Graduate Council Minutes


PRESENT: Durham (Chair), Beach, Bonnell, Conaway, DeCoster, Frank, Hall, Hanka, Hobbs, Hostetler, Mitchell, Rhim, Rochon, Rodgers, Rowser, Schultz, Valadares, Williams, and Zehr.

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 AM.

A.  Approval of Minutes

Dr. Hanka moved that the minutes be approved as distributed. Dr. Williams seconded. Motion passed.

B.  Graduate Faculty Applications

a.  Dr. Bonnell moved and Dr. Conaway seconded that Melissa Feller be approved as Affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being spring 2014. Motion passed.

b.  Dr. Bonnell moved and Dr. Conaway seconded that C. Keith Spurgeon be approved as Affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being fall 2013. Motion passed.

c.  Dr. Bonnell moved and Dr. Zehr seconded that Michael Kearns be approved as Regular-6 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being spring 2019. Motion passed.

d.  Dr. Zehr moved and Dr. Bonnell seconded that Betty L. Hart be approved as Regular-6 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being fall 2018. Motion passed.

e.  Dr. Valadares moved and Dr. Bonnell seconded that Thomas McDonald be approved as Regular-3 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being spring 2016. Motion passed.

C.  Program Modifications and Course Petitions

a.  Dr. Hanka moved and Dr. Williams seconded that Nursing 601 Roles for Advanced Nursing Practice (1) be approved for spring 2013 implementation. Motion passed.

b.  Dr. Conaway moved and Dr. Williams seconded that modifications for the MSN core courses be approved for spring 2013 implementation. Motion passed.

c.  Dr. Williams moved and Dr. Conaway seconded that modifications for the DNP core courses be approved for spring 2013 implementation. Motion passed.

d.  Dr. Bonnell moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that LBST 607 Metals through the Ages (3) be deleted. Motion passed.

e.  Dr. Rowser moved and Dr. Bonnell seconded that LBST 613 Science in Society (3) be approved for fall 2012 implementation. Motion passed.

D.  Information Items

a.  Dr. Durham read the charge to the Faculty Senate requesting that Faculty Senate endorse and recommend to the provost the graduate studies reform. Faculty Senate will meet October 12, 2012 at 3:00 PM to consider the request. Dr. Durham will send an email to members of the Graduate Council on the outcome of Faculty Senate’s decision.

b.  Dr. Durham discussed changes to the Formal Application for Graduation for Graduate Studies. The working form will be mailed out to the program directors for their approval.

c.  Dr. Durham will meet with the sub-committee by the end of Fall 2012 semester to discuss how we are going to define certificates and endorsements at the University of Southern Indiana. The Sub-committee members are: Dr. Durham, Dr. Rowser, Dr. Hanka, Dr. Beach, Dr. DeCoster and Sandy Frank.

d.  Susan Todd reported that the University of Southern Indiana is in the process of adding to the Admissions/Graduate Application the option for students to request their high school/college transcripts through Docufide and gave an example of what those transcripts would look like.

e.  Dr. Durham announced that Hannah Satterthwaite is the new Administrative Assistant and will begin working in Graduate Studies Office on October 16, 2012. Dr. Durham requests that Susan Todd is copied on any email correspondence sent to Hannah Satterthwaite and David Waldeck.

f.  Dr. Rochon had a discussion with Graduate Council on the future of Graduate Studies and the Search Committee for the permanent Director of Graduate Studies.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 AM.