
Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome back to the second half of spring term. Let’s hope we start to see some signs of spring soon and that the weather begins to warm up!


Our topic this half term is ‘People Who Help Us’. We will be finding out about different occupations, such as postmen, fire fighters, police officers, dentists, doctors and nurses. We will be learning about the ways these special people help us, the uniforms they wear and the equipment they use. We are hoping to have visits from Ilkeston Fire Brigade with their fire engine and also visits from the Police and two different types of nurses. We have an exciting five weeks ahead of us and we are very much looking forward to it! If you or any of your family members have an occupation that you think would interest the children, please do let me know - it would be brilliant to have you in to visit and talk to us.


In Literacy we are going to be focusing on books and texts which link with our topic such as, The Jolly Postman, Barn on fire and Burglar Bill.

The children will be writing letters and learning about the features of a letter. They will also be writing captions about how different people who help us. Children will be role playing the different people who help us using the dressing up. As they do this they will be writing in different forms such as doctor’s notes, pet details, and police reports.


In numeracy we will be continuing to explore weight using parcels and scales. We will also be learning about measurement encouraging the use of the vocabulary longest and shortest. Who can construct the longest ladder using art straws?

The children will be learning to sequence numbers 1-20 and to use these numbers in practical activities to add and subtract.

Please continue to listen to your child read at home. We greatly appreciate the time that you spend supporting your child’s reading and we look forward to this partnership continuing. We are asking your child lots of questions about what is happening in the story and how they know this. Please continue to have a look at the Letters & Sounds section of the website – there will be regular updates to help you support your child’s reading and spelling knowledge – this can be accessed by using the following web address:

Our PE sessions this term will be on Tuesdays led by Miss Elizabeth. Your child will require their P.E. kit which needs to consist of a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and a pair of plimsolls. Earrings must be removed before PE at home and hair should be tied back if long. Please consider school uniform on P.E days as the children should be able to dress and undress by themselves.

Please remember that if you would like your child to receive milk at snack time a payment of £1 per week or £5 for this half term is required.

Many thanks

Miss Hill