Year 5Curriculum Outline Summer Term 2017

English – Brief overview / Mathematics – Brief overview
The children will be exploring the structure and features ofnarrative poetry with a focus on ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. The themes raised in the poem will be explored using drama techniques which will then be used to develop letter and diary writing as well as an opportunity to recap direct and reported speech.
For a story set in a different culture, Year 5 will read the book ‘Holes’ by the American author Louis Sachar. They will use the book to explore persuasive writing and newspaper recounts.
Linked to the ‘Holiday Show’ project, the children will create a tourist information booklet, learning about the features and language used in information texts.
A range of grammar work will be covered through all the units above.
Children will continue to practise, consolidate and extend their spelling skills through focused lessons. A variety of spellings, rules and exceptions will be taught through the term.

There is regular reading and discussing of texts in guided reading sessions.
Reading is also part of weekly homework and children are expected to record their reading 3 times a week in their Reading Diary. / Place Value
The children will be recapping:rounding numbers up to 1 000 000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 000 and 100 000; reading Roman numerals to 1000 (M) and recognising years written in Roman numerals; interpreting negative numbers in context and counting forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers.
Addition and Subtraction: They will recap how to add and subtract 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000 to/from six-digit numbers andrevise column addition and subtraction of up to 5-digit numbers.
Multiplication and division: They will apply how to multiply and divide by 10, 100, 1000 including decimals; multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts;divide 4-digit numbers by single-digit numbers.
Fractions, decimals and percentages: They will recap percentages and use equivalence with fractions to find percentages; use equivalence to compare and order fractions; convert improper fractions to mixed numbers; revise adding and subtracting fractions with related denominators; add and subtract mixed numbers with related denominators.
Geometry, measure and statistics:The children willuse tables to solve time related word problems using the 12 and 24 hour clock. They will be investigating squared and cubed numbers as well as learning more about area and perimeter of simple and composite shapes. They will be recapping how to use coordinates and apply these skills when looking at translation and reflections of shapes. They will compare and convert metric and imperial units of measure.
P.S.H.E.(Personal and Social Health Education) / Computing / R.E.
Key Questions/ subjects for the units this term include:
Sex and Relationships
Personal space and friendships
Parts of the body
What is puberty?
Diversity and Communities
What makes up my identity and that of other people?
How can I show respect for different views, lifestyles and beliefs?
What are the negative effects of stereotyping?
What groups and communities am I part of?
Who works for the good of the community and how can I help?
What are voluntary organisations and how do they make a difference?
Who cares for the environment and what is my contribution? / The children will be using ‘Go’ to develop their coding and debugging skills by solving a range of challenges and problems. They will be using computational thinking to write code that controls a range of physical systems such as lighthouses and traffic lights.
In the second half of the term, the children will be using PowerPoint to design and make a prototype ‘app’ that provides tourist information about Cambridge. This will include photos, text and interactive web-links.
Computing also supports learning in other areas of the curriculum, researching and locating information.
The children continue to be taught how to use the internet safely, following advice on how to keep themselves safe when online both in school and at home. / Beliefs and actions in the world
This term the children will learn about charities and what they can achieve. They will focus on the work of two charities. It enables children to explain beliefs and their impact, and to compare aspects of religion in action.
Religion through Art
The children will look at a range of art from different religions and discuss how artists express their religious beliefs through image. Children will get the opportunity to create their own piece of art using styles and techniques previously studied.
P.E. / The Holiday Show / Art / Design and Technology
Games – Net games and striking and fielding games, building up relevant skills and playing small sided games
Athletics – running, jumping and throwing.
The children are very lucky to be taught by a specialist dance/ gymnastics teacher, Mrs Norman, once a week. / This is a cross-curricular themed unit to encourage thinking about our responsibilities as tourists and develop the children’s knowledge of places around the world.
There will be a focus on human geography, using maps toinvestigate how the land is used and how natural features have influenced how settlements have developed. We will also be visiting Cambridge with a focus on tourism to gather information that will be used in other areas of the curriculum.
/ In art the children will be looking at drawing and painting of portraits. They will be studying the work of Picasso and a local artist called Charlie Pryor.
/ In DT the children will be incorporating their portrait work from earlier in the term into a collage.
They will be using different materials developing their textile skills.

Science / Food Technology / Music / French
In Science the children will be looking at changes of state. This will include recapping the properties of solids, liquids and gases. They will be looking at reversible and irreversible changes. They will plan and carry out a range of experiments related to this area to develop their scientific enquiry skills.
/ The children will be learning about the elements needed to make a healthy lunch. They will then design and make a healthy, portable pasta-salad, linked to their Tourism project. / We will be using inspiration from our ‘Holiday Show’ learning to explore world music. The children will compare and contrast different styles and genres of music. They will also explore composition and notation and develop their use of percussion instruments, and computer technology to create their own music.
/ The children continue to have 30 minutes of French each week with Madame Monument. The focus is on developing their confidence to speak, read and write in French. They continue to use songs and actions to help them learn.

If you have any expertise or knowledge that could be shared with the children in our school to enhance their learning, please do get in touch with your child’s class teacher.