SHALL2Information services questionnaire

Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey. It takes no more than 5 minutes. Your answers will be anonymous and confidential.

Your feedback is very important and will help us develop the library services and resources you need to improve patient care.

Your answers will help us find out whether the service helps you to deliver and improve the care offered to patients and if so, how.

Any questions? Please contact:

Think of ONE occasion during the past 2 to 3 weeks when you looked for information to help deliver or improve clinicalcare.Please answer questions 1 to 8 with this example in mind.

1Did you ask a librarian to search for you (either instead of, OR in addition toyour own searching)?

YES(please answer Q 2)

NO (please answer Q 3)

BHT Evidence into Practice

2 I asked a librarian for help because… Please tick all relevant responses.

I didn't know where to look

To save me time

To get a better quality search

It was urgent and I didn't have time to search myself

To confirm that I had already found the key information

To get a more comprehensive search

I wasn't confident to search myself

Other (please tell us more)

3I didn't ask a librarian for help because..... Please tick all relevant responses.

I didn't know that this service was available

I needed the information when the library was shut

Library staff don't have access to the resource I used

I felt confident to find the information myself

I didn't think to ask

It would have taken too long to get an answer from library staff

I didn't think the library staff had the expertise I needed

Other (please tell us more)

4Did the information you found influence any of the following? Please tick allrelevant responses.

Advice given to colleagues



Funded research

No, it didn't influence any of these


Service development and planning

Managing costs

Legal or ethical issues

Confirmed proposed patient care or treatment

5Did the information you found lead you to CHANGE some aspect of patient careor treatment? Please tick all relevant responses.

Quality of life for patients or family

Advice given to patients or carers

Reduce the length of hospital stay


Choice of drugs or other treatments

Choice of tests

Guideline or pathway development

Avoid unnecessary treatment, tests or procedures

It did not change any aspects of patient care ortreatment

Other (please tell us more)

BHT Evidence into Practice

6Did the information you found have any impact on your learning or teaching?Please tick all relevant responses.

It confirmed my prior knowledge or belief

It refreshed my memory of the topic

I used it for course work or a dissertation

It satisfied my curiosity

No, it didn't impact on my learning or teaching

I learned something new

I shared the information with colleagues

I used it for supervision

I used it for teaching purposes

Other (please tell us more)

7Please tell us about anything else you did differently as a result of findingthisinformation.

8Please select the option that best describes your job.

Medical and Dental

Nursing and Midwifery Registered

Allied Health Professionals

Healthcare Scientists

Additional Professional, Scientific and Technical (including pharmacist, clinical psychologist, chaplain, social worker)

Additional Clinical Services (including ambulance service, assistant psychologist, health care assistant)

Administrative and Clerical (including manager)

Estates and Ancillary



BHT Evidence BHT Evidence into Practice

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