Pioneer Boys’ Lacrosse

Player Manual/Pledge

2014 Season

Team Motto:

“When a team outgrows thinking as “I” and learns to play as “WE”, excellence becomes a reality.”

Player Expectations

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1)  Show up on time

2)  Work Hard

3)  Maintain a positive attitude

4)  Dedicate to personal and team improvement everyday

5)  Put team goals ahead of personal goals

6)  Respect teammates, coaches, umpires, opponents

7)  Encourage your teammates

8)  Address concerns in positive mature manner

9)  Represent both the Lacrosse Team and the school positively

10)  Set and follow your priorities

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Pioneer Lacrosse Team Rules and Policies

The following team rules have been developed as a guideline for all Pioneer Lacrosse players to follow and adhere. These guidelines will set the foundation for a successful and respected program. While it may be difficult at times to follow these rules, it is important to remember: “As a player, you not only represent yourself, but also your school, your parents, the athletic program, the lacrosse program, and your community” (see expectation #9!!). Your performance and success will not only be measured by wins and losses, but also by your conduct in the classroom, in the community, and in the locker room. After careful consideration, the following rules and guidelines have been selected to best exemplify respectable appearance, attitude, and actions of a lacrosse player in this program.

1.  Athletes are expected to strive for excellence in the classroom. All student-athletes are urged to attend extra help and focus on maintaining a high grade point average.

2.  Athletes are expected to be on time for all practice and games. Students attending extra-help should bring a signed pass to their coach. Repeated, unexcused tardiness will result in a loss of playing time.

3.  Athletes are expected to understand and follow school policies at all school and team events.

4.  Athletes are expected to display proper sportsmanship before, during, and after events.

5.  Athletes are required to ride on school provided transportation while traveling to and from away contests. Exceptions may be granted with travel release procedures.

6.  Athletes are responsible for the care, maintenance, and return of all equipment and uniforms.

7.  Athletes are expected to personally notify their coach if they will be late or miss a practice or game.

o  If you are in attendance at school you must attend practice unless you check with Coach Carangelo

o  If you are absent from school or are unable to attend practice on a non-school day, you must call Coach Carangelo at least one hour before practice (908-209-0452). Injured players must report to Coach Carangelo then to the Athletic Trainer for treatment. Once you have completed treatment, you must report to practice.

8.  Athletes are expected to attend all practices and games. Unexcused absence will result in a loss of playing time and possible further discipline.

9.  Athletes will be informed through e-mail and/or “the phone chain” if practice is canceled due to inclement weather.

10.  Athletes are expected to follow the criteria listed below when dressing for all practices and games.

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11.  Athletes are expected to discuss all concerns and disagreements with your coach or teammate in private and according to the attached communication guidelines (see below).

12.  Athletes are expected to report all injuries to coach and athletic trainer when they occur.

o  If injured you are to report to the coach, then to the trainer, once treatment is received players should return to practice. We should avoid “hanging out in the training room” at all costs

13.  All student-athletes must realize their obligation to the team and refrain from scheduling any conflicting activity during the season.


All players in the program are expected to conduct themselves in a mature, disciplined, and professional manner. It is important to remember the significance and responsibility of participating as a member of the New Providence Lacrosse team. Every time you step onto the field, you not only represent yourself, but also your school, your parents, the athletic program, the lacrosse program, and your community. ACT APPROPRIATELY.


All players will fill out an equipment card on the first day of practice.

1.  Each player will be responsible for any team equipment handed out. Any equipment lost, or damaged, will be replaced at the player’s expense.

2.  All equipment will be treated with respect and kept clean.

3.  Players should never throw, kick, or abuse a helmet or any other piece of equipment. This behavior is unacceptable, and may result in benching or suspension.

4.  Uniforms should be kept clean (do your best to have your uniform washed after EACH AND EVERY GAME).

5.  Players designated to carry equipment to and from a practice or game are responsible for that equipment from the time they pick it up from the equipment room until they personally bring it back to the room. DO NOT EXPECT OR COUNT ON SOMEONE ELSE TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES.

