FultonTownshipMonthly Board Meeting

Tuesday May 12, 2015 @ 6:00 p.m.

The Fulton Township Board Meeting was held at FultonTownshipOfficeBuilding at

408 11th Ave.,Fulton, IL. Themeeting was Called to Orderby Supervisor, Charles Dykstra.

Roll Call was taken:

Present: Charles Dykstra, Township Supervisor

Brenda Woods, Township Clerk

Kathy Montgomery, Township Trustee

Ronald Pessman, Township Trustee

Richard Bland, Township Trustee

Donald Loftus, Deputy Assessor

Absent: Mark VanderVinne, Cemetery Sexton

Donald Stage, Township Road Commissioner

Visitors: Marge Bielema, Marlin Faber, Barbara Dykstra, and Attorney Thomas Senneff

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Each of the visitors that were present, were invited to this meeting in recognition for their many years of service on the Cemetery Board of the FultonTownship. Marge Bielema served 20 years, Barbara Dykstra served 25 years, Attorney Tom Senneff served 25 years and Marlin Faber served 26 years. They each were presented with a black and silver clock as a token of thanks for their dedication to the Cemetery Board. A group photo was then taken.

Approval of the March Minutes:Charles Dykstra, Supervisor, entertained a motion to approve the minutes as written. Greg Naftzger moved Kathy Montgomery seconded, with all in favor, so carried.

Approval of the March bills as presented:As an addendum to bills presented, there were three additional bills that are forthcoming which were also approved to be paid. Because of several upcoming expenses, the Supervisor recommends that we should cash the current Township CD. Charles Dykstra, Supervisor, entertained a motion to approve the cashing of the CD and approval of the bills as presented. Richard Bland moved and Kathy Montgomery seconded, with all in favor, so carried.

Approval of the Financial Report as presented:Charles Dykstra, Supervisor, entertained a motion to approve the financial report as presented. Ronald Pessman moved and Dick Bland seconded, with all in favor, so carried.

Township Official Reports:

Supervisor’s Report: Dykstrareported there is much work being done within our cemeteries: repairing roadways, foundation and several stones being reset. Hopefully, on cemetery Sunday many projects will be completed and our cemeteries will be beautiful. Dykstra reports, another newsletter is about to be printed and going out this week.

A recycling report was included in the board members packets. We budgeted $1,500. and came in under budget by $3. Dykstra suggested that we give an honorarium to Rock Island Landfill because all of our waste was given to person looking to strip and recycle themselves. So their pallets and containers were returned at no charge. Dykstra entertained a motion to give them an honorarium for $100. Ron Pessman moved and Kathy Montgomery seconded, with 3 members voted yea and 1 nay, so carried.

Our Dutch Days float was a success. The truck looked great and all but two member’s road on the float with suggested attire. Dykstra said at least on board member was insubordinate not wearing her correct attire. Dykstra also reports our flag stands arrived and they are beautifully on display at the township building.

Clerk’s Report: Brenda Woods, clerk, reported the website committee has not yet convened but when activity within the township slows down, the website committee will get started. Once the website is set up then the clerk will contact the TOI on disposal of township record procedure.

Brenda asked for permission at attend another Quick Books seminar which will be held On June 15-16 in East Peoria, IL. The clerk decided because of the cost, she would put the seminar off.

Road Commissioner’s Report: Commissioner, Don Stage was absent. Chase road is being seal coated and we still have a young man doing community service, helping with some of our road work.

Assessor’s Report: Donald Loftus, Assessor is getting lots of inquiries from homeowners, as it is property tax time. Loftus says the appeal process is there, and homeowners can proceed with the process if need be.

Cemetery Sexton’s Report: Cemetery Sexton, Mark VanderVinne was absent. Two lots were sold in April according to records.

Fund Raising Efforts: Supervisor Dykstra reported, he had spoke to Spring Valley Reformed Church, Second Reformed Church, and Immaculate Conception Church. Solicitations also were put into at Bethel Christian Reformed Church and First Christian Reformed Church. Fulton Presbyterian Solicitations were emailed. Solicitation letters were included in our board packets.

Within our fund raising efforts are five options offered: Calvary Hill Endowment, Calvary Hill Restoration, Fulton Township Cemetery Endowment, Fulton Township Cemetery Restoration, and Ronald Reagan Family Plot. Solicitation letters and response forms were not only given out to these churches but also included in our recent Township newsletter, which goes out to our entire township.

PossibleCemetery restoration funding for the current fiscal year was presented by Supervisor Dykstra to the board. A list of prioritized cemetery restorations handed out to the board as well.

Other Items:

Dykstra handed out an option sheet showing how we could increase corporate revenue for 2016-2017 by 105%, 110% or 115%. Additional funds would help alleviate cost for needed work in our cemeteries.

Rockford District Education Conference is July 16, which Chuck and Brenda are attending.

Adjournment: Motion for adjournment was entertained by Supervisor, Charles Dykstra. Ron Pessman moved and Greg Naftzger seconded, with all in favor, so carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Brenda Woods


Brenda Woods, Township Clerk