours on 19-02-2014 at the rates mentioned in the list of work enclosed. The sale proceeds to be credited to the Accounts Officer, RAC, BWDB, Patuakhali. Unsold Tender documents along with the copy of the credit advice to be sent to the undersigned at the earliest. Requested to keep the postal address, telephone nos , fax no,email of the buyer.
3 / The Manager, Janata Bank Ltd., Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka / 3(Three) sets tender documents for the package are sent herewith for selling to the intending Tenderers up to the banking hours on 19-02-2014 at the rates mentioned in the list of work enclosed. The sale proceeds to be credited to the Account No. STD-36001008 of Janata Bank, Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka. Unsold Tender documents along with the copy of the credit advice to be sent to the undersigned at the earliest. Requested to keep the postal address, telephone no, fax no,e-mail of the buyer.

(Md. Shafi Uddin)

Executive Engineer

Patuakhali WD. Division,

BWDB, Kalapara, Patuakhali.

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wbev©nx cÖ‡KŠkjxi `ßi
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evcvD‡ev, Kjvcvov, cUzqvLvjx|
†dvb t 04425-56535 (Awdm)
d¨v· t 04425-56538 / / Office of the
Executive Engineer
Patuakhali WD Division
BWDB, Kalapara, Patuakhali.
Phone : 04425-56535 (Office)
Fax : 04425-56538
email :

¯§vKi bs- AvBwU-1/674 ZvwiL-30-01-2014|



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