6.  If you are assigned equipment but do not come back from a game on the bus, you must tell your coach before leaving the field.


If you, for various reasons, find it impossible to ride the team bus home from an away game or if your family is leaving and going in the opposite direction, the athlete must obtain permission at least 24 hours in advance from the athletic director. The athlete may only leave with parents or guardian.

Pioneer Lacrosse Keys to Winning

If our team shows the ability to follow this philosophy, we will always be in position to win. We may not win them all but we will have given ourselves the chance.


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o  Play hard

o  Practice harder

o  Trust one another

o  Believe in one another

o  Play with confidence

o  Pick each other up

o  Make the other team beat you

o  Execute

o  Keep a positive attitude


o  Communicate!

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o  Communicate!

o  Lead the defense

o  Play with confidence

o  Remain calm, cool, and collected during clears

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o  Communicate!

o  Remember, defense wins ball games

o  Pioneer defense is less about I, and more about WE

o  Play as one unit, not individuals

o  Take away opposing players’ tendencies (their strong hand)

o  Cover every man, every zone


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o  Communicate!

o  Focus on moving the ball quickly! Pass, and Cut!

o  Take what the defense gives you

o  Control the ball – control the clock – control the game

o  Look to pass the ball in the direction of the sliding defender

o  Bounce shots – on target.

Your attention to detail is required at all times:

Remember, “Individuals may win games… but only teams win championships.”

This single philosophy signifies everything New Providence lacrosse now stands for. In addition, this should constantly be what this program is working towards not only believing and practicing, but achieving.

Schedule of Important Dates:

Date: / Event:
Monday 12/5/13
Tuesday 12/6/13 / Lacrosse Preseason Meeting: Room 526 After School (upperclassmen on 12/5 – freshmen on 12/6)
Wednesday 2/1/14 / ALL FORMS ARE DUE
TBD / Lacrosse Parent Meeting in the Cafeteria
Saturday 3/1/14 / Lacrosse Practice Begins!!!!!!!!

Player Communications Protocol

When a player or parent has questions or concerns regarding the program or a player's individual role on the team, it is important to keep in mind the following communications process that has been adopted by the lacrosse program. This process provides an effective and efficient progression, focused on solving any problem that may develop throughout the season. Understand that game strategy is not up for discussion at any meeting.

STEP 1 The concerned player should approach his immediate head coach to schedule a time to discuss his questions or concerns. If the player does not feel comfortable and satisfied with the outcome of this meeting, he should move forward with Step 2.

STEP 2 The concerned player should request a meeting involving himself, his immediate Head Coach and the Varsity Head Coach. If the player does not feel comfortable and satisfied with the outcome of this meeting, he should move forward with Step 3.

STEP 3 A meeting involving the player, the necessary lacrosse coaches and parent(s)/guardian(s) should be requested via e-mail. This e-mail should include a brief explanation of the player/parent concerns. If email access is a problem please contact the Athletic Director in order to schedule a time. If this meeting does not resolve the situation, the player and his parents should then move forward with Step 4.

STEP 4 A meeting should be requested involving the player, appropriate lacrosse coaches, parent(s)/guardian(s), and the Athletic Director. If all the parties involved are still not comfortable with the outcome of this meeting, additional alternatives should be discussed to resolve this matter.


1.  All discussion should focus on individual questions or concerns.

2.  The performance and ability of other players will not be a subject of discussion. This is contrary to our team values of mutual respect and support.

3.  Before leaving any meeting, be sure to clarify and summarize your thoughts and feelings. This will ensure that everyone involved has a clear understanding of the meeting's outcome.

Preseason Work-Outs

All lacrosse players are strongly encouraged to participate on other school teams. Participation in sports provides opportunity for competition that cannot be duplicated by any amount of pre-season conditioning program.

