Milan Township

16444 Cone Rd

Milan, MI. 48160

Board Meeting

Feb 12, 2015 Minutes

Members present: Supervisor Heath, Treasurer Early, Trustee Mancik & Trustee Dopkowski Clerk Rock Absent

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

The pledge of allegiance was recited.

Public Comment: Plumbing inspector Willie Higgs asked if there was a chance that the board would consider paying for mileage while doing inspections for the Township. London Township pays for mileage & Dundee Township pays 85% of the permit fee. Supervisor Heath said we could add his request to New Business.

Agenda additions or changes: Add Request for inspectors to be paid mileage to New Business.

Consent Agenda: Supervisor Heath suggested skipping Consent Agenda and vote on individual reports.

Minutes: (Jan 8, 2015) Supervisor Heath made a motion to accept. 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski

Motion Carried

Disbursements: Deputy Clerk Heath read the disbursements. Payroll: $6,056.37

Report on file Bills: 15,732.72

Total: $21,789.09

Trustee Dopkowski made a motion to pay bills. 2nd by Trustee Mancik Motion Carried

Fund Balances:

Treasurer Early said he has had some computer issues and has no report tonight.

Building Report: Trustee Mancik read the building report. Report on file

There were 3 permits issued in the month of January totaling $210.00. Dave Friend made 4 inspections. He worked 5 hours on at the hall. No Plumbing, Mechanical, or Electrical inspections. December expenses were $277.20

Treasurer Early made a motion to accept. 2nd by Supervisor Heath Motion Carried

Assessors Report: Karen was present and read her report.

Properties Inspected/Data Entered:

No fieldwork. Lots of data entered.

Other work/information: Preparing for the March Board of Review & finalizing the roll making sure all & sales are entered and up to date as possible.

Assessment notices will be mailed out by end of next week: target date Feb.21st.

Prepared Board of review newspaper notice & sent to paper to be published Feb.18, 19 & 20th. Will also post at township hall.

March Board of Review dates:

Tuesday March 3rd, 2015 Organizational Meeting 6pm. Monday March 9th, 2015 1pm to 4pm & 6pm to 9pm—Appeal hearings Tuesday March 10th, 2015 9am to 12pm & 1pm to 4pm—Appeal hearings

Processing personal Property statements. Due by Feb 20th. Also have been processing Personal Property exemption forms exempting tax up to 80,000 true cash value. Deadline to file exemptions was Feb 10th, with no exceptions this year.

Received one (1) VA exemption request.

Attend Board of Review class/Assessor 4 renewal continuing education class on Feb 5th. Excellent class.


To Interrogatories for the Corrigan MTT and turned them over to the attorney.

BSA Software: Pervasive software will no longer be supported by BSA as of 2015 & it also will no longer be compliant with State Tax Commission requirements. Need to upgrade to .NET software sometime this year.

Looking Ahead: I will be out of the office on March 16th & return on March 23rd.

Conduct MBOR and complete 2015 Assessment roll.

Supervisor Heath made a motion to accept report. 2nd by Trustee Mancik. Motion Carried

Report on file

Milan Fire Dept. Report:

Supervisor Heath said there was no meeting. Budget coming up in March

Old Buisiness: None

New Buisiness:

New Budget work dates: The Board set the following dates: Sat. March 14th @ 9am. & Sat. March 28th @ 9am.

Rice cemetery Sign: Clerk Rock received a letter from a relative of the sweet family offering to purchase a sign for Rice cemetery. They also mentioned that it may be a historical marker since it began around 1840. The board discussed the fact that Rice and Azailia cemeteries both do not have signs. The township should provide these signs. Deputy Clerk Heath will look into these options.

Raise for Board members and employees: This had to be added to the agenda in order to discuss it during the Budget meetings in March. The Board said they would also discuss paying mileage for inspectors at the Budget meetings. The Board will look into surrounding townships salaries to compare.

Metro Act Right of Way permit extension: AT&T Michigan sent Milan Township a 5 year permit extension. The new term would end on April 30, 2019. The Board discussed this extension and decided to Table it until the March Board meeting. This way they can see if there has been a fee paid to the township for this agreement.

Issues from Board members or Officials:

Supervisor Heath: Has looked into a couple options for the phones at the hall. Is continuing to look into other options

Public comment: Plumbing inspector, Willie Higgs thanked the board for considering his request.

Adjournment: 7:47pm Trustee Mancik made a motion to adjourn. 2nd by Supervisor Heath

Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted by: Kevin Heath-Deputy Clerk per/ Margaret Rock-Clerk