

1-A study was conducted ...... determine the city's needs in the 21stcentury.

A) so as toB) in order that C)In case of D) moreoverE) in contrast with

2-...... his excellent academic performance, he was unable to continue his studies because of economic problems.

A) EvenB) WhileC) Due to

D) DespiteE) Since

3-I forgot ...... they said they were coming, so when they arrived, we were not ready at all.

A) how longB) how manyC) where

D) whom E) what time

4-I'm trying to find ...... edition of "Time" magazine, because it has an article I want to read.

A) so lateB) a laterC) very late

D) the latestE) the latter

5-I can't imagine ...... you want to go for your holiday to a place with no beaches or night clubs.

A) whenB) who C) which D) howE) why

6-Rupert says the good side of having the twins is that they've had ...... a boy ...... a girl in one go.

A) either/or B) neither/norC) whether/or

D) such/thatE) both/and

7-I'm surprised that their marriage wasn't a success; after all, they ...... each other for years before they ...... married.

A) had known/got

B) know/were getting

C) have known/will get

D) should know/have got

E) would know/are getting

8-I thought I knew what ...... on the exam, but in fact, I ...... the wrong things.

A) has been/am studying

B) would have been/would study

C) was/will study

D) was going to be/studied

E) will be/ought to study

9)I was so worried the night before the exam that I could not sleep, but in fact, it was so easy that ...... did I pass, ...... I also got a very good mark.

A) hardly/whenB) neither/norC) both/and

D) not only/butE) the more/the more

10. The two men walked back to the restaurant together, but --- of them spoke.

A)any B)either C)so D)neither E)the other

11) Withouttheheavymake-upshewears, shelooks...... in real life ...... shedoes on television.

A) young/so B) as young/that

C) younger/than D) theyoungest/as

E) soyoung/that

12) There is ...... a shortage of qualifiedteachers in England...... thegovernment is payingstudentstotrain in teaching.

A) such/that B) so/as C) more/than

D) too/than E) as/that

13)Theamazingthingaboutoltustone is that...... youkeep it, ...... itgets.

A) solong/soshiny B) thelong/theshiny

C) thelongest/theshiniest D) thelonger/theshinier E) as long/as shiny

14) - Some of thedelegateswere...... withtheChairman'sspeech...... theywalkedout.

A) toodisappointed/that B) moredisappointing/than C) sodisappointed/that

D) sodisappointing/than E) as disappointed/as

15) I'm sure I'm not thefirsttonotice...... yourdaughter is a verytalented artist, especiallyfor her age.

A) who B) that C) what D) when E) where

16) You're in a library. Everybody, including yourself, is trying to work. A man in the corner is shouting and laughing, even though there is a "Quiet Please" sign on the wall. You want to warn firmly, without being rude, so you say:

A) Excuse me, would you mind being quiet? We are all trying to concentrate.

B) Shut up! Can't you read the sign?

C) Why don't you come and sit with me? I'd like to hear some of your Jokes.

D) Aren't you aware of where you are? People are trying to work.

E) Excuse me, could you tell me what books are over there?

17-Customer: Do you sell English newspapers?

Shop-owner : …………..

Customer: Oh really? Well, thank you very much for your help.

Shop-owner : Not at all.

A) Yes, here you are.

B) Why do you want an English newspaper?

C) Are you from England?

D) No, we don't.

E) No, but you can buy them just round the corner on the left

18--Bill : Whatdidyouthink of the film?

Ted : Ilikedthespecialeffects.

Bill : ......

Ted : Yes, I thinkI'veseenhimbefore

A) Me too. Theactor has been on the TV, hasn't he?

B) Whatdidyouthink of the-plot?

C) Yes, theplanecrashwasveryeffective.

D) I thoughtthe film wasratherlong.

E) Shallwegotothecinemaagainnextweekwith Lisa andJenny?

19-. Martha : Hi! Whatareyouwriting?

Linda : Well, actually, it's a poem

Martha : ……………

Linda : Well, it depends.

Martha : Onwhat?

Linda : Youhavetopromise not tolaugh.

A) Do youoftenwritepoetry?

B) I didn't, knowyouwrotepoetry?

C) Is it a seriousor a humorousone?

D) Is it foryourhomework?

E) Can I have a look?

20- There is nootherlanguageyou can learnthat is as universal as English.

A) Unlikeotherlanguages, English is theeasiesttolearn.,

B) Thereare not manylanguageswhichare as universal as English is.

C) Since English is a universallanguage, it is wisetolearn it.

D) Amongalllanguages, English is themostwidespread in theworld. '

E) Learning English is as, widespread thelanguageitself.

21. You're in a cafewith a friend. Every time yougothere, thewaitergetsyourorderwrong. This time youhaveordered an orangejuiceand a cup of tea. He bringsover a cakeandtwocoffees. Youcomplainaboutthisand say:

A) Thankyouverymuchforyourhelp. Itlookslovely.

B) Excuse me, I wonderifyou'dmindbringing us somethingtoeat?

C) This is ridiculous. You'vebroughtthewrongthingagain !

D) Thankyou, but wedidn'torder a cake.

E) An orangejuiceand a cup of teaplease, as usual


A) As a consequence of obtainingsatisfactoryexplanations

B) As theykeptmakingcontradictorystatements

C) Howeverconvincingyourstatementsmay be

D) Theyexplainedthesituationsoclearly, underliningthesignificantpoints

E) Despitethecomplexity of thespeechthepartyleadermadetothepublic

23) We'dneverexpectedyouto be abletopersuadesuch an obstinateperson as him.

A) Bu kadar inatçı bir insanı ikna edemeyeceğini biz zaten biliyorduk.

B) Onu ikna etme konusunda kararlı ol- duğuna göre çok inatçı biri olmalısın.

C) Onun kadar inatçı bir insanı ikna edebileceğini hiç ummuyorduk

D) Onu bu kadar kısa sürede ikna edeceğini doğrusu hiç beklemiyorduk.

E) Onun kadar inatçı bir insanı nasıl ikna edebildiğini hala anlamış değiliz.

24) Inagricultureandindustry, theprogress of a countrydepends on theskilfulhands of itsworkers

A) Bir ülkenin tarımsal ve endüstriyel kalkınması ancak işçilerin becerikli elleriyle mümkündür.

B) Tarım ve endüstri alanında bir ülkenin gelişmesi, işçilerinin çalış- kanlığına bağlıdır.

C) Kalkınmış bir ülkede bile tarım ve endüstri, işçilerin el becerisine dayanmaktadır.

D) Tarımda ve endüstride bir ülkenin ilerlemesi, işçilerinin becerikli ellerine bağlıdır.

E) Tarımda ve endüstride bir ülkeyi ileriye götürecek olan; işçilerinin hamarat elleridir.

25) Talkingtopeoplewithdifferentopinionsfromyoursenablesyoutoseethingsfromotherperspectives as well.

A) Olaylara farklı açıdan bakabilmek için, görüşleri sizinkilerden farklı olan insanlarla da konuşmamız gerekir.

B) Sizinkilerden farklı görüşlere sahip olan insanlarla konuşmazsanız- olayları değişik açılardan görmeyi, öğrenemezsiniz.

C) Görüşleri sizinkilerden farklı olan kişilerle konuşmak, olayları başka açılardan da görmenizi sağlar.

D) Çeşitli insanlarla konuşarak değişik görüşler edinebilir, olaylara başka açılardan bakabilirsiniz.

E) Farklı görüşlere sahip insanlarla konuşmak, olayları değişik yönleriyle görebilmeniz açısından gereklidir.