For those athletes who are not participating in other activities. I have provided a 12-week preseason conditioning package that outlines what you can do, preferably with a teammate, to prepare yourself physically for the season. The hardest part of working out is getting started. As long as the weight room at school is supervised, workouts can take place here.

The off-season program is based on three work-out days a week. The goal is to get you in condition for the pre-season. By preparing yourself early you will be in a better position to compete for a position in the Spring.

The workout is broken into parts:

§  Warm Up: This is a flex and run, where players should complete a variety of both static and dynamic stretches.

§  Strength: These are general exercises to increase strength, flexibility and speed. I have tried to condense some of the most important sports specific exercises into and easy to follow format. The Complex is a general warm-up found posted in the weight-room. The Pioneer Lacrosse Circuit should help players develop very key muscles to ensure maximum strength and fitness during the season.

§  Core: These exercises are meant to supplement and strengthen the twisting muscles in the body. This will not only positively impact your shooting speed and power, but improve your overall strength and balance as well.

§  Running: Meant to condition your body over a period of time, you should increase your exertion as the season draws near.

§  Cool Down: Always stretch after a work out.

§  Skills Development: You should constantly be working on not only keeping your skills sharp, but also improving them (especially your off hand). Players are encouraged to spend at least 15-MINUTES EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK on skills development. Players may work on throwing and catching by using a wall or lacrosse bounce-back, or by throwing with a teammate.


Wall ball for the Long poles, shorties, and goalies:

Extra Wall-Ball workout for the Goalies:

Pioneer Lacrosse – Off-season Workout Routine

Day 1 / Warm-Up / “Flex and Run”
Strength / Complex WARM-UP
DB Walking Lunge (Each Leg) / 3*10
Dumbbell Squat and Press / 4*8
Hyper Extensions / 3*10
Pioneer Lacrosse Circuit
Core / Sit-Ups / 3*50
Cool Down / 10 100YD sprints in 10 min. (work to improve time each week)
Skills Practice / 15 minutes of throwing and catching on a wall – 7 minutes strong hand, 8 minutes weak hand
Day 2 / Warm-Up / “Flex and Run”
Strength / Complex WARM-UP
Pioneer Lacrosse Circuit
Core / Sit-Ups / 3*50
Crunches / 1*100
Leg lifts / 2* 1min. each
Running / 15 minute Jog (work to improve your distance each week)
Cool Down / Stretch
Skills Practice / 15 minutes of throwing and catching on a wall – 7 minutes strong hand, 8 minutes weak hand
Day 3 / Warm-Up / “Flex and Run”
Strength / DB Bench / 4*8
Lat Pull (overhand/ front) / 3*10
Bent Row / 3*10
Triceps Press / 3*10
DB Curl / 3*10
Pioneer Lacrosse Circuit
Core / Leg Lifts / 2* 1min. each
“Mason Twist” / 1*50
Running / 25 20YD sprints in 5 minutes or less (work to improve on your time each week)
Cool Down / Stretch
Skills Practice / 15 minutes of throwing and catching on a wall – 7 minutes strong hand, 8 minutes weak hand

(Try to take days off in between each day for muscles to recover – then start the process over again… NOTE: You should still be throwing and catching even on off days!)
Pioneer Lacrosse Circuit

1.  Pull-Ups

§  Grab pull-up bar with overhand, shoulder-width grip

§  Pull yourself up until chin is above bar, without rocking or kicking

§  Lower with control until arms are straight; repeat

Sets/Reps: 2x as many as possible

Benefits: Strengthens back, shoulders, scapular region and arms for improved hand speed and shooting power

2.  Dips

§  Grasp handles of dip bar and support body with straight arms

§  Lower with control until chest is at hand level

§  Push yourself up until arms are straight; repeat

Sets/Reps: 2x as many as possible

Benefits: Stronger chest, shoulders and triceps for added power.

3.  Shoulder Raise Circuit

§  Hold light dumbbell in each hand, then move through circuit

§  Front: Raise dumbbells in front of body