PCA 480: Anchorage Area Collection, 1910-1922 Alaska State Library
Alaska State Library
Historical Collections
Thompson, Dr. Charles H.
Anchorage Area Collection, 1910-1922
PCA 480
1 folder (.020 linear feet) Processed by: Ken Nail, Jr., LAM
77 b&w photographs October 2007
and postcards, 1 color postcard Revised: 11 /2007
– by kn/sml, 3/11 jas
ACQUISITION: Photograph collection donated to the Alaska State Library Historical Collections by John B. Thompson and accessioned September 1, 2004 (#2004-044.)
ACCESS: Unrestricted.
COPYRIGHT: Request for permission to publish material from the collection must be discussed with the Librarian. Photocopying does not constitute permission to publish.
PROCESSING: Sleeved and numbered.
The 76 black and white photographs and post cards in this collection include scenes in Anchorage, Cordova, Juneau and Ketchikan, Dr. Charles H. Thompson, and several group photos of baseball teams. There are six 8 x 10 black and white photographs.
Anchorage, Cordova, Hospitals, Baseball teams, Alaska Native portraits, dog teams.
001 [Native Alaskan Child]
002 “Madonna of the North”; H. G. Kaiser.
003 “Eskimo Chief – Nome, Alaska” H. G. Kaiser.
004 [Two Native Alaskan Children]
005 “The last U. S. mail to leave Anchorage by dog team, March 28, 1917”; 201, Hegg & Lawrence.
006 “Elk’s Base ball team, Anchorage, Alaska 1922”; Geo. L. Johnson Photo.
007 “S. S. Adm’l Watson P. S. S. Co. Admiural Line at Anchorage”
008 [4 women, 6 men standing before a two-story stone building]
009 [Office scene; 1 woman seated at a typewriter; 2 men at desks]
010 Potato crop – Anchorage Hospital ground.
011 “On the Forecastle Head, S. S. Northwestern, Alaska”; Thwaites, 3999.
012 “100 Tons of Salt Ice, S. S. Northwestern. Alaska. Co….”; Thwaites, 4006.
013 “S. S. Northwestern. Alaska.”; Thwaites, 4003.
014 [Office scene, 3 women, 2 men; all at desks]
015 “Lake Otis Alaska”
016 “Crossing – Lake Otis” – Dr. Charles H. Thompson
017 “Lake Otis, Anchorage”
018 Mrs. C. H. Thompson.
019 “The return to Anchorage after the 400 mile trip in effort to save Clark’s life.” On reverse: “Some of the dogs…hard to get a good picture as the day was very cloudy.” [Photo has tear in bottom half.]
020 “The dog team that made the return trip. Dr. Beeson sitting in sleigh.” [On reverse: “Dr. Beeson’s at the Hospital in Anchorage; Beeson seated in Sleigh.”] [Photo has tear in bottom half.]
021 “Porkie in cage.” On reverse: “Porcupine in captivity.”
022 “Record trip by dog team Anchorage – Iditarod & Return.” On reverse: The team of malamutes that brought Dr. Beeson back.” [Photo has tear in bottom half.]
023 “Coast scene”
024 “Ore dump, Cordova.”
025 “Washington Glacier.”
026 [2 persons on platform in costumes; signage: “Senor Shonebecko ‘Impresario’ Presents the Squeezem Sisters.” “The Squeezem Sisters, Gussie & Almie.”]
027 “Entrance AEC Hospital Anchorage Assn”
028 “Dr. Beeson’s & Rogers; note the lawns” [dog in foreground.]
029 “Dr. Charles H. Thompson.” [Seated on a tree stump.]
030 “Ketchikan.”
031 “A.E.C.R.R. Anchorage, Alaska.”
032 “Seymour Narrows”
033 “July 4th, 1917 – Anchorage, Alaska.” Strye.
034 “Olympia Wreck, Wrangel Narrows”
035 “Seward Bay”
036 [Horse drawn float seen from the front, parade, n.d.]
037 Bridge – Mile 48 – Gov. R. W. Seward-Anchorage”
038 “Kern Creek, Turnagain Arm – Alaska” LHP
039 “Tunnel – Mile 48 – Anchorage-Seward route”
040 B.P.O.E. [Horse drawn float seen from the side, parade, n.d.]
041 “Cook Inlet Triangular League [baseball]. “The City Team.”
042 “Alaska Moose; Kenai Peninsula.” [Postcard sent to Miss Esther Thompson, Apr. 16, 1920 postmark, from her father]
043 Miles Glacier.; Copper River, Alaska
044 Municipal Building, Anchorage - Pyatt
045 “Tom Haines ducks a fast bean ball! Thompson pitching, “Smokey Joe” waiting.”
046 [Two sets of railroad tracks in the foreground, buildings and mountains in the background]
047 [female prospector panning for gold]
048 [woman with dog]
049 “Anchorage Public School – Anchorage, Alaska” Logeman Photo [Postcard sent to Miss Esther Thompson, Mar. 1, 1921 postmark, from her father]
050 “Seward Tunnel – Gov. R. R.”
051 Valdez…
052 Mile 56
053 Storefront belonging to J. C. Anderson
054 Beeson’s House; Dr. Beeson – C. H. Thompson
055 Ketchikan
056 “The Pennant Winners” 1921, A. E. C. Baseball Team.
057 [House with snow covered area in foreground]
058 [Snow covered ground, railroad tracks in foreground, buildings in background]
059 Scene at Wrangel Narrows
060 Anchorage July 4, 1917
061 Sheep Ranch – Matanuska – Alaska
062 Street Scene, Juneau, Alaska
063 Skating at Lake Otis
064 Street Scene, Anchorage
065 Street Scene, Anchorage, Alaska
066 [Six newborns on a table; Dr. C. H. Thompson stands behind the table with a nurse.]
067 Hospital & Thompson’s House; Anchorage, Alaska.
068 Cordova.
069 Gov. Cottage – Anchorage house (1917); hospital to left of picture.
070 Seward, Alaska
071 “All born the same month” [see also #066]
072 Hospital lawn garden.
073 Harbor – Cordova, Alaska
074 “3% Grade, Mile 48”
075 Valdez, Alaska
076 “Mr. & Mrs. Scott – Anchorage;” note on reverse: “Dr Beeson made 400 mi trip by dog sled to save Scots life.”
077 Coast scene
078 “Celilo Falls” [color post card of Oregon location]